21 December 2015

Enjoying the excitement of the season

Hello my friends. I was away longer than I thought I would be. I had a much needed rest, started a new Maggie rabbit, prepared a few things for Christmas, did some gardening and ironing, cleaned the fridge and oven, reorganised my tea towel drawer and had a few afternoon snoozes in my comfy arm chair in the lounge room.  I feel refreshed and ready for anything. Which is good because my god daughter Casey and her partner Kerry have just had their first child, a beautiful baby girl called Marlee.  So it looks like there will be another Maggie soon.

(Above) I took all the tea towels, tea cosies, jug covers and pot holders from the drawer and dumped them on the kitchen bench. (Below) Then sat with Jamie at the table looked at all the older tea towels, moved some to the rag bag and re-folded the rest.

 And now we have a tidy drawer again.

Today and tomorrow I'll be preparing a bedroom for our after Christmas guests, finishing off the second Maggie, wrapping one last gift, hopefully having a haircut and tidying up the front and back verandahs. It's always a busy time of year but one that I look forward to because we get together with family and friends, relax, watch cricket, reflect, plan and wait for another year to start. There is all that time just around the corner waiting for us to fill in the hours and make the most of what it can be. Thinking about what we want to happen and planning for it gives us a map to follow through the months and when life gets busy again, we just have to follow our map.

I finished knitting a pink apron last night and today I'll attach the apron straps, knit the shawl and make the boots.

I hope you're all getting through your Christmas chores or finishing up at work before a couple of week's summer holidays. Soon in Australia, there'll be camping, long trips to visit relatives, cricket, swimming, cold drinks on hot days and plenty of memories being made. I can picture my friends in the northern hemisphere making soup, walking around the house in their slippers and settling down in front of the fire with warm drinks and craftwork. What will you be doing this week? Is there snow falling silently? Are you enjoying the excitement of the season or pretending it's not happening? 

I'll be back tomorrow and Wednesday when I'll have a something exciting to show you. :- )



  1. Congratulations on your grand goddaughter! Here in Michigan the weather is most peculiar, 70/21 degrees last Saturday, dropped 40 degrees this weekend along with six inches of snow and by Wednesday will be 60/15!

    Have a wonderful Christmas!

    1. Thanks Gillie. We've had record high temperatures in southern Australia, it's strange and frightening. Merry Christmas xx

  2. Those rabbits have to be the cutest things ever....your organisation puts me to shame too!

  3. O the bunnies are so precious and I am so jealous of Australia! My favorite two flowers are in pots that have kangaroos on them so you know where my heart is.

  4. I love your little rabbits. they will bring little ones lots of pleasure. Happy christmas to you and all your loved ones.

    1. Merry Christmas to you too, africanaussie, and to webbsway, and frugal in the valley. xx

  5. Here in California we are hoping for more rain, but it's been quite cold so there's been plenty of sitting by the fire with some cocoa. Love your rabbits, they are just darling and I'm sure they'll be appreciated by whoever gets them as presents!

  6. Here in the UK it has been unseasonably warm so I've been enjoying not having to get wrapped up to keep warm. Snow for the big day is looking very unlikely. I've just got a copy of your Down To Earth book and this is going to be my holiday reading to inspire me ready for next year. Thanks for a great blog.

  7. That is a cute Maggie #2. I am sure she will be loved very much. I love to give hand made gifts for Christmas. I makes my heart sing when someone really enjoys my hand work. I was with our Bible study group last Friday night and gave my hand embroidered pillow cases and tea towels. Everyone was just so pleased and happy. I asked around and not one person in the group sews or does any kind of hand work. I was surprised as some of our group are older women etc.
    Enjoy your Christmas. It is going to be a warm Christmas here in TX. Forecast is for 77 and rain, possible thunder storms. I don't ever remember thunder storms on Christmas. God bless

    1. I can imagine your friends would be very happy receiving a hand made gift, particularly pillow cases and tea towels.

      Thanks for your thoughtful comments during the year, Roxie. I hope you have a lovely Christmas, even with the thunder storms. Stay safe love. xx

    2. Merry Christmas hotflash and Sarah. xx

    3. We are having very unusual weather here in northern New York. Normally, we are in the 20s and 30s (F) but this year we have been in the 40s and 50s! Most of us are of the opinion that we will pay dearly for this mild weather in January and February! I love your Maggies... do you hand stitch them? They look hand stitched. I'm sure the recipients treasure them.

    4. Debbi, The weather is just mad over over the world. I did hand stitch the Maggies and just used the sewing machine to sew the hems of the dresses. Merry Christmas!

  8. Wonderful news about Marlee - all the very, very best of life's blessing to you all.

    1. Thank you Phil, I've loved your thoughtful comments and posts during the year. I wish you and your beautiful family a lovely Christmas full of Christmas pudding and too much custard.

