30 September 2016

Weekend reading

Hanno and I quietly celebrated our 37th wedding anniversary this week. :- ) I can't say we've always been in sync, but in our older years we walk to the beat of the same drum.

I'm looking forward to another weekend sleepover with Jamie and Alex. They'll have a campfire in the backyard with their favourite sausage on bread dinner, followed by hot chocolates and marshmallows. It will be the last time they'll both here when there is no little Scottie dog in the backyard.  Gracie arrives next Wednesday and we're all very excited.

Thanks for your visits and comments this week. I hope you have a wonderful weekend at your place too.


  1. Hi Rhonda,

    Best way I know to share this with you is here. It is a devastating news report on CO2. As you think of your wee grandsons (well, not so wee -- they are growing so fast!), I just wonder how I can make this world better for my wee granddaughter who will carry on when I am gone. Here's the link:


    It made me want to cry....

  2. I think that airplane travel is the elephant in the room in terms of climate change. Governments/corporations don't want to talk about it because travel is big business, and people don't want to talk about it because they love to travel. You read more and more lately that people want to have "experiences" vs. buying a lot of stuff. Most of those experiences seem to involve travel, often overseas. They seem blind to the fact that they are still consuming, just a different product, and one that has a big environmental impact. I also think it's telling that people use the term "addicted" when speaking about their desire to travel, especially young people. It's sad given that young people are usually more attuned to environmental issues. I don't think most people will change in this area unless forced to. On a brighter note, young Gracie cometh!! Hope the boys have fun camping in the back yard - sounds like a nice adventure for them. Beth in MN

  3. Happy Anniversary to you both Rhonda.

    Enjoy your weekend with Jamie and Alex. I'm sure they're excited about Gracie's arrival next week too.

    Thanks for your links. I always enjoy them over the weekend.

  4. Happy Anniversary! Isn't it great to be so comfortable together? It is the reward of long years together. Have a great weekend!

    We are traveling to visit our middle son and his wife. We look forward to seeing their first house and we just love a road trip.

  5. Congratulations. Thirty seven years is a long time. My sweet husband and I just celebrated 34 years on Sept. 17. We did a short trip to San Antonio to walk around River Walk and just get out of our town. We loved it. It was not expensive, and it was just very nice.

    1. I'm pleased to read of your 34th anniversary, Roxie. It sounds like you and your husband had a lovely time. xx

  6. For over 20 years I have been saying that these mega mergers particularly in agriculture will be catastrophic for the world. I am not that smart but I read a book at that time and it scared me to death. Another perfect example of how just a few companies will be controlling vital assets is that Monsanto has just been bought by BAYER the German pharmaceutical company. A $66 billion dollar deal. And of course I see this in our local grocery store which is part of the huge Loblaws conglomerate. They decide what we can buy. Many brand names and products have disappeared over the last few years to be replaced by their generic brands or the brands that will pay them the most for shelf space. Since we have a limited number of stores here we have to buy what is available.

  7. Happy Anniversary guys, it is marvelous to be so content with each other and in your own skin. Have a great weekend with the boys. Too wet in Tassie to light the outdoor fire, plus the firewood is on top of the Landcruiser and of course, is very wet.

  8. Happy anniversary Rhonda & Hanno, a fantastic effort, I wonder how many young couples getting married now will still be together in 37 years? Have a lovely time with your darling boys & thanks for the weekend reading.

  9. Congratulations to you both :)
    Have a nice weekend

    may the next 37 years be just as good xxx

    selina from kilkivan qld

  11. Campfire in the backyard with a favourite meal sounds wonderful, what fun! I am sure you will all have so much fun with gracie when she comes. Thanks for the weeke d reading. I have often thought about all the plane travel and why noone seems to want to talk about it. 30 % of Norwegians take 5 or more flights a year. That is an awful lot of pollution. Looking forward to read through your list of links. Happy weekend, blessings, Pam in Norway

  12. Forgot to say: Happy anniversary!! Pam in Norway

  13. Happy anniversary, hopefully many happy years to come
    I don't reply often, but I enjoy your blog very much
    I spend last week a post on it, it is in Dutch but maybe Google translate helps
    Have a weekend
    With love Manon

  14. Happy wedding anniversary! What a wonderful tally. We are hitting our first decade in a couple of weeks and it feels like just yesterday.

    Thanks for all your guiding words Rhonda, the Aussie Grandmother to thousands! ;)


  15. Happy Anniversary! Husband and I celebrated our 25th this year with a quiet day trip to a not so far away town, just the two of us. There's something so special about quiet celebrations.

    And thank you for posting the links. I just clicked on the first one to catch my eye about the plastics released from clothes washing. I've been striving to work with only natural fibers in my knitting and sewing and I only use wool to stuff my handmade dolls. This article gives me more encouragement to keep going with that path even when synthetics are often less expensive and more easily found.

  16. Happy Anniversary! Sept. 1st Don and I celebrated 55 years. What a blessing! Sounds like a lot of fun with your grandsons this weekend. How excited everyone is about Gracie coming this next week. Looking forward to lots of pictures. Carolyn in Florida

  17. Happy anniversary Rhonda and Hanno! You make a great team!

    Trinidad & Tobago

  18. Happy Anniversary! Took the kids to the Royal Show this week and saw an Airedale that reminded me of you and your sweet dogs...and a gorgeous wee scotty with a distinguished man in a tweed jacket. I can't wait to see little Gracie running around your property with her nose in everything :)

    1. Hi Moey, I found Rosie's old tartan lead this morning and scrubbed it down for Gracie to use. I bought Grace a pink harness (for walking) and a yellow collar with pink rosebuds (for ID and council tags) and I know the tartan will clash but I don't care. It will feel like Rosie has another life with Gracie. :- ) I'll have plenty of photos of Gracie. LOL

  19. Happy Anniversary!!!!
    Was wastching this video, Home Economics - 90 Meals a Month to be Planned and Prepared - 1949. not sure you will be able to view in your country, but if you can you will get a real kick out of it.

  20. Happy Anniversary!!

    Your comment about the boys sleeping over made me smile. :) Must be wonderful to be a grandmother! I hope a good time was had by all!

  21. Happy anniversary!!!!


  22. Happy Anniversary! Thank you for always posting such interesting and timely links to additional reading. Enjoy your time with your grands and your new puppy!

  23. Thought I'd say a quick hello as we drive through you're beautiful part of the world today!! Xo

    1. Hi Kristie, enjoy your drive. Where are you going to?

    2. We are camping near Beerwah so we can take the kids to Australia Zoo! We hiked Mt Ngungun this morning and thought we'd take a little drive to see the area since it was a rainy day! We are all loving it here!

  24. Happy anniversary Rhonda and Hanno!

  25. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary Rhonda and Hanno!

    Much love to you both,



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