21 February 2016

The Simple Home book tour

As promised, here is the itinerary for our book tour. Hanno will be with me all through the tour and Tricia will fly to Hobart and travel back with us. Please come along to one of the books shops or events if you can.  We'd love to meet you.

Step-by-step for making flat bread.
Making sandwich bread from scratch.
Step-by-step cheese making.
Yoghurt. All the above are from The Simple Home

Sunday 28 February, Driving to Sydney

Monday 29 February, Sydney  
9.15am ABC Radio National - Life Matters
Interviewer: Ellen Fanning
There will probably be other radio spots on this day but they haven't been finalised yet. I can't meet anyone in Sydney because I'll be seeing family when the media events are over. However, there'll be an event in Kogarah on the way back, see below.

Tuesday 1 March
Wollongong - calling in to see Rose. If there are any readers in Wollongong who want to meet up please let me know in the comments and I'll arrange something.

Wednesday 2 March
Canberra - Albury 
Visiting books shop/s and ABC studio in Canberra. 
EVENT: Albury Library @ 5.30pm
Author talk, audience Q&A and book signing
553 Kiewa St, Albury

Thursday 3 March
Albury – Bright region - Wangaratta
EVENT: Wangaratta Library @ 6.30pm
Author talk, audience Q&A and book signing
21 Docker Street, Wangaratta

Friday 4 March
Melbourne - Tasmania
We're not in Melbourne for long. We'll arrive there just in time to get on the ferry.

Saturday 5 March 

Sunday 6 March 
11am Dymocks Hobart, Centrepoint Shopping Centre
Book signing
11.30am Fullers Books, Collins Street
Book signing

Monday 7 March 
Tasmania sightseeing

Tuesday 8 March
Tasmania sightseeing 

Wednesday 9 March 
11 am Petrarch's Bookshop Launceston
Book signing

Thursday 10 March
Melbourne - media all day, then:
EVENT: Readings Hawthorn @ 6.30pm
Author talk, audience Q&A and book signing
701 Glenferrie Road

Friday 11 March
Great Ocean Road - Ballarat
Book shops to be advised

Saturday 12 March
Book shops to be advised

Sunday 13 March
Ballarat - Bendigo - Echuca
Book shops to be advised

Monday 14 March
Echuca – Wagga Wagga
EVENT: Wagga Wagga City Library @ 6.30pm
Author talk, audience Q&A and book signing
Baylis and Morrow Streets

Tuesday 15 March
Wagga Wagga – Cowra – Orange - Bathurst
EVENT: Books Plus @ ? TBC
Author talk, audience Q&A and book signing
157 Howick Street Bathurst

Wednesday 16 March
Bathurst - Blackheath

Thursday 17 March
Blackheath - Kogarah
EVENT: Kogarah Library @ 7.00 pm
Author talk, audience Q&A and book signing
O'Keefe's Lane Kogarah

Friday 18 March
Newcastle book shops TBC, then:
EVENT: Coffs Harbour Book Warehouse @ 6.00pm
Author talk, audience Q&A and book signing
26 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour

There will be one more event planned further up the coast I'll give you the details when they're confirmed.  More events are planned in Queensland when we get home. The only ones I know about now are:

Wednesday 23 March
EVENT: Rosetta Books at the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre @ 6.00pm
Author talk, audience Q&A and book signing
Bicentennial Drive, Maleny

Sunday 3 April
EVENT: Crafternoon Tea and conversation with Julie at Riverbend Books @ 4.00pm
Join us for a Crafternoon Tea at the fabulous Riverbend Books in Bulimba. Tickets include cake and coffee/tea provided by the Doubleshot Riverbend cafe - and all the tips and tools to help you simplify your life that we can cram into a Sunday afternoon! Bring a craft if you want to, I'll be bringing my knitting and if you don't know how to knit, bring along size 4 or 5 knitting needles, some 8ply yarn and I'll show you how to knit.
193 Oxford Street, Bulimba  For more details click this link.

Other planned events are at Biome in Brisbane, North Lakes Library, Noosaville Library, Cooroy Library. I'll give you the details as soon as I know them.



  1. When you know which book shop in Newcastle, could you please let us know, or is there any other way I can find out when it is confirmed? Thank you.

    1. mumma bear, I'll know in the next day or two and I'll let you know on the blog.

