17 February 2017

Weekend reading

It's been a busy week full of simple home tasks, family, dogs and thoughts of changing seasons and what that means for me and my home. Nothing stays the same, that's for sure, and while I look forward to the weekend and next week, it has hit me that it's almost a year since we packed the car and took off for three weeks on the road for our book tour. That time has gone by so fast. It seems like yesterday when I signed that contract and sat down, in 2015, to write the first chapters.

Thanks for your comments and visits this week. I hope you have something good planned for the weekend. We'll have all the grandkids here tomorrow and a day in the garden or planning the garden on Sunday.  I'll see you again next week.  ♥︎

Simple beauty washcloth pattern by Salihan at Ecoyarns.  This is a great tutorial if you're starting out with knitting or crochet or if you just want a simple pattern for easy knitting.
The wonders of afternoon tea - so many good ideas here
Timeless advice on writing
Cutting into hand knits - steeking
Steeking a cardigan
For my overseas readers - Sydney (my home town) webcam
The Great American Baking Show
And finally, my mother studied the piano at the Sydney Conservatorium and was a gifted pianist. Maybe there is some of that in my blood because when I read this, I understood the feeling and the need. I'm smiling at you, Phil.



  1. Thanks for sharing the organ story...lovely!! I also played when younger...for churches. I was no expert but I was good with close harmony...so that in itself brought pleasure and joy to others. I do rather miss one...we have a cheap keyboard...but it is not that exciting frankly, to play...maybe I will get back into practicing again one of these days. Elizabeth in WA

  2. have a great weekend Rhonda, Hanno & Gracie
    thanx for sharing

  3. Lovely organ story. My grandmother was a professional pianist and made an astonishing $250 an hour back in the 1930's and 40's. She was in high demand for upscale restaurants and such since she played by ear and could play anything she had ever heard. She also played for vaudeville type stage shows and even silent movies. I inherited her talent and she taught me organ when I was in 5th grade and up. My parents sacrificed greatly to buy me an organ which was a huge organ that there were only a few of that model and one was in the Vatican in Rome. Problem was that it was just so big that it was eventually sold because no one had room for it anymore. I often wonder what happened to it. I have been blessed to have a grand piano but it has the same issue of space. We need to downsize house but doing so and taking along a grand piano will be a challenge. These instruments just become a part of us and are like members of the family. I am so glad Phil has his organ home again.

  4. Reading your blog makes me happy and gives me hope after these at the moment very strenuous days in my full time job. Sitting in my chair and dreaming of a life like yours with peaceful days, a vegetable garden, chickens and bees. I like baking my own sourdough bread, preparing food and crafting and I'm longing for doing this in peace with enough time to do it properly and not under pressure. I must find a way to leave this stressful life especially because I do not need a lot of things and my health must be more important than a lot of money. So thank you for giving me hope that one day I will find a solution.

  5. My nan played the organ to a high standard, though she did play in church she most enjoyed being a cinema organist back when that was a job! She would have loved to know that someone was restoring something so beautiful.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  6. I'd heard of steeking but never seen anyone do it. I imagine that takes a bit of getting one's nerve up the first time!

  7. Ah ha! The little guardian dogs look very much at home, Rhonda ☺


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