27 March 2017

Dentists, shopping and housework

I have only one photo for you today so I'll lead with that.  After a lot of consideration, I sent in a saliva sample for a DNA profile.  I'm so excited but I'll have to wait because it will be between 6 and 8 weeks before I see the results. I'm having it done through ancestry.com.au where I have been building my family tree for a number of years. When the result comes back I've given permission to have it matched to other registered members of Ancestry, so I might even find a few new relatives I didn't know about before. I know there are quite a few of you who are interested in genealogy, have you have your DNA profile done?

Thanks for all the feedback on my new template. I appreciate you taking the time to tell me that it's working well for you. Although I'd updated the look of my blog over the years, the template has been unchanged since about 2010. In that time we've seen the introduction of tablets and phones capable of viewing blogs, and it was for that reason I updated to a 2017 template. As usual, I searched for the most simple and uncluttered interface and I made the header myself using canva.com. It was easy and took less than 5 minutes. My blog is now optimised for viewing on computers, tablets and phones so I hope you have no problems seeing what I want you to see from now on.  

It's going to be a full day for us here.  I took Hanno to the dentist this morning at 7.15 thinking that he would have a tooth extracted. Hanno is on warfarin and had reduced the dosage over the past couple of days.  The dentists wants to be sure of his current reading though so sent him for a blood test this morning and he'll be back in the dentist chair tomorrow for the extraction.  A few years ago Hanno had a tooth removed and he ended up in hospital so we have to be careful. 

Later today I'll drive Shane to the airport and do the grocery shopping on the way home. Hanno and I were going to shop tomorrow but there is a severe tropical cyclone up north and it's predicted to cross the coast just south of Townsville tomorrow morning, then make a left turn, turn into a rain depression and head south - towards us.  So it looks like the week ahead will be very wet and we're hoping to get most of what we have to do done today, Hanno's tooth out tomorrow morning and then we can stay at home, safe and sound.  I hope my fellow Queenslanders, especially those up north, stay safe in the coming hours. Stay at home if you can and keep your family close.

We had a wonderful weekend with Shane, Alex and Eve here. We looked after Eve while Shane and Alex met up with Kerry and Jamie to see the new Lego Batman Movie on Saturday afternoon. Unfortunately, the movie was booked out and they saw Boss Baby instead.  Alex was all dressed up in his Batman cape and face mask, and he had another cape and mask for Jamie (so cute). I was looking forward to seeing a photo of them sitting there watching the movie.  It's Jamie's birthday on Friday, he'll be six years old. Wow, time flies eh? I'm making a Minecraft cake for him this year. Stay tuned to see how that turns out. 😉

I'd best get a wriggle on. I want to do a few chores before Shane arrives. We have leftovers for lunch so I only have to heat and serve but the rest of the day will be busy. Hopefully I can get through all my plans so we can stay at home most of the day tomorrow. 


  1. Greetings from Tas. I too have been researching my family tree for about 10 years now....very addictive indeed. Haven't done the DNA test yet. Was it expensive?

    1. It was $130 which I think is expensive but I did it anyway. It's an important part of my family story.

  2. Hopefully after tomorrow morning you can both relax.

    I will mention the DNA testing to my husband as I know he will be very interested. I had no idea you could even do this.

    Really looking forward to seeing Jamie's Minecraft cake. I remember our son playing it all the time. Funny thing is that he is playing it once again with his school friends. Someone suggested it for a bit of fun but it seems the group has grown. It is actually really nice listening to them and how they are helping each other out.

    Stay safe and all the best for Hanno xx.

  3. Good luck with the tooth extraction tomorrow. I bought an ancestry.com DNA test for my husband for Christmas last year. A bit strange as a gift I guess, but he's really been working hard on our family tree and struggled with just getting it done out of the blue. I think it's worth it. Our kids in years to come will hopefully be able to connect with people and family from far and wide, as the testing becomes more popular.

    1. I think it's a wonderful gift. Well done, you. :- )

  4. Rhonda, I guess we will get rain as well later on in the week. I hope there is not too much damage up north but I know they are used to cyclones and will have everything in place to prepare for it. Getting your DNA tests back will be very exciting. Is it very expensive to get it done as I had thought of doing it? Have a great week.

  5. I had my DNA test done through ancestry several years ago and as a result found several 2nd cousins I did not know about. It can be a great help in tracing your genealogy. Good luck with it all.

  6. stay safe with the storm bearing down on you . We had really heavy rain here in NZ last night; but fine now.

  7. Rhonda , I am an avid Family Tree researcher and did this test 6 months ago . It lined up with my research ....scandinavian , eastern european , Great Britain ...but a surprise too ...Native American ☺
    Also no trace of my Aboriginal ancestor on Mum's side ....it very much depends on which 50% of Mum's and Dad's DNA you inherit ...my brothers definitely got a different 50% from each parent and are not as fair as me .

    1. My ancestry will be similar to yours, Jenster. Mine is Scandinavian, British and Irish and two years ago I discovered some American, notable Americans too. I'm so excited about this.

    2. Rhonda , I did a little research and I suspect one of my Scandinavian ( Viking ) ancestors may have had a dalliance with a Native American.....😉hopefully not in an unhappy way......

  8. I've also used Ancestry to do my family tree, but never done a dna test.
    Good news that you will be avoiding the big storm!

