12 June 2018

More sewing and a touch of glue

Hello friends!  Here are the cushions I made yesterday. The pink is a Tilda fat quarter found with the other one I made into a lamp skirt and showed yesterday. I remembered I bought these when Tricia was last here and I went home, put them in the cupboard and forgot all about them.  I really love this pink fabric, which I call pixelated rose, and have teamed it with beige linen from an old skirt of mine. 

The blue and white fabric is an Swedish design bought at Ikea as a continental pillow cover many moons ago.  When I finished using it as a pillow cover, I cut it up and made it the centre of a quilt I intended to make. But halfway through I didn't like the look of it so folded it up and it sat near the Tildas in the cupboard. The colours match the wall behind it perfectly. It's backed with a darker blue cotton that I picked up in one of the many swaps that happened at my library talks and workshops. 

You can see the different fabrics at the back of the cushions from this side view.

Making a pocket-type cushion cover is really easy, it's straight sewing just like the lamp skirt, and most of the work is dome with cutting out, smoothing out the fabrics and assembling the layers.  Here is a You Tube video to show you how to make a cushion cover using three pieces of fabric. You can make a simpler version if you have enough fabric to make the entire cover - front and back. Here is a You Tube video to show you how.

I've just noticed that I need more fabric glue along the edge at the bottom of the box. Applying fabric glue provides a really solid covering but you have to make sure all the fabric edges are completely covered.

My last show and tell today is a little box I made for my desk.  I'm a terribly messy person and need help when it comes to my desk. This box hides all my little bits and pieces like erasers, pencil sharpeners, sticky notes, paper clips etc.  I found an old sturdy box, cut pieces of fabric to fit, and covered it. I used fabric glue to secure the fabric so it's a really easy project. You need to wait 24 hours for the glue to dry completely but then it's ready to serve you for years to come.

What craft projects do you have on the go right now?



  1. Oh, those are SO PRETTY! I love the color scheme. Everything looks so nice together. Thanks for the link to the Youtube video. I have some vintage fabric that would make very pretty cushion covers. It's hard to believe you are a messy person. That makes me feel better. I seem to be getting more disorganized with age. I used to be better about putting things in their place...

  2. Lovely colors in your pillows. And the shelves on the walls are quite clever. I've been trying to work out how to add some homey touches to my own lounge room and what you have done is very inspiring. Thanks. oxo

  3. The colours you are making with are really beautiful, calming and soothing just looking at your photos, Rhonda. Today is my first day off from the relief teaching I've been since coming back from our holiday in Melbourne. I have bits and pieces of things cut out and traced to make but all my making is really at a standstill until I can put together a good chunk of time and a mind not cluttered with lessons and resources! Meg:)

  4. Oh I love that little box for your desk. so many wonderful projects and so little time to do them all...

  5. It is amazing what a person can do with what they already have. I am a quilter so my fabric stash is endless and making small home projects are a great way to use your leftover fabrics, yarn etc. I have often needed a slight change of scenery in our home and have even just moved things from other rooms - what a difference that can make and no added expense.
    I am currently working on scrap quilt tops, doing knitting of dish rags (from yarn purchased a greatly reduced price at estate sale) and general little projects to add brightness and color to our home.

    Thank you for your blog, I look forward to it every day.

    Barbara - bp of Wyoming - USA

  6. Lovely cushions Rhonda! I love how the fabric has all got a different story & history, yet they still look perfect with each other. Just curious, do you worry about pre-washing fat quarters before using for cushions? And with the fabric box, do you paint the glue on over the fabric to sort of top coat it, or is the glue just in between the box and the fabric? It looks great! I'm currently working on hemming some fat quarters that have sat around far too long in my cupboard to make some napkins. I also have a quilt in process which is a long term project for me and a little patchwork sewing case that I'm hand quilting when I feel like some quiet hand work. All good fun! Enjoy your lovely makes! Kelly

    1. I don't wash fat quarters before using them, Kelly. Do you?

      Mostly I just glue the fabric to the box - so box, some glue, then fabric. However at the edges I go over the top of the fabric with glue as well because it seals it well. Enjoy your crafting.

