12 June 2019

What are you making?

I want to get a better idea of what everyone is making for the Do Whatever You Want Bee. The bee started 4 June and will end on Tuesday 2 July. Everyone is welcome to join in - from all corners of the world.  Instead of being confined to one craft or item, you can do what ever you like, using the technique you prefer, as long as it's for your home. So tea cosies, tablecloths, dishcloths, napkins, nappies/diapers, cushions, curtains, jug covers, crocheted edging on pillow slips, whatever. Some ladies are doing a summer blouse and dog coats.  

The uninspiring photo above is my project.  I'm repurposing an old doona cover into a tablecloth. All I've done so far is unpick the doona and measure the fabric on the table.  It won't take me long to finish it, which I hope to do today or tomorrow.

We have a number of very talented crafters lurking in the background so if you get stuck with with your project, or if you're new to this kind of house work, let me know and I might be able to get someone to give you some advice. 

When you finish your project, take a photo and sent it to me. I'll add all the photos to the downtoearthsewing gallery. If you add your Instagram name, I'll add that to the information on your photo and you may get a flow through of crafters eager to see what else you've been up to.

So what have you decided to do and how much have you done?


  1. I am actually making a simple shell style top. I haven't formally joined the bee though am following along to see what everybody is making:-) Afraid I won't be able to complete it on time:-/ I used to make nearly all of my clothes but haven't for some time. They were so much nicer since they fit properly. Looking forward to that again.

    1. No worries, Lady Locust. It's good to have some friends of the bee. Good luck with your top.

  2. I am going to try and make a cushion cover using slow stitching...I too wasn't sure about making it in time. I have a white warm piece of wool fabric I found at an opshop which I will use as the cover base. Very wintry today in Melbourne so am making a start.

  3. I am working on some gloves. They're not really for the home, but I want to get them finished. I accidentally vacuumed up some of the yarn, and it got all tangled up in the wheel of my vacuum cleaner, so I don't know if I'll have enough left to finish them. I hope so. Your fabric is so pretty...

  4. I have found my fabric and popped it in the machine today for a pre-wash before I sew. Have been looking into patterns and decided to draw my own, fairly simple. I need someting they don't get their paws stuck inside when I'm not looking 😊. Pam

  5. I'm trying to use up some cotton scraps and knit some potholders.

  6. I would have loved to join this project since I really loved the apron sewing bee! But unfortunately I am much too busy to join this one. I'm preparing to have my daughter married in early July and even though I'm four hours drive away I still have a lot of preparation to do (along with the stress!). And of course normal life stresses are such that I can't do any personal projects for now. This is the first of our kids to marry and she's the youngest child.


  7. Inspired to pick up the 'needle' again with the apron sewing bee I am spending the rainy cold days on a cross stitch.I am not sure yet but I may get it framed for the wall.So grateful for the inspiration I am loving it and find it so relaxing.

  8. I am knitting a simple rectangle for my friends birthday. She loves to read in bed but her shoulders and upper arms get painful in the cooler weather. I made one for myself which tucks nicely around the shoulders and drapes down the upper arms. It is so much easier to put aside when ready to sleep than the a bed jacket. Also only just learnt to knit so staying with something achievable.

  9. I found some sheets in a thrift shop that were in the bargain bin and I am making them into curtains for a small bedroom. Apparently someone was trying to make something out of them at one point because they were cut up in odd ways, but I think I have enough for two windows. I paid less than $1.00 for everything so I am looking forward to seeing what I can do with them.

  10. I am finishing off a jumper that my mum started knitting just before she died at the end of March. She'd done about 8" of the back of it and I vowed that I would finish it off for her. I think it was intended for me as the size is one that could only fit me, I think she was probably doing it as a surprise for my birthday in October. Not sure that I'll get it finished by your deadline Rhonda, but I am on the last sleeve now and will post a picture of the finished article when it's done.

    1. That is very special and a lovely way to remember you mum. It doesn't matter when you finish it but you must send a photo when you do. xx

  11. I have started my slow stitching piece - it’s about half way done & is a really relaxing way to practice my embroidery skills. I think I’m going to frame mine and hang it on a wall. I’m using small pieces of fabric from other projects and really like that I haven’t needed to buy any supplies. Melissa

  12. I’m knitting a sweater (jumper) that I started nine years ago! I gained weight and had to rip it ALL out. I will not be denied and so I’m starting it again. It won’t be done by the end date, but that’s ok.

  13. I am crocheting an edging on a lacy knit top
    that I bought which I feel has an unfinished
    look.I am making little flowers to add to it

    1. Sorry I should have said,
      I only found out about this bee today.
      I also do not think I will be finished
      on time,but look forward to seeing what
      others have made.

  14. I sewed and quilted a baby quilt by hand. Now I am starting on another. Quilt making is a meditative process for me, very calming and soothing to my soul.

  15. I am restocking our very worn out cloth napkins. I have around 50 napkins cut and ready to hem.

  16. I am making a tablecloth and buntings for the old farm kitchen The hauntings are finished but hopefully the tablecloth will be.

  17. I haven't joined the bee but there are lovely projects on the go, very much looking forward to seeing photos.Inspiration is always gained looking at what others have made.
    As Lady Locust I do need to get back to sewing clothes.


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