4 August 2017

Weekend reading

 Who?  Me!

Hanno's been been hit with a bad cold this week so things have been quietly busy here.  I'm hoping  I don't get sick too, so far it's looking good. We're still having trouble with Gracie at night when we're asleep. Most nights are good but then she'll go crazy and destroy whatever she can find. She's now sleeping in the kitchen in her dog box and she's tethered to the wall. Luckily she loves her new bed so we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed and hope she settles down.

This week I'm delighted to give you the blog addresses of a group of women who did an online blog workshop with me recently.  I think they've all started off well and present interesting blogs, which show us, yet again, how different we all are while being very similar. Please visit these new blogs and take the time to leave a comment. Comments encourage bloggers to continue writing and help build online communities of like-minded people. The list is below, I hope you enjoy these blogs and add them to your daily reads.

A Simple Living Journey
A Truly Content Life
Fig Tree Creek Permaculture
Life after 50, Fitness, Leisure
Diva Farm Days
Home is my Haven
The Awakened Soul
Sock Knitting Mama
Creativity Grows Here

Regular news links ...
The 13 step digital declutter
Life skills all school kids should learn
What are you really getting if you buy "free-range"?
Turmeric pickled eggs
How many times can you reheat leftovers?


  1. Hi Rhonda, I'm sorry that you're still having trouble with Gracie. I remember how trying the puppy days were. It's so much easier once they are older. I hope Hanno is feeling better. I'm looking forward to the rest of the blog course. Thank you for all that you've done for us.

  2. Aggie has been terrible this week. I thought she might have teeth that were aching? I bought her a stack of rawhide bone chews and she has chilled out considerably back to her usual self. The bigger and tougher chews the better!

    These might help Gracie inside? We give bones outside and these inside.


  3. THANK YOU!! Just when I was thinking of giving in to my friend who has been texting me a steady stream of cute lamb photos begging me to take hers, you reminded me of the realities of baby animals. I hope dear Gracie calms down at night soon. I hope Hanno feels better and that you stay well and truly well. Looking forward to having a read through those blogs over the weekend. Lots of love xxx

  4. I think Gracie is right on the money. Tim Winton is a terrible writer... so overrated.
    She was actually trying to save you the trauma of trying to plough through it.

    1. I've read the book twice, Frog. Once when it was published, again quite recently. I enjoyed it both times.

  5. Oh dear, look what Gracie did to that Tim Winton classic!! I hope your little rogue settles down soon before any more shenanigans destroy any more literary gems;) That puppy stage can be challenging, we had two pups once who destroyed an entire beanbag, it looked like it had snowed! It's always lovely to find new blogs where like minded people write so I'm looking forward to explore those links you've listed. Have a lovely weekend, hope Hanno is feeling better. Meg:)

  6. Oh no Gracie! I find it hard not to smile when I see her, but I do know how frustrating it can be. I hope she starts to improve her behaviour soon. Thank you for linking our blogs today. I have really enjoyed doing your course and connecting with so many like minded people.

  7. Wishing Hanno a speedy recovery and fingers crossed you remain healthy Rhonda. I hope Gracie settles for you soon.
    I'm thoroughly enjoying your course and am so glad I'm participating. Everyone's blogs look great and are wonderful to read. The connection with like minded people just tops it all off.
    Also, it may be my end but I'm having trouble opening the link about free-range.

  8. We keep our dogs in a crate at night, its all wire so they can see out. They go right in at night and we dont have to worry about them getting into anything.

    1. We did that too Roxanne and our dog really liked it. Every night we'd take her out to go to the toilet and then she'd trot back and go into her crate. She's just turned 3 and has now decided she can sleep outside at night

    2. I was originally horrified to see a friend, and later my sister, use wire crates for their puppies. However I now see that when properly used by a caring owner they can be the most useful item you can have.
      My sister's collie (now about four) has slept in hers every night, now with the door open but is not concerned if she is shut in if she's been naughty or when things get busy around her. Indeed, our German Shepherd, now has a soft 'crate' that his bed fits in snugly to sleep in as we were concerned about the cold and drafts - even with one side open it keeps him wonderfully snugly too. Like a lot of dogs he loves sleeping in smaller spaces with a roof over his head, I heard it goes back to when dogs slept in caves!