    2. Thanks for your reply Rhonda. I don't wash fat quarters for quilting, but was curious what is done by sewers for other types of sewing. Thanks also for the details regarding how you covered your box. I love learning from creative people! Kelly

  7. Really lovely pillows! I also really like that you have nice drawings/paintings on the wall. We have only 1, but I really think it looks very cosy.
    I recently discovered crocheting, so I am busy with an afghan ripple blanket, tucking in the threads at the moment. You tube is a great help!

  8. Hi Rhonda
    can you please tell me what the colour is you have used on your walls?

    I went shopping today and bought 4x1m lengths of bee themed cotton fabric to make beeswax wraps . I can see why using your stash is a good idea. It was over $100. No wonder handmade quilts are so pricey.
    Claire in Melbourne

    1. We started with Taubmans Silver Wings on the main walls and the wall in the photo was a few shades darker.

  9. That blue on the wall is just so peaceful Rhonda. It looks like such a beautiful place to sit.


  10. Ahoj Rhonda.
    Jsem z Česka. Váš blog sleduji pravidelně a moc se mi líbí Váš životní styl i Vaše práce. Přeji hodně štěstí. Jiřina

  11. Cushions just finish a room. Like you I prefer lots of different size and types of material. Its far more interesting. Love the blue.

  12. They are lovely and I've just checked out your lovely wedding day quilt. I have been off crafting lately...off everything really I'm just about getting my mojo back again! So I'm starting to crochet a couple of little Mr Men figures tonight for my little boy's 5th birthday on Sunday. I'm looking forward to it and am considering making that same little fellow a quilt for his bed for this winter.

  13. The room looks a lovely welcoming space, the colours of the cushions really ties it all together. Thank you for the link, I am going to use it to make my sofas more inviting.
    I am making scarves at the moment (very simple, big needles) to help out with fund raising for a local dog rescue. As I am new at this they may end up on the dogs.

  14. After five years of saying "I should..." I am finally making curtains for my bedroom and our guestroom/library. They're going well and are allowing me to use up fabric from my stash that has just been waiting to find its purpose.

    I quite like your pillows--especially the contrasting backs. I was just thinking my throw pillows could use an upgrade as they're looking fairly haggard after all these years of heavy use!

  15. I love to knit socks. In 2017 I knit 34 pairs of socks !. I gift them to anyone that appears to be " knit worthy", meaning appreciative of hand knit socks and will care for them as they should be cared for :). The responses I get from people when I gift a pair of socks is wonderful. My father, who is 90, says they remind him of his grandmother knitting socks for the men in the war. My daughters , both in their 30's , love the retro feel of hand knit socks. Friends say how proud they are to be gifted beautiful hand knit socks. A pair takes me 12 hours to knit and I knit them on teeny tiny size 2mm needles ( like toothpicks ). I find knitting the socks gives me so much pleasure as it gives the person receiving them.

  16. I love your cushions, goes so well with your whole room. Great job Rhonda
    I'm working on a memory quilt for a dear friend. It's very difficult as the majority of the fabrics are double knit, sheers, or other stretchy fabrics
    Truly a big job but so worth it to make my friend smile. Cheers, Elaine

  17. Your newly done room looks so comfortable and inviting. I would love to spend an evening in it just reading and enjoying the calm space you have created.

  18. I recently went through my craft cupboard and found two large flower mandalas that I had crocheted a number of years ago. I also found some lining satin that was of little use. I made up two circle cushions from the satin and stuffed them with toy fill. The mandalas have been hand stitched to the circle pillows. These now reside on the bed in the caravan. Two more UFO's are now completed items.

