9 December 2016

Weekend reading

Gracie with her favourite toy - a piece of linen.

I'm looking forward to my talk at the Caboolture Library today. There's a big crowd booked in and I hope that if you come along you introduce yourself. While I'm out I'll go into the mall ðŸ˜³ to buy a couple of books. It's the only Christmas shopping I'll do in a shop. I'm hoping the rain stays away and it's not too humid so that I survive the shops and arrive at the library looking reasonable.

Thanks for your visits and comments this week. It is one of my weekly pleasures to read them all. ♥︎ 

The beauty of knitting
Pet sounds: why birds have much in common with humans
Dutch spiced biscuits (speculaas)


  1. Thanks for the Speculaas link Rhonda, they're my husband's favourite. I have all of those ingredients so will give them a go. I think the moulds would be great too so I'll have a search around for them.

    Another great photo of Gracie. That face says it all.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  2. Thanks Rhonda, I really enjoyed the article on the birds. We have magpies on our property but it is a pair of butcher birds who have really bonded with us and become friends. Some of the King Parrots are becoming very relaxed around us as well.

    I had a great great aunt and uncle who retired to Hastings Street Noosa, there were only two other houses on the street in those days.

  3. That is an innocent face isn't it? Also, speculaas are delicious! Yum.

  4. Oh, more of Gracie! I just cannot get enough! I love dogs of all kinds and have an adorable Sheltie, myself. Great article on the Speculaas, thank you.

  5. Gracie is so cute. I have a West Highland Terrier and (apart from the colour) are so similar. Thank you for the weekend reading, I look forward to it every week.

  6. wow - you've given me enough fun stuff in this post to last for two or three weekends. i don't knit, but everything else is a great fit. --suz in ohio/usa

  7. My mother and grandparents use to holiday in Montville in the 1930's and 40s. They would drive their old Chrysler up the pacific Hwy from Sydney (it was dirt road all the way back then). It would take them 3 days full travel to reach Brisbane. They would leave their car at a friends and they would all catch the bus service to Montville and stay for a week in the guesthouse there.

  8. Always love your links...but esp. the bird story this time was so lovely! THANK YOU!! LOTS of stress and hard places for me/us right now...needed something like that story. Thank you for the encouragement you did not even realize I needed!!
    Elizabeth in WA

  9. Really enjoyed the article on your part of Australia! Helps me to picture where you are when I read your blog. Thanks for sharing!

  10. She's gorgeous, I love that her favourite toy is a piece of linen :-)

  11. I check your blog daily. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers always. I am so very grateful that you continue to write. Our lives are very similar.
    Today, our son brought our grandsons to our home in the woods. We went the front woods and cut a 10 foot Christmas tree. The boys (ages 4, 6, and 8) were so very excited. After a pleasant dinner, the grandsons decorated the tree themselves. What joy! Thank you for sharing your life. May peace and joy be with you, Dianna

  12. Rhonda, the picture of adorable Gracie made me laugh out loud. Thank you! I've been reading your wonderful blog for years and never commented, so can I say now: thank you for your insight, inspiration and always interesting posts! (And for the link to speculaas. Delicious!)

  13. Hi Rhonda and grace
    Lovely to see her playing with her ribbon. She's gotten so big and definitely more cuter by the day. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and Gracie gets throughly spoilt. As all good Scotties should. Love Alannah


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