  9. Our puppies are crate trained. Sounds good doesn't it? But they sort of trained themselves. We had the crate set up in the garage using the materials we bought them home in. Don made a travel crate for them for the trip home using a cardboard tea chest with the front cut out and some fencing mesh. They used that as their crate in the garage originally and we soon changed the tea chest to a dog house with the fencing mesh around it. Of course being puppies they do have some naughty puppy behaviours. Like Emma's Aggie our puppies love to chew.

    Best wishes to Hanno for a speedy recovery.

  10. Oooh isn't she naughty! She picks the best book to chew though! Thanks for sharing the great list of bloggers for us Rhonda. I'm blessed to have developed a lovely friendship with the delightful Emma from A Simple Living Journey, and gosh she writes so well.

  11. Hi Rhonda,

    I hope Hanno gets well soon and that you do not come down with it. I hope Gracie settles down soon. I just wanted to say thank you for such a great blogging course. I' looking forward to reading everyones blogs over the weekend.

  12. Aww Gracie is adorable! Just a suggestion, we got a puppy a few months ago and we actually use a crate with a baby playpen attached to it for him at night. This gives him more room and the option to stretch his legs, sleep in his crate if he likes or snooze on another dog bed which is placed in the playpen portion along with some chew toys. He now understands that this space means sleep time. It's like it's his own little "bedroom." We got our pen and crate from Vebo who deliver really quickly. You can also add panels to make it bigger if desired. Trick is to make the space positive with food, treats and toys and get the little one used to it gradually. A few minutes to begin with and building up from there.

    1. Gracie is used to sleeping in her little house and is happy in there. When Hanno is well again he'll put a steel mesh door, that we can close, on the front so we don't have to tether her. In the meantime, she's sleeping like a baby in there and she's not able to run around the house.

  13. I love those blogs you shared Rhonda! I had been following to do your blog workshop and then my little ones and life got in the way and I completely forgot to check in and see what I had to do to join! Will you do another workshop? Loving reading through the blog posts of these ladies, so much connects and resonates with me xx

  14. Hi Vanessa. I'm doing the final blog workshop for this year starting next week. Let me know if you want to join in.

    1. Thank you for your reply! Have I missed out? I check in here weekly but must have missed your reply! Is it too late to join?

    2. I replied two weeks ago, Vanessa, so yes, you missed out. I'm sorry.

  15. Thank you for letting us all know about the blogs you have helped establish. I have viewed them all and have put them all on my desktop to follow every day. I think all the ladies have done a brilliant job, the designs are very appealing and make me want to read more. Well done, you are a very clever lady and always happy to share with us all.

  16. Hi Rhonda, Hope hanno is beginning to feel better...
    We have always "crated" our dogs at night...from what I read , they like the security of their own cosy spot....and if not at least your home won't be destroyed...our German short haired pointer is now 5 years old and can be safely left out all of the time...but he still get his "training cooler" put on when he goes outside as it helps him to listen and "come" so much better...worth a try!

  17. Isn't she a rascal, but so cute with it. Hope you stay well xx

  18. Gracie looks like an avid reader - she tore through that book pretty quickly :-)

  19. Rhonda,

    Sweet Gracie is releasing pent-up energy. We were taught that pups have to get it out somehow! Our pup used to do that, too, until we took him on a nightly 15 minute pre-bedtime walk. All that energy was released and we all enjoyed a restful and uneventful night's sleep.

    Hope Hanno feels better, soon.


  20. Hi Rhonda, how about you crate her during the night? Would be a lot safer for her and your books. :-)

  21. Nice to see that Gracie shares my appreciation of Cloudstreet. One of my favourites. I wonder if she would also like Wuthering Heights and Gilead, another two that I happily read again and again.

  22. Diana. Rhonda, I am reading your books. There is a wealth of knowledge in them that I totally agree with. Also making some of the green products.
    Many thanks for this as I love to do homemaking and always have.This to me is the foundation of society

  23. I’m sorry to hear Hanno is not well. I wish him all the best and hope he recovers soon. Fingers crossed you stay healthy.
    Gained so much from your course Rhonda and I still go back to our notes. The community of bloggers really tops it off. I look forward to sitting down each morning before the rest of the house wakes up reading my favourite blogs.
    Have a lovely weekend.


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