5 March 2019

Sending much love to Sun Ja, Sunny and our Korean family

Hello to our family over in Korea - Sun Ja and Sunny and the rest of the extended family.  I found a photo you probably haven't seen and then I searched for a few more of us all together.  I thought you'd like to see them.  We're thinking of you and send much love across the ocean.

Remember this Sun Ja?  The day after Jamie was born and you made your special bone broth and seaweed soup for Sunny.  I think it was the traditional Korean soup mothers have after their baby is born.

 You with Jamie at Sunny and Kerry's Gold Coast flat. 
Here you are again in our backyard with two of your daughters, Sung Ji and Sunny, and Jooah on your lap.

 Here we are together a couple of years ago at our kitchen table. 
 And when we all went out for lunch at Daisy's one day.
 Here you are with Sunny picking vegetables for your dinner.

This is my favourite photo of you Sun Ja. Jamie on your lap and Jooah watering the plants with a little watering can.  You all look so happy.  xx



  1. Photos are wonderful things, they remind us of lovely memories and are a real treasure :)

  2. Such lovely memories to have and be able to share. That’s what so wonderful about memories - the sharing of them.
    Leiani - Perth WA

  3. Swwet pictures!! Memories can bring sun in your day!

  4. Beautiful memories of your times together in Australia.

  5. Those are very sweet photos. You look so happy in them, too. The garden is so healing. The trees look very protective. What wonderful memories for all of you...

  6. Thank you for sharing these lovely family photographs.


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