6 November 2021

Weekend Reading

I'm not well. I was diagnosed with cellulitis of the arm yesterday and I've been told to rest and take antibiotics. The wound was inflicted by Gracie when we were playing last week. I didn't think the skin was broken, but I was wrong. The doctor said that if I get worse, I'm to go straight to the hospital 😮. I already had my list ready so I'm sending it to you and hopefully I'll be back fit and well next week.

These are unused photos from last week.

Weekend Reading



  1. I had a similar infection from a puppy on my calf. Lots of antibiotics but luckily avoided hospital. I hope it settles for you. Best wishes

  2. I hope you are well soon. Thank you for posting the weekend reading. The aurora photos were stunning.

  3. Rhonda,

    do take care, lots of rest, cellulitis can be a major issue. Thanks for all you share.

    Healing hugs from Kansas

  4. Rhonda I am so sorry. Cellulitis can be so uncomfortable. I pray that the antibiotic does the trick. Rest and heal.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about your illness. Rest up and get well. I enjoy your blog very much. Best wishes from Texas!

  6. Oh dear! I hope you feel much better by the end of the weekend. I know you must know what needs to be done for it. Hello to Hanno

  7. Rhonda, I hope the antibiotics work quickly. My hubby had the same thing years ago and it spread down his arm so very quickly. It can happen easily enough. Gracie must be still too frisky 🤭

  8. So sorry to hear you're not well Rhonda. I hope the antibiotics work and you're on the mend quickly. xox Leonie

  9. Best wishes from Germany, take care and get well soon!

  10. Oh dear..thank you for the links. However, just get well is the main thing. Hope you can rest up as the doctor requested x

  11. Rest up and take care of yourself Rhonda - we want to see you back here healthy and well, no emergency hospital journeys please!

  12. Sorry to hear that, not a pleasant condition and not to be ignored. We use to draw dashes around the edges with a biro to check whether it was expanding.

  13. Julie from MooroolbarkNovember 06, 2021 5:51 pm

    Hi Rhonda. Sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with cellulitis. A condition I am most familiar with. Have the doctors used their felt pens and drawn around the redness you are experiencing on your arm? They often do this to see if the redness spreads further. Please be reassured that antibiotics do often get on top of this and I have been hospitalized for this too in the past after surgery. If it comes to going to hospital a cocktail of antibiotics through an I.V. will do the trick.
    As always thinking of us your readers with including some very interesting links.
    Feel better soon and I send you a virtual bunch of your favourite blooms. Look forward to hearing you have returned to good health. Julie xx

  14. So sorry you are poorly Rhonda,I have been hospitalised with cellulitis before and it's no joke. Hope you are resting and will soon be on the mend.

  15. Hope your cellulitis improves and you are feeling much better. Best wishes.

  16. I hope you're soon feeling much better, I know cellulitis and antibiotics can really knock you for six. Take care. xx

  17. Rhonda,

    Praying for an especially quick recovery from the cellulitis. Take the antibiotics as instructed but also take some probiotics (or eat yogurt daily) to protect yourself from diarrhea! Healing wishes from here in Kentucky, USA♥️

  18. Thinking of you and sending you warmest wishes for a smooth and speedy recovery, Rhonda... and sending lots of love to Gracie too, who is probably feeling very contrite!

    With love from,
    Kelly (Mrs. Kiwi)

  19. Oh, Rhonda! Please lay low and take care of your sweet self. Sending healing prayers across the miles...

  20. Wishing you a speedy recovery Rhonda. Rest up and take good care of yourself xxx

  21. Dear Rhonda, I wish you to get well soon.
    Best wishes from France.

  22. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. i am sure Gracie is sorry.

  23. Those sneaky scratches from pups and gardening are the worst. I hope you feel better soon Rhonda, and that the infection gets knocked out without any problems. Hugs!
    Beth in MN

  24. I hope you recover quickly. Cellulitis is no joke. Gracie, take it easy on your mama!

  25. So sorry to hear this, Rhonda. Wishing you a speedy recovery and that you're feeling much better very soon.

  26. Thinking about you and hoping for a speedy recovery. We have had a lot of scratches from our cats and dogs over the years and even the smallest ones can be trouble so I am glad you are taking antibiotics. Cyber hugs from the Yukon, Maureen

  27. Hello from Minnesota. Which is in the northern part of the United States. I was just introduced to your blog this morning by Jenny of elefantz. I am so sorry to hear about your cellulitis. As others have said cellulitis can be very dangerous and very painful. My dad got it on his leg and it spread all the way to his thigh. And being the stubborn man that he was, he refused hospitalization; so he had to drive every night to the emergency department where they would administer IV antibiotics. His was a severe case and it took a long time to heal. He never did figure out how he got it. Anyway I wish you well and I look forward to Future blogs. Peace and blessings to you!

  28. I'm so sorry you are unwell. Please take care of yourself and do everything the doctor tells you to do! Best wishes from Georgia, USA.

  29. Hoping and praying you get much better soon.

  30. Sorry to hear you are unwell. Best wishes for a quick, complete recovery xxx

  31. Sorry to hear you are not well Rhonda, I hope the antibiotics do the trick.

  32. Hoping you have a restful weekend and the antibiotics work to stop the infection.

  33. Rhonda, Hope you are feeling much better in a few days when the antibiotics start to work. Meanwhile I'll enjoy your reading list. Hope you have enough food reserves on hand so that you don't need to do much cooking. Best wishes, Pauline x

  34. Ughhh....cellulitis is awful and can be dangerous and it comes on so quickly. Glad you are in control of it. My husband had it. We think it may have been a spider bite, it was awful and frightening. Take good care of you.

