5 June 2020

Weekend Reading

We've been really busy this week. Hanno's had a couple of health issues and had to go for an unexpected checkup with his eye specialist. The doctor uncovered a problem, a retinal vein occlusion,  and did an operation on the spot.  As I'm writing this, he's visiting his GP because of high blood pressure. Hopefully, there will be an easy solution for that too.

The garden on Wednesday.

We sold our car and bought a new (to us) car. It took a lot of reading to work out the best car for us at this stage of life. Luckily, we sold our car on Monday and bought our new car yesterday, which involved a trip to Brisbane. Not my favourite thing but we ended up driving out of the car yard with our new car, which Hanno drove back home while I followed him in our old car.  The new owners will pick it up today.

Today I'll do some housekeeping and gardening that I missed during the week and I'm looking forward to a drive in the new car and a rest over the weekend. Our COVID restrictions are easing so Shane went back to work on Wednesday. Kerry has continued to open his sushi shop all through the lockdown so they're both happy that work and travel are starting up again in our state. By the way, if you're coming to the Sunshine Coast soon, Shane is the head chef at Noosa Reef Hotel and Kerry's shop - BHappy Sushi, is on the beach at 1 Mooloolaba Esplanade, Mooloolaba, right next to the surf club. Both of them serve excellent food.

I hope you're doing well during the lockdown and you can see a light at the end of the tunnel. If not, hold on and keep yourself and your family safe until the restrictions start to lift. It won't last forever.

Take care, friends, and enjoy the weekend.



  1. Rhonda, I hope you enjoy driving your new car. Just as well Hanno went to the doctor when he did as eye issues can progress very quickly and require immediate intervention as you already know from your nursing experience I am sure. Hopefully with more easing of restrictions we can have a couple of our simple living meetings before the end of the year if we have room at the venue for self distancing. Have a relaxing weekend and give the crazy doggie a big hug from me.

    1. Will do Chel. I hope you have a good weekend too. xx

  2. Hi Rhonda,

    your garden looks gorgeous as always. I'm sorry to hear that Hanno has had some health problems, I hope they are quickly resolved. Winter arrived suddenly on Tuesday with snow! I have the fire going and have done most of the house work so I'm looking forward to your weekend reading with a pot of tea.

    Have a great weekend,


  3. Glad he got seen quickly. Very difficult to see our doctor but can get most things done over the phone. Hope his blood pressure gets sorted, it’s no joke.

    1. Thank you. Both Hanno's doctors are very good. His GP is called Dr Gentle!

  4. So sorry to hear about Hanno's problems. I hope he recovers quickly.
    It must be car buying season - we just did an upgrade too. I have recently been reviewing your archives and it has been lovely to see how your garden has evolved over the years. The flowers in your current garden look great. Thank you for the weekend reading again.

  5. I watch/listen to Niamh at Fairyland Cottage (The Art of Simple Living) every week, her little videos are just so calming aren't they. And just what we need in these uncertain times.

  6. Thanks for the lovely feedback, Julie. xx

  7. Sorry to hear Hanno has been having a tough time but it´s great that you have accessible, reliable doctors on hand. So many people here even with serious conditions have had to accept that things are not functioning as they should. Staff from healthcentres are being requisitioned to the hospitals. Our COVID restrictions here in Sweden have only been relaxed to allow travel within the country, but all the others are still in place. To let you compare figures, we have right now 44000 confirmed cases, 2000 in intensive care and 4,656 deaths from the disease.

    We said goodbye to our last car three years ago but we manage pretty well without one. Busses etc work very well. Right now though it would have been good to take a trip somewhere not having to use public transport. I haven´t left our property since early March. We were so happy to get a visit from our daughter today, sitting in the summer garden with the correct distance between us. So hard to remember - no hugs. On the bright side, we are lucky in that we can keep up contacts within our family via Zoom videoconferences. Thank you for your quiet optimism. Your blog is always a warm reminder that our homes are our true safe havens. Enjoy your weekend. xx
    Ramona/Uppsala, Sweden

    1. Hello Ramona. I've been reading about the COVID problem in Sweden. I'm really pleased you had a visit from your daughter. It's hard not to hug and touch when that is our nature. In Australia, we have had 7255 confirmed cases, 102 deaths and in our state we now have 3 active cases.

      Stay safe. xx

  8. I've enjoyed your site for many years Rhonda. You have a lovely way of giving us a glimpse into your purposeful life and I've learned much from you! Our COVID restrictions here in Texas are beginning to ease as well, but we're happy to stay put as much as possible. There are lots of meaningful activities to keep us occupied whether dealing with calves, the bees, the chickens or the garden. Well wishes go out to you and Hanno - stay safe! ~TxH~

    1. Hello Tammy, thank you. I think social isolation is the very best way to stay safe so I'm pleased you're doing that. It's easier for those of us with gardens to get outside and busy ourselves. I feel for those who are in apartments or rented rooms with only a short period outside for exercise. Thanks for your comment. xx

  9. Good morning from bleak and cold southern Victoria! Best wishes to Hanno for a quick resolution to his health issues. We never take for granted how lucky we are with our health care here. Enjoy the new car I am sure you have chosen something practical and comfortable. I was able to have a socially responsible visit with my sister during the week,even though she only lives about an hour away,we haven't been face to face since early March,I know you will understand how special that felt!! Warm soup,banana cake and quilting this week,with a small dog always needing a nurse. Have a lovely safe week🙃

    1. Hello Jenny. I'm glad you're fairing well during the COVID crisis. Yes, meeting with our sisters is a real treat. It sounds like a good week ahead. xx

  10. Your new photo is so cute. I love your expression. I hope that Hanno is healing well. Congratulations on the new car. So glad that you have your lush garden and chickens to enjoy. It makes all the difference.

  11. Loved the Art of Simple Living video, just watching it made me calmer. Must explore more of those.

  12. Sorry to hear Hanno has had some health issues and I hope things improve soon. A new to you car is exciting and I hope you will be very happy with your choice. We went for a drive to Boonah yesterday. It was good to get out of Brisbane for the day. Enjoy the week ahead.

  13. I want you to know that I appreciate your weekly column. I enjoy reading and watching your list. I hope Hanno's health improves

  14. All the best for Hanno, hope he feels and sees better. Thanks so much for the links, even it is not a weekend, I am looking forward to read some on my day off.

  15. Good morning Rhonda and readers,
    I am spending the morning catching up on my favourite blogs. I do have a question though. I have developed a love of weaving that began with the lockdown during the initial Covid-19 outbreak. I was hoping to weave some dishcloth squares. Do you think they would be as good as the knitted versions? I understand from the article you shared Rhonda that a cotton thread would be best suited.
    I look forward to your reply and do hope Hanno has had his medical issues resolved by now.
    Kindest regards, Vicky

    1. Hi Vicky. I’ve never woven anything so I can’t say for sure but I don’t see why there’d be a problem with woven cloths. You just have to make one and see.


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