15 September 2016

Weekend reading

I spent some time this week bear watching at Katmai Nation Park in Alaska. I wish I could tell you I was there in person, but having those webcams is almost as good for this arm chair traveller. This year has seen record numbers of sockeye and silver salmon travel up the Brooks River, which attracted more bears who use the resource to help them survive a long winter. The water level was higher this year too. There were new adult bears seen, quite a few mothers with spring cubs and the remains one of the older bears were found near the river which had everyone speculating about what happened to him. But now it's coming to a close and instead of seeing most of the bears catching fish at the falls, we're seeing them at the mouth of the river too. They scavenge around floating through the water casually catching dead and dying fish. It's natures way of cleaning up after the fish return to the place of their birth to die, completing their life cycle. I never tire of watching the unscripted, day-to-day activities of the bears play out in front of the cameras. In the next month, as the weather gets colder and the bears reach their maximum weight, they'll start leaving the falls and move up to higher ground where they'll dig a new den and settle in for the winter. We'll see them again in June 2017.

Thanks for your visits and comments this week. I love seeing new readers here as well as older readers who return every day (for years). Have a good weekend, friends. I'll see you next week.


  1. Hello Rhonda,
    The link for Fasten Your Seat Belt is a different site.
    Thank you for assembling the Weekend Reading segments! Have
    a restful weekend,

  2. These are some great readings! Can you check the link for the toy box one? Thank you:)
    My little boys are fascinated by the bears, too!

  3. Hi Rhonda, I love your blog. Your prose is what keeps my interest and my attention. There are few bloggers that actually have an ability to communicate with their audience as effectively as you do. I have purchased all of your books and The Simple Home is my favourite. I enjoy your picks for the weekend reading, I am often amazed and delighted at the articles you select.
    I am moving to Canada at the end of the year and have watched the bears with interest, learning about their behaviours. As an Australian, my knowledge of bears has been somewhat limited, I don't think Koalas count? Thank you for all your hard work in keeping this blog interesting and informative. I have become a better caretaker of my home and the planet due in no short part, to your willingness to share your knowledge and keeping on spreading the message of 'less is more'. You have become my surrogate Mum and Gran all rolled in to one. Lots of heartfelt love to you, Krys.

  4. Thanks for your weekly weekend reading list always interesting. I love the article in this week's about choice - it says exactly what I would say if only I had the skill to put into words how choice is for me! I enjoy your blog and agree with your views on living life simply etc. Keep them coming!

  5. You have me 'hooked' on those bears Rhonda. Truly fascinating.

  6. Rhonda, I look forward to the weekend reading posts. there is always a broad selection and much to ponder. So far this week I am most impacted by the post about choice. We do have choices which are great but I have to agree there is far too much now. Another reason to choose to simplify and live mindfully. Thank you.

  7. After doing some renovations at our place we are almost ready to move back in and I was very excited by your link to the Montessori blog as I think about how to set things up for my daughter to engage and explore :) thankyou

  8. I was just thinking about the bears last week. My, but they are looking robust these days! Putting on their winter weight I guess. Thanks for sharing, and for your weekend reading list. Always enjoyable to learn something new :)

  9. Isn't it great how the world can be so small by way of the internet. My cousin lives near that park in Alaska and posts pictures of his family from there on Facebook and yet I am thousands of miles from him. And you are thousands of miles from both of us and you can be there watching the bears, too.

    1. Oh yes, Lana, I agree. Every time I watch the bears I think about how amazing this technology is.


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