19 August 2019

I'll be back

Life is bubbling along nicely here. Hanno and I have been decluttering, again, we've had numerous visitors, Jamie spent the day with us yesterday, of course I've been baking and cooking, but most of my attention and energy has been given to the garden. What else can you do at this time of year? Spring is almost here, the days here are getting warmer and plants are starting to grow again.

We grow French lavender here, in our climate it's much better than the others.  This bush is about a metre tall now, is covered with flowers and bees visit it from early morning to late afternoon. 

Sitting out in the garden, when the shade has crept in, I've been planning, weeding, pruning, taking cuttings and repotting some of the pot plants. I always watch what the birds are doing out there and a few days ago I was surprised to see a big kerfuffle between a huge gang of native miners and a group of peewees (magpie larks). They seem to have been fighting over a large tree near our house. There was lots of screeching and dive bombing and finally the peewees all perched in the tree with the miners circling, and then they flew off. Crisis over.

Gracie is always ready for a game.

The owners of Gracie's brother contacted me on IG the other day and since then I've seen a few photos of Fergus.  He and Gracie look so much alike!  Fergus lives just south of us so I'm hoping he and his owners will come up for morning tea soon so brother and sister can meet again. I have no doubt they'll run around like a couple of crazy things and have a great time.

You might have noticed I've been away longer than usual and I'm really only here today to tell you that I'm going to take a break until I feel I want to write again. I have no doubt the urge will return but in the meantime I'll close the gate and potter along here quietly. I have to have a follow up MRI soon too so when all that is done and I feel refreshed and ready to write, I'll be back.  Take care, everyone. ❤️



  1. Glad to hear you are enjoying time in the garden. The sun is nice this time of year. I hope your break and your tests have the very best outcomes for you. Take care. Trish xx

  2. Hi Rhonda
    My lavender is going crazy here too, which I'm so pleased to see. It gets more sunlight now after some rearranging in the yard, so is growing much better now. Not sure what variety of lavender it is. I was just thinking the other day, I'm so glad I got to meet you and Hanno at your last library talk. Although I fall short in some aspects that I would like to do better with, you have been a guiding light to me and inspire me to keep going and to keep striving to do better in my quest for a simple and good life for my family. I can't thank you enough for that. Wishing you all the best with your follow-up MRI and hope you enjoy your break and feel refreshed soon. Love Kelly xo

  3. Rhonda, I hope the MRI results are good. Enjoy the break and give that crazy Gracie a hug from me. It is so dry here even the weeds are dying :-) Enjoy your garden.

  4. I love hearing from you even when there are big breaks in between. I can always read your archive if i get bored!

  5. Safe travels Rhonda.

  6. Thank you so very much for sharing your life! I read each post, and I feel so connected. I send much good energy and many good wishes for you and Hanno and your family. Write when you feel like writing and we will be happy to hear your thoughts. Peace and joy, Dianna

  7. Cheerio for now, Rhonda! Glad to hear all is well in your corner of the world, and do enjoy your springtime break.

  8. Have a wonderful break, Rhonda. We will be here waiting for updates when you reopen the gate :) Hope you have a very good report from your MRI. Wishing you, Hanno and Gracie all the best. Donna

  9. Best wishes with your MRI, your garden is looking beautiful. I love lavender.

    Thanks so much for your offer of salvia cuttings on your last post, I would very much appreciate them. Apologies for not responding sooner but we have technology/power issues here that took longer to get sorted then I anticipated. The joys of off-grid living.

    Gracie will love her play date with her brother, they will make you laugh seeing them run about like mad things together!


  10. Take a good break, Rhonda; you deserve it. Take care and refresh yourself. By the way, that looks actually like Spanish lavender; which grows with the little "rabbit ears" on top of the stalk.

    1. Hi hopflower. thank you. Spanish lavender, French lavender and topped lavender are all the same plant - Lavandula stoechas. They grow better in warmer climates.

  11. Enjoy your writing break and your garden. I hope your MRI gives good results and that you will be back soon.

  12. I know what you mean by declutter. This morning I drop off bag of mainly socks to local thrift store.
    Coffee is on

  13. Take good care of yourself Rhonda, wishing you well and of course will be still here when you come back, best wishes Judi.

  14. Like so many others Rhonda I'll look forward to your return. In the meantime I wish you the very best for your MRI and I hope you have a relaxing and rewarding time in your spring garden. xox Leonie

  15. Take care, Rhonda. There will be many people thinking of you and wishing you well as the weeks unfold. Your garden looks beautiful - just the right space for pottering, contemplating and resting. Enjoy.

  16. Wishing you the very best of results for your upcoming tests and hoping your break really is that.
    Thank you for sharing more of your lovely garden... always a joy. I will start planning my vegetable garden soon..just so looking forward to warmer weather!

  17. Glad you’re doing what feels right for you Rhonda. It’s even sweeter when there’s a little break in your posts. Makes me appreciate you even more.

  18. I hope all goes well for you. I'm sure you'll soon be eating your lovely strawberries! Michelle in Wellington, NZ

  19. All the best for your MRI Rhonda!
    And I'm glad that you are able to step back and take a break when you need to from your blog but I must say that its always a pleasure when you share your beautiful musings.
    Take care. Helen from WA.

  20. all the best with the MRI
    your gardens look wonderful, enjoy the break
    Gracie is so entertaining :))
    thanx for sharing

  21. It looks lovely there this time of year. The anticipation of spring gardening is so wonderful, isn't it?
    Love your new profile photo.

    Best wishes to you on your hiatus. Hope all goes well with your test.

  22. Aunt Diane from StreatorAugust 19, 2019 11:03 pm

    Have a nice “reset”. You deserve it!

