7 February 2020

Weekend reading

In the past few months I've been asked by quite a few readers to restart my Weekend Reading. This list is made up of things I've Googled in the past week as well as some of my general online reading that I think others might be interested in.  Let's see how it goes this time.  I hope you enjoy it.

I didn't grow these roses, they were a gift.  ðŸ™‚

Learn Embroidery with 32 helpful stitch instructions  I had a number of ladies asking about how I made my bread bag. Well, it's just a drawstring bag made of linen, with decorative embroidery.  I always draw my own patterns with a pencil. I hope this page will help start those ladies on the road to embroidery.
What is punch needle embroidery? - I'm dying to do this.  I made a couple of rugs (40 years ago) but this kept popping into my mind.  When I finish a few other projects, this is what I'll be doing.
Not enough hours in the day? Well, finding more may not help
How To Make Impossibly Fluffy Japanese-Style Pancakes and the rice cooker method is here.
Stories for a changing world (videos)
Connecting elderly care with local communities
Musings from the Lunatic Farmer
3 Home Dairy Myths That Are Holding You Back
I just found this article and include it now, it's Julia Gillard's greatest speech. She is our ex-Prime Minister.  It's just been voted the most unforgettable Australian TV moment, one of many accolades it's received since it was delivered.  I watched the Misogyny Speech again three weeks ago because I wanted to clearly remember what she said. She is an absolute inspiration to me.


  1. Thank you Rhonda I always loved your weekend reading list. It often lead me to ideas that would never have occurred to me. Loved your embroidery pattern.

  2. Punch needle appeals to me, too! But at the moment, I don't need to add another craft with all its attendant supplies.

  3. I am always interested in your weekend reading lists, Rhonda. There's always gems in the links to things I'm interested in reading/learning about. Have a great weekend! MegXx

  4. Thanks for this, Rhonda. It is a great idea; and one I will partake in this weekend.

  5. I had never heard of the Lunatic Farmer but now I have read a couple of posts I will be back to read more. Thanks for the links Rhonda!

  6. You are right, Julia is such an inspiration! I am forever grateful to her for what she has done and continues to do for fairness and equality. Thanks Rhonda for giving your readers access to this wonderful, blistering and truthful speech!

  7. Gorgeous roses!

    I felt nostalgic seeing the weekend reading title, I used to look forward to it so much. My life was a bit more hectic then, and whenever I saw 'Weekend Reading', I would feel disbelief that it was Friday again!

    Have a great weekend,Rhonda.


  8. Thanks for this list...most interesting. By the way, the top one also goes to the punch embroidery site.

  9. Thank you Rhonda for sharing this list! Have already explored 3 of the suggestions and a book that I want to read. I love embroidery but only know 3 or 4 stitches. Hope to learn more. The Lunatic Farmer is great and the stories for a changing world look so interesting. Will enjoy exploring more. Blessings from Florida, Carolyn Gilbert

  10. Very timely post! I have just decided to use some left over muslin/net to make covers to protect food from flies, and was thinking of doing some embroidery around the edge. Thank you for all your inspiring words.

  11. Thankyou! I have really missed these items ....

  12. Julia Gillard was given such a hard time when she was PM I don't think she was given a chance. I'm just going to read her speech now. Thank you.

  13. Yeah! Weekend Reading suggestions from Rhonda. A perfect way to end a Friday.
    I read the Not Enough Hours in the Day article with interest. "Stop cleaning the kitchen for a week, and your partner may reach a threshold of disgust and pick up the mop themselves." They may not. I tried this strategy and it failed... Despite promises to do their bit, and gentle prods. I hung in there until the bins stank, the drain was clogged, the floor was sticky... It was me who reached the threshold of disgust and went back to cleaning it myself! It's not all bad and I have modified my approach. I now say "Yes" every time I am asked 'Is there anything I can do to help'. A quick scan of the immediate environment usually yields something that needs to be put away, so opportunities are grabbed with both hands.

  14. I really like that you are including these interesting links. Thank you!

  15. Thank you so much for sharing this again. I missed these. So many inspiring and useful links. Thank you.

  16. I am so pleased you have decided to do this again. I never have the time to search out these kinds of readings. You have introduced me to some interesting articles/Youtude docs in the past. Thank you

  17. Julia Gillards speech was inspirational, wish we had a woman in politics here in the U.K. with her backbone and ability to speak off the cuff with such passion and integrity.

  18. Thanks for bringing back Weekend Reading Rhonda - I always enjoy going off on the trail behind you to see what you've found and learn something new. I was not familiar with Julia Gillard but I watched her speech and did some further reading after that. It's discouraging to think what she was enduring only 9 years ago - it makes you wonder what it will take for that kind of thinking to finally die. Her speech was phenomenal - a complete verbal take down! And the icing on the cake was the chance to see her slowly wipe the smirk off Tony Abbot's face. Here's to strong women! Beth in MN

  19. aaahhh, beautiful roses. I am a lover of roses, with red being my favorite (although I love them all). : )


  20. I attended the live show of a comedy feminist podcast (The Guilty Feminist) on Saturday in Sydney, and Julia Gillard was the guest speaker. The topic of the show was leadership, so she was an obvious choice. She was excellent, and had a few excellent punchlines too! She was given a standing ovation, twice.

    1. How fabulous! I'm so glad she got a couple of standing ovations. Do you know what she's doing now?


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