  2. Rhonda where in Wollongong will you be?!? Will you have transport?!
    I'm in the Southern Highlands but would gladly help you organise something in Wollongong or up here in Robertson/Bowral :)

  3. I didn't click 'notify me' so commenting again just in case!

    1. Hello Bekka Joy, we'll be visiting friends in Wollongong and yes, we have transport. I'm waiting to see how many people want to meet me in Wollongong. I could do a book signing in Dymocks, but if there are only a few, I'll organise something less formal. I need to know numbers before I arrange anything.

      Thanks for your kind offer.

  4. Sounds like a very busy few weeks! Enjoy meeting kindred spirits and bask in the glow of those who think the same... Wish I were able to attend, but it is a little far from NC! :)

  5. Hi Rhonda! I'm trying to find (pre-order) your new book in the United States. I can only find it in Kindle version on Amazon. When will the hardback be coming out for sale in the U.S. and where?
    Thank you so much! I love your books and your blog.
    Kelly Jean

    1. Kelly, all I know is that Amazon will have the hard cover version of The Simple Home but I don't know when. It has to be shipped over from Australia and that takes a couple of months. It's been in the warehouse for a month or so but don't know when they ordered it. Try Abe Books, they've got the Down to Earth hard cover. http://www.abebooks.com/book-search/author/rhonda-hetzel/

    2. Not sure if I'm allowed to do this but here's a link if you want it shipped from Australi, the exchange rate is favourable to you at the moment

    3. I'll be patient! I was able to get Down to Earth shipped from Fishpond before ($$$$ but its such a nice book I didn't care) I contacted Booktopia and got a negative on the US shipping. Somebody will ship someday!

  6. Hi Rhonda, i am disappointed you are only going to be in Melbourne for one day, and only available to meet people after 6.30 - counts me out! Hawthorn is an hour drive from where I am, and I don't drive at night. Hope it all goes well for you and Hanno, the weather should be good, not too hot by then!

  7. Have a wonderful journey Rhonda and I look forward to seeing you when you return this way again. I'll be at your Rosetta's event.

    1. Thanks Morag. Looking forward to seeing you in Maleny.

  8. ....scrabbles for diary with pencil a-ready.

  9. If you are around in wollongong over the lunch time, I would love to meet up. Followed you in england and then for the last 5 years I have lived in Australia. Your book was great. Would be nice to have 5 mins chat.

  10. Looking forward to catching up again in Albury. Will books be avaiable to purchase or should I obtain a copy before hand?

    1. Karin, the local Dymocks will be at the library with books for sale and I'm happy to sign both the old and new books.

  11. I hope you have a wonderful time away Rhonda. Shame I can't meet you this time as I am about two hours away from both Coffs and Newcastle:( I have pre ordered your book though and hopefully one day I might catch up with you and you can sign it for me. Take care.

  12. Hi Rhonda, I'm so excited for your book tour! I thought I was going to have to travel to Woollongong to meet you, but you're coming to Kogarah,my local library!! Please let me know if you need anything (a place to stop, recommendations etc) as I'd be glad to help.
    Regards, Stephanie. Xx

    1. Looking forward to meeting you Stephanie. Thanks for your kindness. Come over and introduce yourself at the event please.

    2. I thought the same as Stephanie. I'm so thrilled you'll be in kogarah as it's 5 minutes away so I can put the baby to bed then come up. I have just booked and can't wait!
      Ps if the baby doesn't sleep, I'll be the one holding the 5 month old...hope that's ok, if he makes noise I'll leave. This will be my first time out at night since he was born :)

  13. Hi Rhonda, safe travels, will you be stopping on the gold coast on your way home?

    1. No Deb but we might be there later at the library.

  14. You are going to be covering some ground with this tour Rhonda. Look after yourself.
    Rosetta's - reminds me of a day trip I took to Maleny and discovered this beautiful bookshop.

    1. Rosettas is still going strong after many years. A wonderful bookshop and owner Anne has been very supportive of me and my books.

  15. Hi Rhonda, really thrilled to see that you're coming to Tasmania! I live at the other end of the state but will be in Hobart on 6th March - safe travels to you and Hanno, hope such a busy tour is not too wearing for you both. See you at Fullers :)yay!

    1. See you at Fullers, Jules. Please introduce yourself to me on the day.

  16. I'm a longtime reader and admirer, I live in Wollongong and I'm free on the 1st March. I would love to meet you.

  17. Morning Rhonda, I'm in the Shoalhaven and would come to Wollongong, an hour away. That would be great!I'll email you. Jenny

    1. I have your email, Jenny. I'll be in touch tomorrow. Check my answer to Kristen above.

  18. Hi Wanda, is there any information on your book being released in the U.S. I would really love a copy very much. If not available here is there anywhere else I could find it....I really would like a hard copy. Thanks in advance...I love your blog and check it every day!!

