14 October 2016

Weekend reading

We're celebrating over at the Down to Earth forum this weekend. It's our seventh birthday! The forum has well over 8000 members now and continues to grow steadily. If you haven't visited yet, or not for a long time, go over and have a look. We're organising a few special threads and some fun activities. There will even be a couple of prizes up for grabs. But even if you don't win a prize, you'll find a lot of information about simplifying life in a forum full of friendly folk from the four corners of the earth. Come and join us.

Thanks for your visits this week and to everyone to left a comment, I love reading your notes. They keep me writing here. I'll be back again on Monday. I hope you have a lovely weekend. ♥︎



  1. Congratulations on reaching the seven year mark with the forum Rhonda.

  2. The spinach impossible pie sounds yummy,I think I'll have to try it & the article about unschooling was very interesting, thank you & enjoy your weekend.

  3. I love your blog and forum. I have joined two other forums in the past and after the initial question answered, there's not much more of great value. DTE forum however seems to always have something new and the members are fabulous! Congrats on the 7 yr mark. Happy evening to you.

  4. I have everything I need to make that spinach impossible pie. It looks delicious!
    Thanks for another great list of links, I am looking forward to bit of time to read some of them over the weekend. Meg:)

  5. Interesting article on unschooling. We currently homeschool our daughter (and sort of homeschool our son, but he's 3 years old, so it's much more relaxed for him), and while parts of unschooling sound appealing, I just fear that we would 'drift' too much, as the article mentions some kids do. So we use a formal curriculum, but I try to make sure there is plenty of time in their days to play, to be outside, to create, and to explore, as well as trying to see friends at least once a week. As with so much else in life, I feel like with homeschooling it's about finding the balance that works for one's own family.

    Also a thought-provoking article on leisure--thanks for sharing.

  6. Thanks for the link to the very sweet Babar pattern! I'll have to add it to my implausibly long Ravelry queue.

  7. Hi Rhonda, I have been searching your previous blogs for the spray fabric stiffener. I normally buy commercial fabric stiffener for my doilies but would prefer to use homemade. Thank you for so generously sharing your ideas. My laundry has gone from commercially prepared products to greener, cheaper products made at home using your recipes. Thank you Lenore

    1. Hi Lenore, I'm glad I could help. You'll find the spray starch recipe here: http://down---to---earth.blogspot.com.au/2016/05/from-scarecrow-to-neat-and-pressed-in.html

    2. Thank you very much Rhonda, I hope you are having a wonderful day.


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