3 November 2016

Amazing Grace

Gracie had her first grooming session on Tuesday. The groomer said she is too young to be properly stripped but she had a fair amount of hair removed and she seems to be happier now that her thick coat has gone.

She has weed seeds all over her here. They're sticky and hard to pick off. She's now got the beginnings of the authentic Scottish Terrier look with the eyebrows standing up, a beard, smooth back and a long skirt. She looks so pretty!

The next time she is groomed, when she's a few months older, she'll be stripped and shaped into the familiar Scottie squareness. By then her ears will be standing up too. They still flop down now but I think that has a bit to do with the amount of hair on her ears. We'll be in Brisbane today so she'll have to be on her best behaviour. She'll have a couple of runs in a park and I'll pack her lunch of chicken and a container of water so I'm sure she'll enjoy her outing.



  1. Gracie is growing so fast Rhonda, she is adorable. I feel like she speaks to you with her eyes. They seem to say/show everything, I hope you had a good day in Brisbane together.

  2. ....how sweet the sight. Looks like she has plenty of vim and vigour with attitude to boot.

  3. I hope you all have a great outing down in my neck of the woods. The weather is just glorious.

  4. Oh my stars, she's a cute pup!

  5. If she gets any cuter I don't think I can stand it! Hope you had a fun time in Brisbane....Will have to look at a map to see where that is located. Blessings, Carolyn in Florida

  6. Love to read all about Grace. Thank you for sharing.

  7. O so adorable. I like them so much!!

  8. She looks so cute and is definitely beginning to look "Scottish:!

  9. She is truly adorable! Her expression looks as if she's trying really hard to understand this crazy world!

  10. she is so cute and looks great since she got groomed. Does she have her own lunch box?

  11. OMG she's ADORABLE!
    thanx for keeping us updated Rhonda! enjoying it thoroughly
    selina from kilkivan qld

  12. I always feel better after a good hair cut.
    Coffee is on

  13. Such a little sweetie. We are in love with little Gracie.

  14. Those look like the same weed seeds we have in our Florida yard. They're awful for dogs, they stick in between their toes and get everywhere. No idea what they are, we call them beggarweeds, but I don't think that's their real name. Also, I love Gracie's ears as they are now, partially standing up but a bit floppy. She's a cutie.

  15. What a cutie! I'm trying to convince myself that I do not want any more dogs, but Gracie is making it hard!

  16. Such a sweetheart - I grew up with a Scottie, Tammy, and just recently came across some of his puppy photos - there's nothing quite as fetching as a Scottie puppy, is there? Not to say that there isn't a bit of mischief behind those melting eyes .....

  17. Our Ladybug is 8 this year, I still remember the day she only had one ear that had popped up and the other had not. She just went to the groomer the other day and had her normal cut. She gets quite fuzzy in-between. Congrates on your sweet Scottie my husband and can tell you she is going to make a wonderful addition to your family!

  18. oh look at those eye brows!! She is just a darling.

    We are looking into breeding Scotty Dogs, just on the small scale. We have a fantastic local vet, a big block and we Grant has a good understanding of animal genetics and breeding. We also have two friends locally that breed dogd, not Scotty Terriers but they are firmly in the right circles and are a wealth of knowledge regarding rules and regulations so we know we are doing it well. :)


  19. She's a darling girl ♥ so glad she is with you! Hugs!

  20. She is so cute and looks very happy with you :)

  21. Oh my goodness, that puppy is too adorable for words!


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