5 August 2016

Weekend reading

I was going through my photos during the week and found this photo of our garden in 2007. We don't grow so much food now and have removed two of these beds. I see we have a large potato crop there, we don't grow potatoes now, or celery or leeks, which are also seen in this photo. 

Thank you for your visits this week. It seems there many new names on the comments now and I welcome all those new readers. I'm not sure if my long-term readers are still here but if you are, hello! I'm trying to get myself back into the blogging routine but early morning posts just aren't happening anymore. Never mind, I'll establish a new routine soon. I just have to be patient and let it happen. I hope you enjoy the weekend. :- )

Ironing the old fashioned way - the way Donna does her ironing is the same way my mum did her's when I was growing up
Unlimited.world is a new site recently launched by Stephen Hawking



  1. I`m still here Rhonda .Our garden is smaller and our step is a little slower.We have just had our golden wedding anniversary.we are blessed God is good.Cheers Affussa/Jellifus

  2. I love the ironing article! I used to be the one to sprinkle the clothes when I was a child. I can still smell that hot iron smell from ironing day and going to bed that night with a crisp ironed pillowcase. Good memories!

  3. Hi Rhonda, I'm a long time follower (since I saw you on a morning show, where they were not as appreciative of a simple life as we, their loss I believe), I don't comment much but I pop in every morning to read your pearls of wisdom, enjoy getting back to your quiet life.

  4. Still here Rhonda, I have read you every day since 2008. Even when I am away from home :) I am just a rubbish commenter but you can be sure I am reading. You continue to inspire me and we shall grow old together - virtually :) Love Julia in Bowen x

  5. Thanks for sharing! I just watched "Family of 7 living completely Off- Grid in Northern Canada". Very interesting!

  6. Love the photo of your old garden. This year I am reading your blog "from scratch". I am reading the month we are in for each of the archived years. So much wonderful information and so many beautiful photos. Thank you.

  7. What a productive garden, Rhonda. Even though you don't grow as much now, I'm sure your garden still brings you joy and supplies some of your food. I've been out in my garden this morning and the blueberries are in flower and the silverbeet is still going strong and there's even a cornflower opened up today. I read your blog regularly and always find lots of inspiration! Meg:)

  8. I'm a long time reader, too but hardly ever comment. Just want to let you know I'm still with you, and thanks for all that you share to help us live the simple life. ~ Elaine

  9. Rhonda, you will never get rid of me. I read the blog each day and so many things resonate with me and I write a comment in my head instead of in the comment box. But that doesn't do you much good, does it? So I'll free associate a comment and see how that goes: I tried darning a hole in the sleeve of one of my shirts and it looks pretty good for a first effort (inspired by past Weekend Reading links); I think your new picture is the best; when you talk about retirement, I think of a bit of your writing that says exactly what I feel right now: ". . . I realized I didn't want to work for a living any more. I wanted to stay at home and rebuild my spirit." I want that so much; your bathroom renovation turned out beautifully; climate change - it's real people!; I would like to be an Alaskan bear for a day and stand in rushing water, waiting for a fish; reading about simple living and house work and thinking of my Mom, and how house work is a way for her to hang on to her sense of self as her memory fades. Thanks for the gift of your words Rhonda! Beth in MN

  10. Long-term reader checking in - Hello from Chicago!

  11. Waving back to all the old timers. Great to see you all again. xx x 1million.

  12. Still here Rhonda. I have been reading your blog for a long time as well. Love your new book.

  13. New-timer. I've started reading through your blog right from the beginning a couple of weeks ago, made my way to December 2007 now, have no intention of giving up.
    Though my life is very different from yours (city-dweller, in my fifties, happily single, apartment owner with two cats and no intention of having a garden anytime soon) I still take away lots of inspiration from your blog. Thank you so much for writing it and sharing so much of your knowledge. MeliB

  14. I'm still here! Love the health benefits of knitting! Thanks for sharing when you have time :)

  15. I'm still here Rhonda and enjoying every one of your posts. :)

  16. Still here Rhonda. I starting commenting as Allotment Adventures with Jean but it's with Wordpress and I had difficulty leaving a comment on your blog. So then I started Australian Gardening Granny with Google so I could leave comments on the Google driven blogs I enjoy. And I enjoy yours the best. I might not comment each time, but I always read with interest what is happening in your life.

  17. I'm still here Rhonda, Love your weekend links, and always happy to see a new post from you! I was reflecting and I must have been following you for 5 years now. Time flies, and life is good.


