6 October 2017

Weekend reading

This is my one and only vase of sweet peas this year. I had to pull them out to make way for the cucumbers over the garden arch. They are Old Spice - a very old heirloom variety with smaller flowers but an intense fragrance.

Another lovely week has floated by and soon it will be the weekend again. Our Thai Pink Egg tomatoes and cucumbers were planted this week and a couple of Fairy roses moved from pots into the vegetable patch. But the most exciting news is that we had rain, good rain, and the tanks are full again. It feels good going into the warmer months with enough water to keep the garden hydrated.

I hope your garden is thriving, or your knitting is taking shape, or your sewing or soap or bread is doing what you want it to. Hanno and I are doing well and we're enjoying spring. I hope things are fine at your place too. Have a lovely weekend.  xx

Seven delicious things you can make with stale bread
A guide to the chores we can no longer do
Scientific evidence that Transcendental Meditation works
Normal for Norfolk
The wonder of bees
How To Keep Your Apartment Clean Even When You're Depressed
Poached egg, the easy way
Raw Craft - Anthony Bourdain

Just a heads up to let you know that my wonderful sponsor Biome is having a 50 percent off, 48 hour sale right now. Click here to go there.


  1. Good morning Rhonda,

    I absolutely love your blog and book and look forward to reading your entries every week. It makes me feel strangely calm in the chaos - i am working, have a toddler and a husband. Thank you for writing beautiful words, posting lovely pictures and sharing your daily routines of life.

    I just managed to nab a copy of your book (I am bringing it with me on our weekend holiday) and hope to pass on these life skills to my son as he grows into an adult. Sending much love and gratitude all the way from W.A., Frankie.

    1. Hello Frankie, thank you. I hope you enjoy the book and have a great weekend. xx

  2. Yes! That rain was wonderful. We had about an inch which is better than nothing. We are about to plant beetroot in the greenhouse and put a new fence up around our turmeric crop. Today is very windy so I am going to spend time in the shed learning the fine art of how to use a drill and electric saw. I am making pallet furniture using timber from pallets made into a stylish day bed, table and chairs! Have a lovely weekend.

  3. Rhonda your sweet peas are lovely. Mine didn't do much either. I have had less flowers than that. Maybe it was the hot dry weather. I'm thinking we might need to plant earlier next year because of climate change

  4. Hello Rhonda, I'm glad you've had lots of rain, and thank you for the weekend reading.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Hi Rhonda, Your sweet peas look gorgeous! I love their fragrance, it's divine. I enjoyed the article on housekeeping in an apartment. I don't know if a messy home makes me depressed, or if being a bit depressed makes me messy. I felt so much better after reading that piece, because I always get those things done.

  6. Hello Rhonda, I too so enjoy reading your blog and have recently bought your book, Down To Earth. I have really been enjoying it and learning a lot. My husband and I have taken steps towards this way of life over the past several years but are now preparing to take it even a step further. I read in your book that you make your own dog food. We have a cat and are interested in making our own food for him. Could you give me some direction in this area?Thank you Rhonda for your dedication to this way of life and taking the time to pass along everything you have learned.

    1. Thank you Carla. I've never made cat food. The requirements for nutritious cat food are much more difficult to bring together. Do some research online and you'll see what I mean.

  7. Hi Rhonda,

    I am so glad you had some rain. Thankfully we have had a bit too, it has been the driest Winter I can remember.

    Have a lovely weekend,

    Madeleine. X

  8. I'm new to your blog but am enjoying it so far!

  9. Just bought your two books on Book Depository and they are winging their way to me

    1. I hope you enjoy the books, Bridget. Thank you for buying them.

  10. Hi Rhonda, The rain was lovely wasn't it and the garden has freshened up overnight. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some follow up rain this week. I enjoy your "weekend reading" list, thanks for taking the time to research these links and share them. Cheers Lyndie

  11. And here in the west of WA it is still winteršŸ˜¢. Prediction gor tomorrow is 6 and max 15. Enjoy spring.

  12. Putting our garden to bed here in Iowa- it’s been a long dry fall but we’ve finally had some rain which makes the birds and the fish happy. Plus it makes pulling the last of the weeds much easier. Put straw on my berry beds and towels on the line this morning. During my break, I got to catch up on what you’ve been up to which makes my day brighter. Take care. - Heather


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