18 April 2019

Easter - sit back and relax

It's been a busy week. Shane, Alex and Eve slept here last night. Jamie is here now, Shane is at work and soon they'll go over to Kerry and Sunny's to have a sleepover with Jamie. He even cleaned his room for the big event!  It's surprising how much you forget about normal life at various points in time.  It's only when we have the grandkids here that I remember looking after my own sons and the feeding, drinks, colouring in, playing, arguments, broken sleep, walking on small pieces of Lego 🙄 and the pure joy of looking after little people. And just how relentless it is.

Starting work on the rabbit while I watched Gardeners World.

In the couple of days before the gang arrived, I worked on the ballerina rabbit birthday present for Eve who turns four on Sunday. I struggled for a while with the shoes and then realised the answer was to hand-stitch them and then cut the felt slightly outside the stitch lines.  Eureka!  By the time Eve arrived, I'd sewn and re-sewn the shoes, and for days had thought about what to make for her top.  I finally settled on a knitted shawl, tied at the back the way I've seen some ballerinas wear their shawls.  She liked it but I think she preferred playing with the Peppa Pig car and passengers. Oh well, she might be next week's favourite.

Here she is.  I decided to make a short net skirt under a longer one so it would puff out more.  It worked really well, although Eve didn't like the longer one and only wanted her to wear the short skirt. She has both skirts on above.  One of her ballet slippers fell off so I decided to sew them on to her legs and then added some seed pearls for extra pizzazz.  The slippers are organic wool felt and embroidery cotton.

Just after lunch yesterday I created a new Instagram page for our sewing bee apron gallery.  If we have any more sewing bees in the future, we'll use the same gallery for whatever our sewing projects happen to be. If you want to look at the gallery, you don't have to be a member of Instagram to look, but I think you have to join if you want to comment on the photos. Click here to go to the gallery.  What a great bunch of aprons we have so far! There are a growing number of aprons in the gallery so I hope they inspire you to make an apron or to learn how to sew.  Making a basic apron is the ideal first sewing project.  I'll be adding more photos later tonight and tomorrow as they arrive in my email. I'll add all the photos I receive, whether you're on the sewing bee list or not.

Sunny just arrived to take all the kids to her place, via Jamie's Taekwondo session. Now the house is quiet again and Gracie is relaxing near the front door. I've decided to make the beds and tidy up tomorrow morning when I'll have more energy. Everything has been picked up so we won't trip and break our necks overnight.  

Above and below are just some of the delicious choices available at Kerry's Mooloolaba shop. 

If you're holidaying on the Sunshine Coast this Easter, my son Kerry's shop will be open every day over Easter.  The shop, Be Happy Sushi, is right across the road from Mooloolaba Beach, near the Surf Club. Kerry serves high quality food which is made fresh every day. His takeaway and Uber menu include a wide variety of fresh sushi, hot meal rice bowls, Japanese curry and Poke bowls. If you call in, make sure you say hello to Kerry and his wonderful staff.

I hope you have a lovely Easter break and have a chance to sit back and relax. That's what I'll be doing. I have books to read, knitting waiting and I'll spend some time in the garden.  And now I'm going outside to water the vegetables and breathe in the clean air. ❣️🐝❣️



  1. The rabbit looks beautiful and the pink shawl is perfect. Happy Easter to you and your family. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  2. The little rabbit looks so gorgeous! Blessed Easter to you and your lovely family. Pam in Norway

    1. Love that apron of yours, Pam. Could you send along the pattern number for it? I have been looking for one like that for awhile now; cannot seem to find it.

    2. The little rabbit turned out beautifully and no doubt she will be a favourite. Love the ballet slippers!

      Happy Easter to your and yours, Rhonda.

    glad you had an enjoyable day with the family
    may your Easter be very peaceful & pleasant
    thanx for sharing

  4. I love the little bunny! Lucky Eve!
    Wishing you and yours a happy and peaceful Easter. I will be finishing my apron over the break and have my little family over for lunch on Easter day.

  5. That's a beautiful little doll. I love the colors and the detail. The rose colored shoes are so sweet. Enjoy your garden and relaxation.

  6. You did a fantastic job on the bunny.
    I plan to sew myself a gardening apron out of canvas cloth with deep pockets to hold the gardening tools I use most. This way I will have everything I need right with me. I might get brave and hand paint some flowers on the front- we will see.
    I could see this apron being a great mother's day gift filled with a few tools and gloves and a couple packets of seeds. My mom is unfortunately past the gardening phase of life or I would make one for her.
    Happy Easter

  7. You really outdid yourself on the ballerina rabbit - she is perfect. And wonderful aprons in the gallery - way to go ladies! Happy Easter to you and your family Rhonda, I hope you have a lovely weekend. Beth in MN

  8. Oh my Rhonda! That bunny is so adorable!!!!!
    Happy Easter to you and yours! xo

  9. The ballerina bunny is just beautiful. You're so (sew) clever! Have a wonderful, relaxing Easter with your loved ones.

  10. It is delightful to get to see your finished bunny doll with all the wonderful details. I am so impressed with anyone who makes dolls, and yours is rather tricky in stuffing one that small. I think your Sewing Bee and the apron project is great! Love seeing all the photos. Thanks too, to all the seamstresses who took the time to share their photos.

  11. Your bunny really is beautiful and one day Eve will just adore her. Little ones are funny like that. Cully May 'suddenly' took to a toy I made her a year ago. LOL!
    Enjoy your Easter break. We've had the two little granddaughters here twice this week for the day and though exhausting it's incredibly satisfying too.
    We have a 12 hour round trip drive tomorrow to pick up a motor bike engine for hubby's racing lawn mower (he's in a local club here that races ride-on mowers) so I need to gather some sewing and crochet work for the car to keep my hands occupied (and keep me awake). Plus there's a picnic basket to assemble for roadside stops along the way.

    1. There's nothing like a road trip, especially if you've got a loaded picnic basket on the back seat. You'll get a lot done on a 12 hour trip, Jenny. I hope you and your family have a lovely Easter.

  12. The Ballet Bunny is so sweet, your patience must be endless dealing with those tiny shoes! Happy Easter to you and your family Rhonda :) Kate (Tassie) x

  13. Such a cute little ballerina, esp loved the pearls on her shoes. And walking on lego? A pain as a parent you NEVER forget!

  14. I love the ballerina bunny you made for your little granddaughter Rhonda, she's beautiful. Hope you enjoy your weekend relaxing with your family, wishing you all a Happy Easter. Gabriella 😊 x

  15. First, Happy belated Birthday, Rhonda! I love Ballerina Bunny! I'm not 4 but 84 (June) and I'D love to have her sitting on my bed. I agree with others; someday Eve will adore and treasure her. Always love reading your blog. Wishing you, Hanno and your family a Blessed Easter. From the Pacific Northwest USA

  16. Eileen, please email your photo to me.

  17. I'm in love with the little Ballerina Bunny! So cute! Your very clever Rhonda! Happy Easter to you & Hanno & Family!xx


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