  19. I really like the blue cushion you made Rhonda and what a great idea to cover a box with fabric... Currently i have LOTS of sewing projects on the go--- my daughter made a quilt top when she was 16 and i said i would put it together for her but i noticed it puckered a lot so i unpicked each square and the sides were uneven so i even them up and am sewing it back together again. I have been making Depression Blocks and only have 1 more to finish before i make them into a table runner. Then is will be on to a lap quilt for our SIL and youngest grandson. I made one for our daughter and SIL said " but i haven't got one" hahaha. His will be blacks/greys/creams and charcoal. I wanted it to look "manly". I have other patchwork projects started but they can wait until these are out of the way :-)

  20. Caroline PearsonJune 13, 2018 10:06 am

    Your home looks warm and comfortable Rhonda. I love that you too, have an indoor plant. I thought I was the only one. Down here in Victoria, Coles and Woolies are going plastic bag free later this month and so I am using my scrap fabric to make reuseable shopping bags. I have used an old plastic bag for my pattern and I love using them. Now I'm making a few extra for friends and gifts. Sometimes I even applique on them to brighten them up and make them one-of-a-kind.

  21. Just beautiful. I thought I was looking at a picture from a Country Living Magazine! I would feel so content in that room. Love all the fabrics and that they all have a story to tell.

  22. Your cushions look good on your sofa, the area is very cosy looking. I love the little scottie ornaments sitting on your books. I must get back to doing some sewing I have been doing a lot of knitting lately. At the moment I'm knitting a jumper/sweater for my granddaughter with fluffy yarn.

  23. A bit off topic. But i was looking at your laundry soap recipes and was wondering if the powder actually works out cheaper than homebrand which is only $4 for a 4kg box?

    1. The last time I did a pricing for this was a couple of years ago and then the cost was about $2.50 for 10 litres.

  24. Lovely cushions and I love the tablescape next to the sofa with your books, knitting needles etc. I am currently working on a bee embroidery on a linen napkin- my embroidery skills are a bit rusty but I'm enjoying the soothing pastime.

  25. Those smoke grey cushions remind me of your new kitchen tiles - there is certainly a connection.

  26. the room looks very tranquil Rhonda, love the colours you've used, pulls the room together, very cozy. am not much of a sewer but i think i could even have a go at making those covers with the one piece of fabric, too simple! but not atm as have a commissioned cardigan to make, cables & lace, plus my DD2 has been getting orders for some simple ear warmers from her work; so been madly knitting here; the cardigan was picked from wool in my stash & a BWM pattern. am totally enjoying the challenge of it.
    a lovely post
    thanx for sharing
    selina from kilkivan qld

  27. Your room looks so cozy Rhonda! I love when people mix and match patterns and materials they have on hand. It always looks so right somehow. My sewing machine was passed on by my mother-in-law. Bought sometime in the 40´s. Must have been the state-of-the-art then. It has fancy stitches I´ve never used. Right now I´m finishing off a bag made with rag strips. Looking good. Now I´ve bought a Locker Hooker needle. Had never heard of it until a couple of weeks ago. It´s a long crochet hook with an eye on the other end. Looking forward to my first experiment - a little bag for my granddaughter´s birthday.
    Now I´ve fixed a comments signature...Scotty!. Only took a few years. lol.

    Wishing you and Hanno all the best

  28. Your home is looking so beautiful Rhonda. You have been very busy nesting and I love the colours you have pieced together, especially the blues. Every nook is looking so welcoming and inviting.

    I like the idea of the covered box. It looks really lovely and is a fun way to hide things.


  29. Well, I am not quite sure if it qualifies as a craft project but I purchased a round dining table with a leaf at a second-hand store along with three chairs. The table is nowhere near the tone the chairs are so I am attempting to sand the top of the table and the leaf and stain them to match the chairs. The chairs are more of a mahogany tone. I would like to paint the table legs a different color but not sure what yet. To me, this is crafty. You do beautiful sewing work, by the way.

  30. I love the idea of a fabric swap at the local library! I am going to suggest we try that at our local library I love your blog, thank you for all the helpful information over the years!


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