26 August 2016

Weekend reading

The daikon radishes are growing like wild fire this year. I think most of them would weigh about 500grams/a pound and they're crisp and delicious.

I've been thoroughly enjoying my time at home and I'm getting caught up on all those jobs I put aside when I was busy writing. It's a great feeling to meet the mornings knowing I don't have to go out and can spend the day doing whatever I choose to do. I've been spending time in the garden late every afternoon, staring into space, watching the birds, breathing the fresh air and just being a part of the landscape. Life is slow and quiet and I'm loving it.

I hope you have a lovely weekend planned. If you have time, tell me about it.

How to search gmail so that it searches everything
Sleep 'resets' brain connections crucial for memory and learning
How to pickle cherry tomatoes


  1. What an utterly surprising link to Glencairn Abbey. This is not the type of thing I would normally look at, but as I was watching it there seemed to be a 100 pennies dropping across a wide spectrum of topics - I was fascinated at my own reaction to this video. Thanks for including it in the list today Rhonda.

    1. Yes, Mrhm, you have to watch the entire thing to get the true sense of it. It's about more than religion. I like that one of the nuns said: "We live by the work of our hands." I do too.

  2. Since you ask so nicely Rhonda:-) I am taking my teenage daughter to Melbourne for the weekend. We are staying with good friends, and attending another friend's Citizenship party. We will be visiting my mum in her nursing home and taking her a crocheted blanket I made. Hopefully I will finally find a rug for the living room, after whining about it for months - slim pickings for that sort of thing in the country! And of course, I will just have to pop into a couple of op shops - Melbourne op shops are the BEST! Hope your weekend is wonderful:-)
    Loretta xx

    PS I would have laid bets that 'moist' was the most hated word! It certainly is my pick. Along with 'panties', urgh.

  3. Home is marvelous, isn't it? I feel so sorry for people who say they are "bored" or "have nothing to do". How can that happen!? Anyhow... My weekend started today (Thursday) with canning six quarts of tomato soup and four quarts of chicken soup from a rotisserie chicken carcass, baking four mini-loaves of banana bread from black bananas (so good!), and roasting four heads of broccoli and one of cauliflower. Then, I cleaned a bit in the kitchen and hung four loads of laundry on the line. I know it sounds like I worked in a hurry, but it was slow and pleasant and I enjoyed it so much! The rest of the weekend I am going to gather apples from abandoned trees and put them by for winter... I love seeing the pantry fill, don't you? Rest and enjoy and see you next week!

  4. Thanks for great links Rhonda. Loved the Abbey one particularly. Can just see you sitting in your garden evenings, sounds lovely. We are off to watch sheep shearing this weekend and perhaps pick some berries in the mountains. Have a lovely weekend both of you. Pam in Norway

  5. Do you not have mosquitoes there? Or are they maybe not so bad where you live? I would love to be out in the yard in the late afternoon/evening when it's finally cooling off, but that's when the mosquitoes come out and drive us inside, especially with all the fear of zika circulating here.

    1. We have summer mosquitoes here but not in the open garden. Usually they lurk on the verandah, where I have a citronella candle, and in the sheds.

  6. Thanks for the reminder to... just breathe...
    Now that my husband has finished dental school, we are able to enjoy family time. He is teaching our 3-year old to play soccer and we enjoy Sunday afternoons at the park followed by a treat of ice cream at Sonic. I truly enjoy watching him interact with our little boys and it is a time for me to just breathe in and savor the moments.
    We are still exploring our new home here in New Mexico. I've never lived in the desert, much less a place that's a mile high. Living at such a high altitude comes with its own set of challenges. We work through them and we make the most of it.
    Thank you, Rhonda, for all of your encouragement to keep on. You are a real gem.

  7. Love your description of sitting in the late afternoons taking time to just breathe and contemplate- it`s a reminder to me to slow down, something I really need to do. After a hectic two weeks caring for a 3 year old grandchild who has had tonsils/adenoids removed, a cat that had to go to the vet 3 times for a shoulder abcess and arranging carers and tests for my mother who has just suffered a series of debilitating strokes, I am going to spend the weekend doing some gentle baking, sorting through and gifting some of my copious craft supplies, sowing seeds in the greenhouse (dreams of luscious tomatoes and fragrant sweet peas!) and knitting- lots of knitting!!
    And I will be sitting out this evening watching the sun go down behind the Western Tiers- and give thanks that mosquitoes are rarely a problem here.

    1. Corinne, I'm sorry to read of your mother's strokes. It sounds like you've had a busy time of it. Yes, late afternoon sitting and thinking does one the world of good. And to do it watching the sun disappear behind the Western Tiers would be a wonderful thing.

  8. Just a quick msg to let you know I'm on my way to South Africa for a well earned holiday break. I bought 2 of The Simple Home books as presents. I know my friends will love reading it the way I did.

    1. Hi Elzabe. Lovely, thanks for buying them. I hope your friends enjoy the book and that you enjoy your holiday. xx

  9. Rhonda I notice you have put a link up for quick cucumber pickles, which I haven't looked at as I have very limited data at present and can't watch anything. BUT I wanted to tell you that I think of you every time I go down to the cellar to bring up another jar of your quick cucumber pickles that you posted around Christmas time. I made a few jars, and am pleased to tell you that 7-8months later, they are still crisp and delicious. The recipe is so quick and simple to make, I'll be making a lot more jars this summer now that I know how well they keep.

    1. That's a good recipe, Sally, and like you said, it lasts. I'm really pleased you enjoy them. xx

  10. How do you find oranges go in large pots? We've had one for years in a big pot but it just limps along, never produced fruit and looks sad. I'm a very unknowledgable gardener, perhaps I'm not watering it enough? Or providing fertiliser? I have no idea!!!


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