28 August 2017

Gracie 'helps' in the garden

We finished off the blog courses yesterday with a Skype chat. I really enjoyed the course - I loved meeting the ladies and helping them move ahead with their blogs. It was great matching a talking face and personality to wonderful women who had just been a name to me before the course. I'll publish a list of the final few blogs on Friday so you can check out what the ladies have been working on.

 The workers having a break on the front verandah.

We usually don't allow Gracie up on the furniture so she made the most of it yesterday by taking up as much space as possible.

After the course, I cooked lunch then we cleaned up and did a bit of work in the front garden.  Gracie came out there with us as the chickens were roaming the back yard. She loves being in the front garden. She sniffed and followed ant and lizard trails, did a bit of digging and running and was on the lookout for dogs being walked along the street. She's such a character.  When we came inside again, she ran through the house at full speed for five minutes, then dropped and rested for a while. We've never had a dog that has made us laugh so much. She's a real joy to live with.

During the week I'll be making a few things in the kitchen, Shane, Sarndra and the kids will be here for dinner tomorrow night, I'm starting on some live Christmas gifts and I want to write about sun angles in the garden. Of course, I'll write about it all as I go so I hope to see you again as the days pass.  I think it will be a good week.  ❤️


  1. Good to see Hanno enjoying the fresh air. Hoping he is feeling better.
    Thoroughly enjoyed your blogging course and getting to know others and I look forward to the other blogs you will list later.
    Have a great dinner together tomorrow and a wonderful week.
    Oh and I love Gracie's camouflage collar, very sweet.

  2. Good morning Rhonda, we have recently inherited two little Jack Russell and they keep us on our toes. They are a mother and daughter and they couldn't be more different. The mother Lulu is super intelligent and quite aloof, not minding her own company, but the daughter Pippa doesn't leave my side when I am out in the yard and lays next to the door outside so as not to miss a thing. We have a cat, and we have to keep them separated as the little dogs would kill her in a flash. Jack Russels are natural born killers and can't leave anything alone. I don't know what will happen in the future when we finally sell my late a mother in laws home,( next door) it's really the dogs home, we keep our connecting gate open and they just come and go as they please, at this stage. Have a lovely day.

  3. Good to see Hanno looking happy and healthy. Give him our regards please Rhonda. cheers Maureen and Kevin

  4. Hi Rhonda, Glad to hear you completed another successful blogging course. I will read and comment on the blogs when you list them. That photo of Gracie made me chuckle. My dogs aren't allowed on the furniture, either, but they sneak on my bed when I'm out of the house. I have to keep a sheet on it. I have a feeling Gracie may do the same.

  5. I hope Hanno is getting over that pneumonia, and with the warmer weather on your way, that will end any more such bouts. The animals are very good "helpers", I know! :D

  6. I can imagine how much Gracie makes you laugh Rhonda. Just reading your posts about her makes me laugh aloud. :D

  7. wow Gracie is so big now, is she fully grown? had a good giggle with her on the lounge there, cheeky
    looking forward to the next lot of new bloggers, have been thoroughly enjoying the last lot
    hope Hanno is on the mend now, he looks good in that photo
    thanx for sharing
    selina from kilkivan qld

  8. Gracie has won my attention. Whatva cutie. Skyping with bloggers seems like fun but I think I would spend even more time on the computer.

  9. What a cracker of a photo of Hanno and Gracie chilling together. Thank you for sharing.

  10. A good laugh is such good medicine. I'm happy that Gracie gives that to you both. She must be getting close to full size now by the looks - maybe the photo makes her look bigger.

  11. Ha! Love that photo of Gracie all stretched out! The blogging course was wonderful Rhonda, thank you again. It was great to meet like-minded people and learn from each other. I am so glad I took the plunge and did it! Looking forward to checking out the new blogs.

  12. Our last dog was one that was a bit of a clown...some dogs just sense how to make us laugh!! So glad you have one of those!!
    Elizabeth in WA

  13. Thanks for the pictures of Gracie - she is adorable and clearly a character.Glad to see Hanno looking better.


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