    1. Hi Donna, read this comment above: Kelly February 22, 2016 12:45 am

      Amazon is supposed to stock it, they have Down to Earth hardcover now, but I'm not sure of the arrival time of The Simple Home. Kelly's comment has more info.

  19. Travel safe Rhonda and Hanno. Can't wait to get my pre-ordered copy of the new book

  20. Hi Rhonda,

    I am so excited to see you are coming to close by to me - Wangaratta! Please let me know if you need any recommendations or accommodation (I am not in Wangaratta itself - I can email you more details if you like). Will there be copies of your new book available to buy on the night?

    As a young single mum, you have been such a big influence in my life. I grew up in quite frugal household and I guess I got caught up in being young and needing everything NOW. It made me feel very uncomfortable and that I wasn't being my authentic self. I find your words very comforting and reassuring - especially when my friends call me Nana! I now feel such contentment making my home feel like home, gardening, mending, knitting, etc.

    Looking forward to seeing you soon!

    1. Looking forward to meeting you, Sarah. The good folk at Edgars and News will be at the library with books for sale. We've made our accommodation bookings, thank you. See you soon!

  21. Rhonda I would love to have your book. I have borrowed the first one twice from the library. When and where will it be available in Canada?

    1. Hi Verna. Thank you. Down to Earth is listed on Amazon US now. Here is the link: http://www.amazon.com/Down-Earth-Guide-Simple-Living/dp/0670075922/ref=pd_rhf_ee_p_img_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=0881N2VP6YKVFBDW3W20

  22. Hi Rhonda, You look to have a very busy schedule and I too, am thrilled you are coming to Albury. I have just booked a seat for your talk. I am a library officer at a small rural town an hour west of Albury and I love how you are so supportive of libraries. I have followed your blog for several years now and it continues to inspire me. Looking forward to meeting you. Safe travels. Jenny

    1. Where is your library, Jenny? Looking forward to meeting you.

  23. yay waiting for the North Lakes one..travel safe

  24. Ahhh! I'll definitely be coming to the North Lakes library event. Can't wait to meet you Rhonda.

  25. Oooh how exciting…..a trip to Tassie! I would love to meet you but work on Wednesdays and Hobart is at the other end of the state from Sheffield. ! I'm going to have to put my thinking cap on and find a creative solution! Safe travels xx

  26. I'd love to know where you will be in Canberra Rhonda, I'll make an effort to come and meet you. x

  27. Hi Rhonda, I have a much loved copy of Down to Earth, and am very keen for the release of your new book. Do you have times/locations for your visit to Canberra? Or failing that, a car trip to Wagga Wagga may be on the cards for me. Best wishes. Tracy

  28. See you at Readings in Hawthorn when you visit Melbourne. Jade x

  29. Have the most wonderful time. If you do a tour of the Fraser Coast I'll be there.

  30. Congratulations Rhonda. Best wishes for your every success with this book and tour. I hope you thoroughly enjoy it and get to hear from your many readers about the confidence you inspire in them to lead a meaningful and simple life.

  31. I wish you and Hanno a wonderful time! Stay safe! Rose in NC, USA

  32. I am so pleased that you are coming to Tasmania ! it is such a beautiful little island and I know that you and Hanno will be warmly welcomed. Alas I will be at work when you come to Launceston but I think my daughter, Danika, will stop by to say hello! Enjoy the book tour.

    Kathy R

  33. Great Ocean Road - Geelong, do you know whereabouts you will be? Am near Warrnambool and will plan a day trip if necessary!! Have been reading your blog since the beginning, when I was blogging as Lazy Cow. All the best, Loretta

    1. I don't know yet, Loretta. I'll let everyone know when the information comes through.

  34. I wish you could make it to Adelaide, Rhonda!! I pre-ordered your book last month :)

    1. Sorry Veronique, I'm already on the road for 3 weeks. Adelaide is just too far.

  35. Hi Rhonda
    I would love to meet up with you and Rose on the 1st of March :) Iam a long term reader and also a member of the forum. I'm happy to meet up in Wollongong (I live slightly south of Wollongong).
    Please let me know if you need my email.
    Melissa (Melsa on the forum).

    1. Hi Melissa. We're having morning tea at 10.30 in Wollongong. Email or PM me at the forum and I'll give you the details.


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