  35. Awwwww.... I hope you're feeling well soon, Rhonda, and that the antibiotics do the trick. Cellulitis is a serious thing not to be played with. I'm glad you headed to the doctor and got treatment right away. Please keep us posted and rest well. Prayers are headed your way. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  36. Take care Rhonda. Antibiotics are wonderful in these situations. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

  37. Pray you get better soon. My husband had it on his face last week and now almost cleared up with antibiotics. He got it from and infected tooth that had an abscess- that has come out. Blessings, Maree.

  38. So sorry to hear you are unwell Rhonda! Sending you well wishes and praying for a speedy recovery.

  39. I sincerely hope you are feeling the benefits of the antibiotics already Rhonda. They can work wonders when they are prescribed with care and your body is not used to them. You´ll probably feel like sleeping a lot which is a good sign.

    I´m just rounding off celebrating the fact I hit the 80 year mark on Wednesday. Still can´t believe it. How did that happen? But I think I have a silly grin on my face most of the time. Is this the old age everyone seems to fear? I´m a happy bunny and feeling good. We "just" had celebrations within the family both in real life and by WhatApp with our Melbourne family. That´s the way I like it. Will have a few lunch/coffee outings with a few friends later on.

    Lucky Tasmania seeing such displays of the Aurora. My husband has an app which sends a signal if there´s any chance of seeing them in our region. Unfortunately we we live too far south in Sweden to get many "pings" on his phone. We could have seen them a few nights ago but it was a real november night with thick mist. Ah well...

    Hope to hear soon that you have recovered.
    Take care.
    Ramona xx

  40. I had cellulitis in my calf from my cat - nip or scratch, not sure. Once on antibiotics it cleared up quickly, as I hope yours will.

    I had never seen this before (after 40+ years of having cats), and it showed up early one morning when I saw a large red patch on my leg when I got up to go to the bathroom. I took pictures with my phone to keep track of it. In my case they also did some blood work, and one marker caused concern. They sent me for a Doppler to rule out a blood clot. Fortunately that was not a problem. Oddly, I never felt ill, though the red patch felt a little warm, but not hot.

  41. Hi Rhonda!

    Sorry to read you have cellulitis, and glad that you sought medical attention quickly. Hopefully by the time that you read this you are well on your way to a speedy recovery. Thank you for posting about it, as I have never heard of cellulitis and am the type that would have probably ignored it thinking it would clear up on it's own.

  42. My daughter gets this when she has been bitten badly by an insect. I hope you swiftly have relief from the antibiotics.

  43. Rhonda,
    Hope that by now the meds have dome their job and you are on the mend, enjoying your beautiful home.

  44. I don't know what that is. I will have to look it up. It sounds like an infection. I hope that you are feeling better and that the antibiotic worked. Our skin does get thinner with age. I take band aids, soap and water with me everywhere. Sometimes the slightest nick can cause the skin to tear.

  45. Rhonda,

    Hope you are okay and are taking it easy. XO

  46. Hope your arm gets better with the antibiotics and you don't need to go to hospital however you don't want to leave it too long either with serious infections. Have a good week. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  47. Rest up, Rhonda! Sorry to hear about your arm. I hope the antibiotics help. Sending love. X

  48. Oh, my! My FIL and stepfather have both experienced this condition. I'll be thinking of you and hope the antibiotics do the trick. I am so thankful you have access to good medical care.

  49. Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry to hear about this. Take care of yourself and take it easy, and we'll be here when you're rested and back at full strength!

  50. Take care Rhonda and those antibiotics will kick in and wipe out the infection. Rest and eat well, you will soon be back with us soon. We will miss you till you return. But we'll be here hoping and praying you are recovered.

  51. So sorry to hear that your play session with poor Gracie made you ill.

    While you are resting and hopefully recovering well, I was just wondering if you have access to pressreader via your state library. Here in NSW, one of the magazines we can access online is Country Living from the UK. A digital copy isn't as good as the real thing, but it might be a useful 2nd best if the QLD version of pressreader has the same content. You probably already know all all this, but just in case ... Colette

  52. Take care and rest up - hoping you are on the mend.

  53. Goodness! Take care,best wishes for a speedy recovery

  54. I hope you are feeling better. Best wishes from Portugal. Nina

  55. Oh goodness -- I do hope you are recovering well and didn't require a trip to hospital for I.V. antibiotics! Best wishes for thorough healing!

  56. Kimberly (the old one from the beginning of the blogs and forums)November 11, 2021 4:21 am

    My comment seems to have been eaten by the ether. I hope you are healing thoroughly and didn't need to go to hospital!

  57. Rhonda, I do hope that the antibiotics have done their job and that you're feeling much better.

  58. Hi Rhonda, I hope you are feeling better. Sending you lots of revitalising energy and best wishes, Helena x

  59. Thinking of you Rhonda and hoping all is well.

  60. Nice! Greetings from Romania!

  61. I'm reading this 10 days later (I sometimes save your posts until I have time to go through and read the links) and I hope by now you're doing much better!

    I particularly liked the article about retraining the frazzled brain. I've felt like I'm losing my mind, not sure what I can't focus on much of anything anymore.


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