16 October 2020

Weekend Reading

We've continued to get the garden ready for summer but the most important part of this week has been preparing for the publication of the paperback Down to Earth and writing some publicity articles for Penguin to distribute. The book will be ready for sale next week - 20 October. The RRP is $34.99 but Booktopia has its presale price at AU $27.75. It's also available at Book Depositary and Amazon if you're reading this far, far away. 

If you haven't read my first book, I hope you get a copy with this release. It's my manifesto and a full description of what Hanno and I did when we decided to make a complete and significant life change in the early 2000s. I think it would make a good Christmas gift too, especially for young people just starting out or for older folk who are unsure how to move ahead during Covid. This lifestyle makes complete sense for a whole lot of different reasons in 2020. It will help you make your home a shelter, it will guide you towards decisions about how to grow, store, preserve, cook and bake food, and it will help you decide how you can make your home productive and move further away from buying everything you need from the shop.

Above: A simple breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon.  I use natural bacon with no added nitrates or preservatives.  Below: Getting ready to roll out a batch of dog biscuits for Gracie.

Now that the lavender flowers are starting to die off, I'll cut the top of the bush off, removing all the flowers.  That should give me another flush of flowers in summer.

Here are some of the things I've read during the week, I hope you enjoy them:
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Kerry asked me to pass on his thanks and gratitude for all the lovely messages of hope he received here and Instagram last week. He's recovering nicely and has just returned to work and the gym. Hanno and I thank you for your kindness and grace too.

So that's all my news for the moment, what are you up to?



  1. The "far far away" seems even further when I hear someone say they're getting ready for *summer*!! *lol* The leaves have turned & are falling ferociously here in Indiana in the United States and we are wearing sweatshirts as we try to get the outdoors ready for the onslaught of lake-effect snow that is sure to arrive within the next couple months... if it waits that long. Enjoy your sweet spring & summer... and your paperback book launch. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. Congratulations on the paperback publication of Down to Earth, Rhonda! I've had the hardback since it first came out and revisit it often. We had beautiful fall color the this year that seemed to last longer than usual. However, the leaves are quickly falling now and we had our first snow/ice pellet showers today. It's already melted, but the warning bell has been rung. I didn't intend to, but I've been sitting here reading all of the links today and everyone was worth it. The Irish Cottage tour was really lovely. Thanks for taking the time to gather and share. Beth in MN

  3. Simple things are the best. Sometimes I need to remind myself to slow down and enjoy the little things.

  4. Rhonda...I have your hard copy version, and also gifted one to my daughter a few years ago after reading. She is mid thirties, career focused, but also wanting simplicity. I feel good knowing she has a copy at her fingertips when needed. So much great advice...thank you again Rhonda. All the best with your new launch.
    In my garden, I pulled up my little crop of carrots...some even look like carrots! Beetroot and capsicum seedlings sprouting. Husband's kale crop going crazy...he had decided he loves kale chips. Just lovely to see the growth spurt on everything. Hoping everyone enjoys the season they are in.

  5. Hi Rhonda...I have not received any notifications from your blog spot in a few weeks...don't know why. So I searched you out tonight and am happy to find you again. Glad for the good news for Kerry and your family. Here in northwest Florida we are patiently waiting for Fall!!! Still in the 80's and higher in the day time. However we still have all of our fall decorations up both inside and out. Blessings to you and Hanno and your family. Carolyn Gilbert

  6. I'm glad to hear that Kerry is doing well. Congratulations on your paperback book being released. That's wonderful. I love that book. It is a treasure.

  7. Good morning Rhonda and Hanno, congratulations on the book republishing. I can highly recommend everyone should have it in their library of essential references and it all seems so relevant for these times, especially in places where people are feeling that life is a bit unstable at this time. Our regional Victorian area has been a little unlocked as we haven't any new covid cases. We can now have two people to visit, this will feel odd after 6 months with none! I am organizing visits to optometrists etc while we feel a bit safer,before the holiday makers start moving around again.I noticed the gorgeous Gracie's hunting near ?' Prayer' plants,down here I grow them quite well but only indoors. I will be repotting several indoor plants this week and making Christmas cake. Best wishes.๐Ÿ™ƒ

    1. We call “prayer” plants Madonna lillies. These are miniatures and they grow like weeds here. Nice plants though. I’m so pleased things are beginning to open up down there. I hope you bake a fine Christmas cake this year.

  8. going to have a go at that cherry pudding. I love old favourites, would be amazing with some cream.

  9. Do you cook with or eat the lavender flowers if so how? I saw a bag of lavender flowers in the health food shop recently (in the food section) so now I am curious. The flowers were extremely expensive and I was wondering how to prepare them at home. Megan


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