25 November 2016

Weekend reading

I've had a miserable week with allergies causing my asthma and eczema to flare up. I'm looking forward to the end of the week and the beginning of a new one with no wheezing or scratching. Things seem to be improving slowly each day so I'm hoping for a return to normal soon. It's been a bad year for hay fever, asthma and eczema, which is probably due to the weather. I fear we're on a collision course with the weather and too many people don't believe the science of climate change or don't think they have to change their ways to help remedy it.

Thanks for your visits this week and for the beautiful comments you leave scattered here. ♥︎  

Homemade ricotta recipe and three things to cook with it
How to make a succulent wreath
Wartime Farm - you tube, parts 1 - 8
A homemakers attempt at the Ivy Lee Method of organisation. I like this!
Free range egg and chicken guide
Tiny treasures basket and tray pattern - free pattern
Growing ginger in the backyard
Mom's apple pie - you tube
Upland blog
Amish recipes
I've shared my tomato relish recipe in the past, check out Pauline's blog with her Spicy tomato relish recipe.  There are some good recipes there.



  1. The wartime kitchen series - I watch these over and over.

  2. Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Good morning Rhonda, I made ricotta last weekend to prevent waste on some milk I was given (we don't drink dairy milk) we have used it this week while away camping as a substitute for sour cream to serve with steamed potatoes. It was delicious. I didn't know you could "whip" ricotta, good to know for next time. Have a splendid weekend.

  4. Hello Ronda, hope you feel better soon.
    Thank you for the weeking readings! I will also read The Simple Home (arrived this morning bz post!) and if I'm lucky also The Simple Life, which should arrive tomorrow or latest next Monday. Feels like Christmas to me :)
    I will remember to leave a review on Booktopia.

    Have a nice relaxing weekend

    1. Thanks Paula. I appreciate that. I hope you enjoy the books. xx

  5. Hello Rhonda, Thanks for sharing my blog, I appreciate your generous words. I hope you are feeling much better soon, allergies can make it difficult to function. Have an enjoyable weekend with your gorgeous puppy. Pauline

  6. I watched the war time farm and Christmas in one night. Couldn't stop watching it. Learned so much. Thank you.

  7. My daughter and I have recently discovered some uses for the 5-spice herb, (also known as queen of herbs, and mother of herbs), other than in cooking. We started out trying it as a calming tea which aids sleeping, and has no nasty hangover effects on waking. To our surprise, our noses have cleared while using this tea daily - it seems that the allergies have a considerably reduced impact when the tea is used consistently, once a day.

    We also accidentally discovered that it is brilliant for soothing itchiness such as is caused by bites and rashes, (particularly those caused by bites). I wonder if you might like to try it. If it works for you, I would love to know as I haven't found many people who have tried 5-spice for bites, rashes or allergies.

    Online I have found quite a variety of other uses however, both culinary and medicinal. It's also attractive and incredibly easy plant to grow - worth cultivating in any garden.

  8. I fear you're right--way too many people don't believe, or just don't want to believe, that climate change is real and caused by human activity. I am deeply afraid of the consequences of our recent election in this regard (and so many others, but no need to go into that here). In the meantime, I will keep doing everything I can do, and encouraging others to do the same, as I don't know what else to do.

  9. Thank you for letting us know about the War Time Farm TV series...not something we had on on local TV. Have enjoyed watching it very much this past week. Have learnt a few old time tips from it but it has also been of much interest because my mother and her family spent WW II on a farm in Kent,UK and she was a land girl.


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