  23. Keep yourself well Rhonda and enjoy the season! Wishing you the best re. the MRI. Love the pix of Hanno and Gracie. Hope she gets to play with brother soon. Have a beautiful day:-)

  24. I love that picture of Gracie and Hanno :)
    Do take care of yourself getting ready for spring.
    Here in NJ we have a heatwave again, ugh!
    Our poor plants this summer have been beaten up by dramatic high temperatures and heavy rains. Most of my lavender died, save for one plant and some seeds never grew. Not sure if that was due to a bad batch, birds eating them or bad luck. Oh well, try again next spring right?
    Enjoy your break, you will be missed. XO

  25. Rhonda, enjoy spring and being outdoors before the heat arrives. Whenever you're ready to return, we'll be here. I also hope your MRI results are good. Finally, a happy belated birthday to Miss Gracie - if her brother comes for a visit I'm sure there will be some good pics/video to come out of that encounter! Take care. Beth in MN

  26. Hi Rhonda, That's exciting news for Gracie. Dogs love to play with their siblings. I hope that all goes well with you MRI and healing. Sending you good vibes...

  27. I do hope the puppies get together, please take some pics and share them when you feel inspired. Blessings for the MRI and enjoy the spring changes xo

  28. Good luck with your MRI and your health, will be thinking of you. xx Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  29. enjoy your time. We'll be here. xoxo

  30. Sending hugs and best wishes to you both!Our next door neighbour has the same as you Rhonda and has managed it successfully for twenty years,so fingers crossed! It has been cool with a bitter wind on the southern coast but we have been eating silverbeet,the last of the broccoli,spring onions and lots of parsley and the treasure of winter fresh coriander. Broad beans are shooting,and potatoes in pots.My worm cafe is pretty full so that will get all the next seasons plantings off to a good start.Will be pottering along down here with you,might make a lemon drizzle cake for afternoon teaπŸ˜‹

  31. Hi Rhonda, Thanks for the tip about French Lavendar, I will try some here in the North, I'm sure our bees will love it as well. Your gifted garlic to me continues to grow and I can't wait to see how it has grown in September. Enjoy your break and just pottering. Warm wishes, Pauline

  32. Enjoy a lovely rest, with some pottering about in your nice garden.
    I hope you get good news with your next MRI. Take care both of you. xx

  33. I too Rhonda just had a break and now feel inclined to post again.
    I will miss seeing you around but time to yourself and your health and peace of mind is far more important.
    Take care my blogging friend,
    All the best to you and Hanno
    Jane and Brian.

  34. The lavender looks lovely, one of my favourite plants. Take care of yourself Rhonda.

  35. Hello simple living lovelies!
    Ive been wanting to drop you a line to tell you ,your simple living books are my Bible's!
    Much thanks my friends,im knitting as I speak ☺️

  36. Enjoy your spring, I love spring best of all and we are heading in to late summer here. Best of luck with your tests. I'll look forward to seeing your posts once you feel like writing again. Denise

  37. Enjoy your break our dear friend...Hope you get good MRI results... I love hearing about and seeing your day to day life...so peaceful !

  38. I hope your MRI results come back with a positive result. Your garden is looking beautiful. I wish the weather was warming up here, but still some time to go. But the urge to attack the weeds and towering nettle, and put in my seed order is there. Always an exciting time of year! Look forward to seeing you back here again. In the meantime, enjoy your time pottering in the garden - there is no place lovelier.

  39. Rhonda your writing has been such an inspiration for simple living. I hope you continue to share your life with us with all of it's challenges - because that what life is about, and the beauty of our stories. Best wishes

  40. Pray for good results. You need a break. We will be waiting until you are ready to come back. I will keep you in my prayers. Take care.

  41. Hope you have a good break and mri results are positive. So lovely to read your posts, recent or past ones, Your garden llooks beautiful. Love Nia xx

  42. Take Care! I hope the MRI will go well.
    Hugs from The Netherlands ❤️

  43. Best wishes for the MRI Rhonda. Take care. xx

  44. Potter along and I hope you enjoy your time away from the blog. But I will also await your return! I hope for good results on the MRI.

  45. Dear Rhonda, I hope you, Hannover and your property are safe during the fires.😘

    1. Thanks Brenda. We're all fine here.

    2. That's good xx Sorry, I just noticed good old auto correct changed Hanno to Hannover!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      Take care xx

  46. Dear Rhonda, hope you and your loved ones are ok. Miss you here.

  47. I read your first book a few times. It is so inspiring. I was an at-home mom for 17 years. I now work part-time. I am going to use the money to pay off $7000 debt and build an emergency fund. My garden is nice because we have organic bunny poop. We aren't getting as many vegetables as we could. I have 4 rabbits and 2 quail in less than a fifth of an acre. I have so much to learn. Thanks so much for your encouragement and inspiration.

    1. Thanks Lisa. What a great goal to pay off that debt; I bet you'll feel happy and accomplished when you do it. I've been gardening for decades and I still learn a lot from it. The challenge of it grabs me and then the vegetables and fruit are the pay off. Happy gardening!

  48. Thank you. I will be searching your blog for ideas. I pray that you are well.


  49. Hi Rhonda, still not on Instagram, so am stopping in here to wish Hanno a very happy birthday and many more! I enjoyed checking out the pictures of the special dinner Sunny made - it looked so delicious. Glad all is well at your house. Beth in MN

    1. Hi Beth, it's good to see you. Hanno says thanks.

  50. Just stopping in to say that I am thinking of you and your family. Hope that all is well. Missing your writings, but looking hopefully towards a time when you will feel like being here again. Blessings, Carolyn in Florida

  51. Congrats on your 40th anniversary lovebirds! I think your choice in eye wear still qualifies you as hipsters - especially Hanno's sunglasses! Beth in MN


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