  9. Oh I love the new template it's so clean and fresh. I've been thinking of doing a bit of an update on mine but I wouldn't know where to start. I have asked an artist friend of mine to draw me a new header which will change the look which is a start. In answer to your question on my blog, Bren says he will oil his bowls with linseed and possibly beeswax. So far we've only put small fruit and tomatoes in them but I'm hoping he'll make me a bigger salad bowl soon. I hope you got everything you needed to do done today. Lots of love, Kate xx

  10. I always feel for children when their choice of movie is unavailable for them. The extra cape was such a sweet idea. I am always worried about water and toilet roll when these storms are on our state. We have so much food that I look on it as a chance to reduce stocks.

    I pray that everyone in the path of the storm stays safe.

  11. looks good Rhonda though i had to lean in to read it as found the font a tad small, can i change that or is it something the blog owner does? otherwise it's all good.
    good luck with Hanno's tooth extraction tomorrow.
    thanx for sharing

  12. Praying for those in the path of the storm.

    What a blessing to see the grandchildren! My husband is on meds since his heart attack that require collaboration between his cardiologist and the dentist, too. All these things certainly make life interesting, don't they. I hope all is well with Hanno this go round.

    On Friday I baked your Whole Orange Cake. My husband and I had a bit of nostalgia because it smelled exactly like the orange juice concentrate plant in our little town in Florida where we grew up and lived for the first 15 years of our marriage. The cake is delicious!

  13. I too am on blood thinners and it is a real hassle going to the dentist. I have to wait for only one dentist who has the experience and expertise to deal with blood thinners as well as cancer patients on chemo. Hope everything goes easily for Hanno this time. I am a big whimp and do not like dentists at all but at least yours is taking precautions. My sister just had a bad time with a root canal including having to have it redone and getting quite a big infection. And she is even worse with dentists than I. I just freeze up. She bites.

    The new design is very nice. Most sites that I have seen that condense the first paragraph also have a little note that you click on that says "read more" which then opens the whole thing up. If your site has this I am not seeing it.

    I have also been debating getting my husbands and my DNA done. I think it is so exciting to be able to really see where we come from and who we are. We are all sisters and brothers as all of us have a part of the DNA from Mitochondrial Eve.


  14. I used Ancestry.com. because my father had a decidedly Native American look, but according to the test, we are very Anglo. This agrees with the genealogy that my grandmother researched in the mid twentieth century.

  15. Just caught the News before I retire to bed. Take care and be safe during Cyclone Debbie. X

  16. What a great idea as a gift for my husband too ☺. Hope you are safe from the weather Rhonda. My husband flies home to Victoria from Sunshine Coast airport this morning after visiting his newly widowed dad. All is well up there but will be better when he touches down in better weather. Hope you get all your chores done and stay safe.

  17. Hi Rhonda, on iphone 6S the right hand side of
    The text is cut off by a bit.

    1. My samsung phone is showing the same.

    2. I'm losing one side on my phone too.

  18. Rhonda, my brother & I shared and had our DNA test with Ancestory. Good results.

  19. I might be a bit stupid but if your ancestors all came from the UK and you have no known relatives in this country, how can they do a DNA test and link it to people on the other side of the world?

  20. Julie your actual " Ethnicity " can be different to where your known family has been living for a long time . eg: there are many Welsh people who discover Spanish roots . As Rhonda has said " read all about it on ancestry.com

  21. Hi Rhonda the type on your new blog is very small and I can no longer enlarge it. Very hard to read even with my glasses on. Also the right side of your text under your pic is slightly cut off. Thought you ought to know. Love your blog.

  22. Hi Rhonda! Funny you should write about this as my daughter and i were just talking about the DNA test yesterday. We both want to do it. I have been working on my family tree for years! It's been a lot of fun. Good luck with the dentist, and I hope the unfortunately named cyclone avoids you and causes minimal damage.

    ~Debbie (in PA)

  23. I hope you are tucked in safely at home. I'm seeing pictures of the storm and thinking of you and your fellowmen(women). I had my DNA analyzed by Ancestry a few years ago. Each of my family members results are similar yet vary in the percentages...fascinating. I've been amazed to see how many DNA matches (over 200)of possible relatives have come to light as a result of the test. I've been in contact with a few of them. I spend many hours researching my family on ancestry and have found it to be very rewarding.
    Kind regards,
    Pat (in Oregon)

  24. Hi, Rhonda. I've been a longtime subscriber, but I haven't gotten an email notice of a new post since January 25. I tried resubscribing, but the window said I'm already subscribed. I've been dropped from subscription lists before when sites have been updated, and I've resubscribed with no problem, but since the system wouldn't let me in this case, I wanted to mention it. Sorry to comment here, but I couldn't find a separate place where I could contact you about technical matters. I hope you can get me back on the list! Thank you!

    1. Susan, the subscription list is not attached to the template so I'm not sure why you're having a problem. What's your email? I'll look through the list, delete your name and you can subscribe from scratch.

    2. Hi Susan, I won't add your email here but I have deleted it from the feed subscriptions. You should be able to resubscribe now.

    3. Thanks, Rhonda. I resubscribed yesterday (March 30). FeedBurner said I would receive an email to confirm subscription, but it never came. I thought it might have something to do with your post about changing templates, so I waited until I saw your all-clear post and tried again. This time the FeedBurner box said I was already subscribed. I haven't gotten any new post notifications in my Inbox (and nothing in Junk Mail), but maybe it takes a day or two to process? I'm hoping. Glad you all survived the storm!

  25. Hi! Yes, I have done the ancestry DNA test. My results were exactly what I thought they would be but at the same time there were a couple of areas I thought I would see but didn't. It is great fun and yes, you will find relatives -- and new matches for your tree. I was really excited to do it and I am glad you are as well!


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