16 March 2018

Weekend reading

What I thought was going to be my second eye operation turned out to be a post-op check. But now, vision in my fixed eye is just below 20/20, there is no infection or inflammation, the lens is in place.  I go in for the second op 27 March. I'm pleased it will happen soon, I'm sick of having wonky vision.  

One of the readers asked for a Gracie photo, so here she is. She had a wash and haircut earlier in the week which is why she's looking very tidy and slightly annoyed.  She's a great dog and we're both very happy that she's part of our family. We survived the wild days and nights of Scottish Terrier puppyhood with her rampaging through the house at full speed, tearing up yarn, books and slippers and now she's settling down with short bursts of craziness that I think she'll always have. A perfect match for us.

I hope the weather is settling down in your neck of the woods. The harshness of the Australian summer has finally left us here although there are places around the country still experiencing hot and wet days. We had a cyclone off the coast during the week but it came to nothing and fizzled out.

Thanks for your visits during the week and for the interesting and helpful comments left by some of you. I appreciate you taking the time to comment because your views add to what I write and it gives readers a better understanding of how they can change their own lives to live simply.

Enjoy your weekend. xx

Fermenting grains for chicken feed
Flavoured water drinks
The hole in our food security is about to get a lot bigger, our seed supply is under threat! This is written by our good friend Frances at Green Harvest If you have time please read as it's very important.  If you're in Australia, signing the petition will help.
Finland is the happiest country in the world, says UN report
Seed Swap in the Ozarks - feature length documentary
Fairy's new year's dinner - amazing food, cooked from scratch, watch for the tomatoes at the end
Use all your scraps to knit a scrappy bias shawl


  1. I'm glad your eye surgery on the first eye went well, and that you will soon be done with this process! The better to see Gracie! Best picture ever!

  2. Gracie looks like an absolute sweetie!! -Deb V in Manitoba

  3. More great links! Thank you, Rhonda. I am currently teaching a lovely class of children how to sew a very simple softie. It's such a nice thing to teach simple running stitch and sewing on buttons. Good skills to learn! Your Gracie is such a cutie, I can see a bit of mischief too; her short bursts of craziness must keep you laughing! Meg:)

  4. Gracie is darling! I'm glad your eyes are improving over time too! Thanks for your always good advice and support for those of us trying to live a more simple life...

  5. Thanks for the reading links, Rhonda. I can imagine tour eyesight is a bit wonky now that one side is almost perfect. The modern day cataract operations never cease to amaze me. They are now so quick. Just look at Miss Gracie....such a little angel even if she is slightly annoyed. LOL! Have a relaxing weekend and enjoy the cooler weather.

  6. Excellent news for your eye Rhonda. It is cooling down swiftly down our way and the knitting is being carefully looked at. As a "24 hour ago retiree" I look forward even more to implementing many of the ideas on the Simmple Home. Gracie - what a cutie!

  7. Fairy's New Years dinner is AMAZING!

  8. Gracie looks as though she is all ears! You do find such interesting articles to read, I always enjoy your weekend reading. I have have always wondered about plastic bottles of water. You can get lovely glass ones with a protective cover, I always carry mine with me, filled with water from home. I am also noticing more water fountains, which is a good thing.

  9. Thank you Rhonda for the link to the seed petition, I think this is a major issue well and truly hidden from view. I signed and will urge others to read this article. I am glad your eye surgery went well. Gracie is just gorgeous.
    I loved the link to the water video, some ideas I would never have thought of on my own.
    Cheers Bernie

  10. I am glad to hear that your eye is healing well and that you get the other one taken care of soon. Today we finally had warmer temps and sunshine. It is amazing what one nice day does for your whole attitude and outlook.

  11. Hope your second eye operation also goes smoothly, Rhonda.
    Thank you for another great list of weekend readings. I already read the happiness article and the full report by UN report, it's very interesting.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  12. Gracie is looking just gorgeous Rhonda! Aggie got a groom last week and is looking very civilised also. LOL.

    Thanks for a great reading list, I always look forward to checking them out.


    1. Hi Em, are you breeding or showing Aggie yet? They're hilarious dogs, aren't they.

  13. They really are. And no not yet. I hope to breed from her later on in the year.

    Our family has struggled with some health problems recently. A virus attacked my heart just before Christmas which I'm still recovering from and then little Angus was rushed to the children's hospital in the city with a very nasty burst appendics, along with negotiating the sale of the shop we have been in survival mode. But the shop has officially been handed over today and we are looking forward to a brand new season and lots of new adventures this year. Including puppies and hopefully a farm.


    1. I hope all the bad stuff is behind you and your family now, Em. Sending love and best wishes to you all. xx

  14. hm, my computer just glitched on me so I apologise if my comment is fractured and repeated twice!

  15. Gracie poses very well for photos - pretty girl. Great news for your eye, ask for the same again for other eye!

  16. Oh Rhonda, thank you for the link to the Fairy's dinner! I have just lost an hour mesmerized by her youtube videos. I've never seen anything so incredible and strangely soothing. There's definitely some enchantment going on!

  17. Gracie is gorgeous.

    I'm glad your first eye op has gone well, and I hope the next one goes the same way.

    Have a lovely weekend. Xx

  18. There are no words for how cute Gracie is! Thank you for sharing about your eye experience....was just told i am in first stage of cataracts, so know i will be facing the surgery too at some point. It was encouraging to see how well it went for you!

  19. Thank you for sharing the links for these varied topics. I very much enjoy perusing them each week.
    Leiani - Perth WA

  20. Thank you for the post about fermenting grains for chickens. I’m working on revamping a old chicken shed on our property. It needs a new roof and a good coat of paint. My plan is to have it done late spring and then buy some hens. Your Gracie looks like the perfect companion, full of life and wonder. I wish you the best on your up coming eye surgery. Have a good weekend.

  21. Hi Miss Rhonda! (I hope this isn't sending duplicate comments, I was having technical difficulties) Doctor visits and appointments can quickly become aggravating, I know. Glad to hear you are healing well.

    I love the pic of your puppy and your remarks reminded me of our Dollface's early days here. We always called it crazy puppy time, or CPT, lol!

    I hope you don't mind that I shared a link to your blog over on mine. Although I haven't always taken the time to comment (sorry��) I have very much enjoyed, and learned much, from your blog over the years. Thank YOU for faithfully staying with US! ~TJ

  22. I'm glad your eye is well healed and you will soon have the other eye done. When I had mine done I was fortunate to wear contacts so I didn't have the wonky vision.

  23. Thank you for the picture of Gracie - what an intelligent twinkle there is in her eye. The Fairy's dinner was amazing - really cooking from scratch in every sense.

  24. I have not been receiving any emails from your blog for a couple of weeks, not sure how to fix it, something to do with feed proxy I think. I have been reading your blogs for some time now and miss it.

    1. Just subscribe again at the bottom of the page, Jana.

  25. Thank you for the links Rhonda. Love Fairy's New Year Dinner!

  26. Oh sweet Gracie you look so lovely and much like my iwinston.

    cheers, parsnip


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