13 May 2016

Weekend reading

I came across this unusual sight during the week when I drove down to the coast to pick up a few things. Cruise ships usually sail past here. This one stopped and let off passengers to spend time on land here on the Sunshine Coast. I guess it would have been a boost for the local economy.

Hanno and I are spending time in the garden every afternoon enjoying the sunshine and the cool breezes that blow through. It's a beautiful time of year and one that we make the most of in the garden.  I hope you have time to get out and breathe in the fresh air in the coming days. I'll see you next week. ♥︎

A very good guide to growing a variety of common vegetables.
Vegans Whip Up a Secret Weapon: Aquafaba
Thermomix products responsible for 45 injuries
The way we shop now: the revolution in British spending habits
Australian Women's Weekly birthday cakes stir up nostalgia


  1. It is wonderful weather for gardening now that the hot summer weather has this week finally faded into autumn. Thank you for the links.

  2. Rhonds that is probably the cruise ship that came and stopped at Gladstone yesterday. It was the third one to stop here.

  3. Thanks for the reading list Rhonda. Enjoy your weekend in the garden - that's where I'll be too.

  4. Read "Grass, Soil, Hope" by Courtney White. We no longer plan to grow many of our own vegetables and are putting our veggie garden into a native plant garden. We have 2000 square metres of land and will eventually plant a fairly large garden.

    1. I read his book last year. It was a good read with valuable ideas. Why have you given up vegetable gardening?

    2. Don't know whether my reply reached you as my computer went funny. My husband is finding it all too much now as he is 78, still healthy but not wanting to do as much. We feel that planting a wildlife garden will also have environmental benefits.

  5. Happy weekend, Rhonda! I've just come up from the garden. Oh, how I love it! For my morning tea, I had a juicy, sweet mandarin that I picked from our own tree and which I happily ate sitting on the grass in the sun. What a treat!

  6. Had Wednesday off and hubby and I enjoy our day in garden.
    Coffee is on

  7. Rhonda I'll be back to go through the links at my leisure but I must say that SBS one looks brilliant! Thank you.

    1. It is, Rose. I haven't read all of them but the six I did look at were all accurate and helpful. They'd be great for you now that you're extending your gardening skills.

  8. I've been meaning to try aquafaba as meringue for quite a while now, last time I tipped a can of chickpeas into the sieve I remembered .... just as the water trickled down the plughole!

  9. Hope all is well there, and you are both enjoying the season!

  10. Hi Rhonda
    I have popped in a few times this week and have missed you!!
    Hope all is well with you and you are enjoying your garden.
    Take care
    Eve xx

  11. Rhonda, have missed seeing your posts this week. Hope that you and Hanno are doing O.K. Blessings, Carolyn in Fl.

  12. Oh lovely! Thank you Rhonda.


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