1 February 2019

Writing and blogging workshops

I've been asked to do another blogging for beginners workshop and a writing workshop, which would be a new addition. The blogging one would start in March and consist of comprehensive notes on how to set up a blog or improve an existing one, and how to use Instagram in a productive partnership with the blog. The notes would be followed up with two hour-long group Skype sessions with face-to-face questions and discussions in real time. I'd also answer emails with any questions you may have. This workshop is AU$130.

I'm still working on the structure of the writer's workshop but it would cover writing for blogs, books, magazines or personal journals. The workshop is AU$130. I'll give you more details of the course structure when I've worked it out.

I have an Arts degree majoring in Journalism, English Literature and Communication. I also have extra qualifications in technical writing. Over the past 30 years I've worked as a journalist, technical writer, monthly columnist for the Australian Women's Weekly, freelance magazine writer and have written three books, all published by Penguin. My blog has had almost 29 million hits. So if you're just starting your writing career or you've been writing for a while but you're in a rut and need new ideas and techniques, I'd be happy to share my experience with you and help you get to the next step and beyond.

All courses full now.


  1. Hi Rhonda, That's great news. You have definitely been a very successful writer! I am interested in the writing course. I just need to figure out how to get a camera to use on Skype, since it works better than typing and observing. (like I did last time.) I inherited my brother's ipad, so I will pay my computer guy to help me. It has all the bells and whistles. I am still using a very old pc that I love. Thanks for doing this teaching. You are so good at it...

    1. Fantastic, I'm glad you'll be joining us, and face-to-face too! Skype works well on an ipad and the courses won't start till March so you'll have time to get yourself set up. I'll send you an email with all the details when I've worked it out. xx

  2. Thank you. You are so motivated and disciplined with your writing. Hopefully you'll rub off on me and I will get my book finished and published. (Even if I have to self publish.) I think this is just the push that I need. It really helps to study with master teachers like you.

  3. Hi Rhonda, I would love to do your writer’s workshop with you. I love writing and have so many ideas but never get around to working on them. I would really appreciate an opportunity to get going with new skills and inspiration. And I do love your writing style. Looking forward to more details.

  4. We'd love you to join the group, Lily Boot. Just send me an email and I'll send you the details just as soon as I've worked it all out. The writers' workshop should be on in March. I'm looking forward to it.


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