  18. Me too Rhonda, I love your blog and look forward to reading it. Like lots of others, I don't comment in words but think my views instead. It's time I put it in writing to show how much I, and lots of others, appreciate you and your words of wisdom. Please keep blogging.

  19. I'm still here! We're coming to the end of summer here in Florida, despite the fact that temperatures are still high--this is the month we go back to (home)school, start Girl Scouts, and start getting the garden ready. My farmer neighbor is preparing his vegetable fields for planting, which means that soon it will be time for us to get seeds in the ground.

    By the way, the link to the Christmas ornaments just takes me to a Blogger dashboard--not sure where it's supposed to lead, but thought you might like to know in case that is an error.

  20. I don't think I qualify as a long time reader, but I sure do enjoy your excellent links. They are an education in themselves. That said, the one about Christmas ornaments does weird things - takes me back to my blog dashboard. Might you have a look at it? It may just be my computer... Thanks again for all your sharing.

  21. Hello dear Rhonda.. Doing the farm thing this summer with no internet so missing your blog post.. Be back in the Fall.. Hope you are enjoying your season.. Take care my friend.. God bless.. xo

  22. Helena and Shelley, try the Christmas ornaments link now. I've fixed it. My apologies. :- )

  23. Ronda......I am glad that you have officially started your retirement........but trust me when I say that retirement is 'busy'. The benefit though is that it is 'busy' at our own pace, doing the things we want to do. That is the big difference for us .....and we have found the ebb and flow of lives in retirement very satisfying.

    I do hope that you find your blogging mojo again, because selfishly I miss you when you are not here. I understand the freedom of not writing a blog. I stopped writing mine some months ago but after the long break am thinking of starting again. I found it to be a creative outlet. I have been told to write less and more often....might give that a try. An issue with living on the road is that I have to use WIFI which is quite expensive. We struggled on 8G per month but have recently increased it to 30G so now I will be able to post as many photos as I would like.

    Have a lovely weekend Ronda.

  24. Hello Rhonda,
    I'm a long time follower, too. It has been ages since I last commented. I was without a computer for most of Spring and Summer. So, I am still catching up. I am enjoying the different pictures you show of yourself. It's fun to see how you are wearing your hair. I was letting mine grow out, but decided to just cut it short again. Summer is just too hot to have hair touching my neck.
    As always, I enjoy listening to your words of wisdom and the routines of your life. Routines are comforting, I find. Darlene

  25. I'm still here, Rhonda! We have a fairly large garden but the heat we've had in Nebraska this summer has made gardening difficult and not too pleasant. Still, we've eaten loads of cucumbers, green beans, radishes, and zucchini. The tomatoes and bell peppers are very slow but they will ripen eventually. The sweet corn will be ready the first on next week. :) Have a great weekend!

  26. Thanks for link to the article on the health benefits of knitting, Rhonda. It's terrific and really resonates with my experience of knitting and, having watched my mother, her's too. Calming, soothing, productive, social, tactile, reassuring. Love it! And thanks too for this blog. I've actually been reading for years but have not commented but want you to know how much I appreciate your clear, wise words and practical advice. A big thank you to Hanno as well for his excellent support job!

  27. Love your blog! I live in Nova Scotia, Canada. Sometimes I have to remind myself that our seasons are opposites! Keep posting - Please! Catherine

  28. Long time reader-not much of a commenter,except in my head. I love your encouragement to go back to much of what I did as a young and very broke single mother and then after I was married to a man who was disabled (for several years).Now thirty years later we are facing a less than prepared retirement and I will need to resurrect many of those skills and adapt them to TX(not northern Indiana where I grew up). Please keep blogging. I always feel encouraged that I can succeed @ this. Plus you have the best weekend reading suggestions!"

  29. I happily stumbled across your blog eight years ago and and although I enjoy reading it each week, I rarely comment. Your warmth and wisdom are much valued by me in this hectic world. I regularly use your recipe to make laundry liquid and sometimes make soap. We have kept our own chickens for six years, make compost (thank you chickens), grow fruits and vegetables, make home-made jams and preserves and try to live as simply as possible. While we were were heading towards these changes, your blog gave us the spur to give it a go. So thank you Rhonda and Hano, and keep on blogging, please. King regards.

  30. What a lovely garden you had (and still have). I have been reading your blog for probably eight years and I have to say your's is my favorite. I always feel a ping of happiness when a new entry pops up on my reader. Your writing a photos remind me to find the joys in a simple life. Thank you!


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