3 December 2021

Weekend Reading

Another good fall of rain this week with over 220mm in the gauge. I say "over" because the rain gauge was overflowing again when I emptied it. It feels wonderful having an abundance of fresh water.

We finally got a neurologist appointment for Hanno. Our GP pushed for him to be seen urgently, the next appointment was in March! We still have over a week to wait and in the meantime he's moving around with the help of a walker and only goes from the bedroom to the living room, and back again at night. 

The Sustain issue of Taproot arrived today with the article on four of us simple living folk - Heather, Alyson, Farai and myself. 

We made the decision to give the chickens away. We've kept chickens for nearly 40 years and it will seem strange not having them clucking in the backyard and having the opportunity to go out and collect fresh eggs.  For everything there is a season.

Another change will be that this will be my last blog post of the year because I'm having trouble keeping up with the work I have to do now. I'm sure you understand. I'll keep in touch with you on Instagram.

I'm getting ready to bake our Christmas cake.  Dried fruit wallowing in French brandy - it should be a good one.

Donna and I had another great online catchup today. I love talking to her face-to-face. We really get each other so the conversation flows and we have a laugh.

Thanks for your visits this year. I hope you enjoy the holidays and have a chance to relax and unwind.  Don't forget, I'll make sporadic posts on Instagram to keep in touch over the holidays.



  1. Keep thinking about Hanno and wondering how he is doing? I don't get instagram/facebook so I can't leave a comment or follow you there.
    Any updates? Dee

    1. Dee--I've copied and pasted below Rhonda's latest update on Instagram from a week ago.

      "It’s painful to write this and I’ve been putting it off for a couple of days to build up the strength I need to find the right words. Hanno went back to SC University Hospital on 22 March after he fell in the bedroom, hitting his head. It was 7.30am and I thought he was still asleep but as he told me later he was “getting ready for work”.

      He was admitted and had scans and X-rays again. The following day we were told there had been a misdiagnosis - Hanno had not had a stroke; what they thought was a stroke was brain cancer. Hanno and I have talked about this scenario quite frequently over the years and I knew he would refuse treatment. And that’s what he told the doctors.

      The doctors thought the cancer was either CNS Lymphoma or Glioblastoma, both aggressive and often fatal cancers. In the end they believed it to be CNS Lymphoma. He’s not receiving treatment but is taking a dexamethasone to reduce the brain swelling which is causing headaches. Of course, he still has the Vascular Dementia. By the time he was discharged, Hanno had difficulty walking and I was told it was best to find a nursing home for him so he could have professional care and pain relief when needed. I looked around and was shocked at what I found but then came across a lovely place at Alexandra Headland and he was admitted there yesterday. That's a photo of his room above.

      It’s really quiet at home now. It’s just Gracie and I - I’m thinking about Hanno and Gracie is still looking for him. When I let her into the bedroom, she goes straight to the spot where Hanno lay after he fell and hit his head. She sits there and doesn’t move until I call her out of the room. Happily, she is allowed to visit Hanno so I’ll take her in next week.

      If you’d like to reach out, I’m sure Hanno would love a few cards. The address is:
      Hanno Hetzel
      ℅ Tantula Rise
      96 Tantula Rd W
      Alexandra Headland 4572

      Thank you for the kindness and support you've shown Hanno and I during this ordeal. We both appreciate it."

    2. Dee, you don't have to sign up or sign in to Instagram to be able to read what I've written. Without the app, it's just a normal webpage. Here's the link: https://www.instagram.com/rhondahetzel/

  2. I just felt led to come to your blog tonight as I wanted to know how you and Hanno were doing. I am so sad to hear about Hanno but I will be praying for him and for you too. You and your blog and Grama Donna and her blog have been blessings in my life and for that I am so grateful. Blessings, Carolyn in Florida

  3. At least here in the US, all we can see are the pictures on the main page of your Instagram without an account--we can't read any of the writing, sadly. Many thanks to BLD for copying your most recent update Rhonda. My prayers are with both you and Hanno.

  4. Thank you Rhonda and BLD in Mt. for the updates. Oh, I am so sorry to read this latest news. May you stay strong as you love and care for Hanno, knowing that he is so ill. Glad you are able to take your Gracie in for visits. Nothing like a dog's love to bring some happiness. Dee

  5. Aunt Diane from StreatorApril 29, 2022 7:54 am

    Love & Prayers from Streator, Illinois, USA

  6. I'm dropping by to say again how much I've enjoyed your writings here at the blog all through the years. I'll be thinking about you and hoping you are both well. Take care of each other!

  7. Hi Rhonda, I read you blog from 2014 or so onwards until you stopped writing. I have read all you books too. It is good to see you writing again. I am so sorry for your loss. My name is Eranga and I live in Sydney. 48 years old and a mother of 2. I love you blog and books. Take care.


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