1 February 2017

How to connect with like-minded folk

We've been updating the forum over the past few weeks. There are some new moderators and many excellent threads aimed at teaching our members new skills, and the social side of the forum helps us connect with like-minded folk via with regular chat and photo threads. If you're trying to simplify or have happily settled into this kind of living but have no one close to talk to about it, this is the place for you.  If you're already a member but haven't visited for a while, or have been inquisitive but haven't had the time to join, now is the time. Even if you read only a few of our threads, you'll discover enough to make the effort worthwhile. If you become a regular, if may help you change your life.

We're working our way, month-by-month, through The Simple Home and we've just finishing January where many of us organised our homes and prepared ourselves for 2017. This month our topic is Your Money and your Life. We'll be discussing debt, saving and how get the best value from the money you have.

I've listed the forum topics below and the moderators have chosen a thread they think might help or interest you.  Just click on the link to go there.  If you're not a member yet, you'll have to register first. Don't worry, it's free, and your information stays with me and goes no where else. 😃

Robynlouise is our moderator here.
Members of DTE discuss how they describe themselves and their lifestyle. Interesting, inspirational, thoughtful and at times humorous. Make yourself a cuppa and join in the conversation here or if you prefer to just absorb the atmosphere.....that's all right too :).

Linnieloo is our moderator, she says:
During February Your Money and Your Life from The Simple Home by Rhonda Hetzel draws our attention to our finances and the roles money and work play in our lives. There are many suggestions in this chapter that will help to bring positive change to our lives, and we’ll be discussing what you can do to improve the relationship between your money and your time. We'd love you to join us. Link is here.

Juleslea and Katrina moderate in this forum and they are presenting you with a gardening challenge:
Challenge: Create a Garden Planner Week 1: What to grow?
If you’ve dreamed of a vegetable garden and don’t know where to start or you are a seasoned gardener and would like to be more organized, then join us as we go through how to create a garden planner. Week 1 of the challenge has begun with deciding what to grow in your garden. The following weeks will include researching what varieties to plant, determining how much to grow, designing a layout, making a planting schedule, preparing the soil, maintaining your garden and harvesting!

Herfordhare looks after this forum.
Regular menu planning plays a part in the kitchen routines and spending strategy of quite a few of our members. It can also help with the problem of food wastage because using leftovers is part of most plans. Every week, menu plans are posted in this forum and if you click here, you'll find those for this week.

Nannachel and Damac, two of our long-term moderators, are often organising swaps and challenges. If you've ever wanted to sew a simple garment, this one is just for you:
A taste of our talent here on DTE. A lovely member is guiding us through making a simple garment. 
The pattern has been chosen carefully so it can be changed from a top to make a dress or nightie, and it can be made from new or recycled material.
The Sew Along is for beginners to the advanced.
Come and join us in our Make it Yourself Section. Click here to go to the Sew Along.
We also do many crafts and offer help, drop by and join in or ask for advice.
Hope to see you soon.

Kyliemarie and frentaly are co-moderators here in this forum. 
A new exciting thread is starting in February where members will be creating a ‘Running To-Do List’ and begin their journey of getting on top of odd jobs and clearing all that mind clutter. Click here and join us on this productive, motivating and supportive journey.

Sherri and I are moderating this forum. 
If you are looking for ways to increase your recycling and repurposing, you need to see this thread, complete with photos. We hope you get some ideas and inspiration so you can cut down on your carbon emissions by recycling, mending and reusing.

Jenny moderates here and at The Front Door.  She says:
The weekly chat and photo chat threads provide an opportunity to sit around the virtual kitchen table with a group of like minded friends - sharing your plans and achievements, bemoaning the failures, and taking advice or solace from others. You can listen and learn but you'll get to know other members, and come to feel 'at home' on the forum more quickly if you join in. These threads are a good place for newcomers to take the plunge and write their first post - everyone knows how to chat and you don't need to be an expert on anything!

So, there you have it, a few reasons to come along and see what's going on at the forum. This is a place unlike any other on the internet.  There is no bullying or rudeness, the forum is full of great people, interesting information that will challenge you, and you can make friends with people all over the world. We hope to see you there soon.



  1. I visit the forum nearly everyday and it is such a friendly, encouraging and supportive place to be a part of. I would urge anyone reading this to sign up, have a look at what's going on and to join in if you want to. The moderators do a superb job in running the forum and both they and the members will give you a warm welcome.

  2. I also love the Forum......but it is bad for me because if I log on, I find myself visiting there for hours :). .....it is hard not to. In the beginning I was overwhelmed by the number of topics but I am better at choosing what to read or participate in now. I love the chat and photo Forum best, it is good to be able to "hear" and "see" snapshots of other people's worlds. Thanks for this update on the Forum Ronda....am heading there now with a cup of tea (and, maybe a timer.....haha). Have a top day whatever you are doing, it is raining here which is greatly needed.

  3. I just found this and I am excited to join and participate. I am excited to meet people who are also into simplicity, frugality and healthy living. I just registered.

  4. I just found your site. It's refreshing to know there are like minded people in this world! Thank you for your blog!

  5. Isn't amazing and sure there draw backs and all the people from all world we have in common.
    over 90% of world we sure can find something that everyone have in common.
    Those above me can share something about weight lost...
    Coffee is on

  6. Thank. You for the update @rhondajean. I am participating in the sew a long. Can't wait to get started on a Monday!

  7. I, like Sarah, visit the forum every day, it is great to catch up with what others are doing to lead a simpler life. I get great inspiration from the diverse posts and feel supported even though none of the people live near me. Thanks for setting it up and all the work you and the others put in.

  8. Rhonda, I just [finally], bought your book! It is such a comfort to read. I tried to find the forum, but I keep getting a message saying that it is closing down. Is that correct? Your post the other day, about aging, really hit me. I have just turned 59 and find myself slowing down, needing glasses in the garden and other things. I am determined to simplify my life even more so that my husband and I can just 'be'. thanks tons for being so inspiring!

    1. Yes Robyn, the forum closes next week so I have more time to do things at home.

  9. So sad to see that the forum is gone, it has been such a valuable resource for advice, guidance and inspiration. Thanks to you my garden thrives, my home is running smoother and improving bit by bit and my budget now exists. I'm at a loss for where to turn to now! All things must pass however and I hope the free time is put to fun use! Thanks so much for everything, you've taught us all so much!

  10. I have to thank all of the forum's moderators and regular posters too, your kind words and friendly advice made the internet a better place!


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