  9. Hello and Merry Christmas to you and yours, Rhonda! We're having a very slow-paced, low-key holiday this year, and I'm really enjoying it. Yesterday I roasted a couple chickens, made herb potatoes, gravy and bread, and we had our Christmas meal with the extended family. It looks like more snow is on the way this week, and I have a knitted vest and a couple small animals to finish up for my babies!

    1. Thank you Jaime, you'll have your hands full this Christmas. I hope you and your family enjoy the season. Enjoy the snow and happy knitting!

  10. Hi Rhonda,
    Here in the Melbourne I'm enjoying cooler weather today after s scorching hot weekend. It's always frightening living in a bush fire prone area when the temperature reaches that high. We implemented our fire plan and that was to leave early in the morning to avoid the risk.

    I'm back to my pre Christmas chores. I've cleaned my oven and oven racks. A yucky job but incredibly satisfying when it's done!

    I'll be baking some gingerbread with the kids this week. Let's see if they last until Friday!

    1. It's good to know the hot weather has passed down there. Good luck with your gingerbread, they shouldn't dirty your clean oven too much. Merry Christmas to you and your family. xx

  11. Hi Rhonda,
    My boy and I are decorating photo frames so he can give each set of his grandparents an up-to-date photo. We are also making Rocky Road with dried cranberries, macadamias, marshmallows and shortbread mixed in for our neighbours. We'll make tags for our Rocky Road wrapping from old cards we saved from last Christmas and a stash of ribbon we save during the year. Simple and lots of fun. Merry Christmas to you!

    1. It sounds like a very frugal and delightful Christmas at your place, Meg. Merry Christmas to you and everyone there. xx

  12. Hi Rhonda, I noticed all your tea towels are different materials - can you recommend a type that dries well. Seems all the tea towels I have (various cottons and some linen) don't seem to dry very well and aren't absorbent. I don't know if this is all the Chinese cotton but mine range from the cheap to more expensive. Thanks and have a lovely Christmas. Helen

    1. Helen, all my tea towels are 100% cotton or linen. When I buy them I put them through a fast hot wash to remove the sizing and any residue they may contain. Half a cup of vinegar in the rinse water and then dry in the sun. I have 4 terry towelling kitchen towels that I use if I need super absorbency. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.xx

  13. Adorable little rabbits Rhonda, they will bring a lot of joy. Your Christmas sounds lovely. Funny to think that you have Summer there. My youngest son's teacher has gone to Australia to spend Christmas with friends. A 30 hour flight! Here we have just had the shortest, darkest day of the year. The Children have just started their Christmas holidays and are very excited about Christmas. We cut the tree Saturday and brought it in yesterday. Today it will be filled with bright lights and sparkling decorations to light up the dark days. Wish you and your family a very blessed and happy Christmas. Pam in Norway

    1. Hi Pam, yes, we're a long way from everywhere. I lived for two years in Germany when I was first married and I used to picture Australia then as being a small island adrift in the south Pacific. It sounds like you're enjoying a beautiful festive season. I hope you and the family have a lovely Christmas. xx

  14. Congratulations , we have a new little granddaughter too ! Have a beautiful Christmas x

  15. Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter, Daisy. Merry Christmas!

    Have a lovely Christmas, Cheryl.

  16. Hi Rhonda
    Well here in Sweden it feels as though the seasons have turned upside down. The official definition of summer here is when the 24 hour temperature does not fall below 10C. That´s where we are in some parts of Sweden. Yesterday we had 12C during the day!!!! There´s been some miserable Midsummer celebrations at that temperature! We can only dream of snow this Christmas.
    Otherwise it´s the usual last minute rush for my part. Two tunics to finish sewing for our granddaughters, playing card holders and hand-made notepads Should be finsished soon though. At our Christmas gathering, after the girls have had their presents, they play Santa and distribute the adult ones. (We agree each year on a modest sum that we buy a present for) No one knows who gets which present. This is always good fun. Some daft ideas there...
    Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year.

    Uppsala, Sweden

    1. Oh dear, the weather is a real worry now isn't it. Your Christmas celebrations sound like a lot of fun, daft ideas are always one of the best ingredients.

      It's reassuring knowing you're still there reading after all these year. I send love, my hope for snow to fall and best wishes to you and your family for Christmas and New Year. xx

  17. Hello Rhonda,
    Just taking the time, whilst I can, to wish you and Hanno a very Merry Christmas.
    Very soon, all too soon, on the 23rd, my eldest daughter and I are going up to Florida so that she can take part in a sailing competition that will initiate her as an International sailor. We will be away from home for Christmas and will barely slide back in on old year's night. It is the first time in my (and her) lifetime that I will be away from all my loved ones and my dearest husband and daughter. I have been busy baking and cooking and the pantry, fridge and freezer are all full to bursting with goodies. Whilst those left behind will be part of the usual gathering we planned another get together on our return.
    I am wondering what, from my horde of local yummies, I can carry so that we don't feel too homesick =)
    So, wishing you, and everyone out there, the warmth and precious gift of a family's love this Christmas.

    Trinidad & Tobago

    1. Thanks Vicki. I hope all goes well for you both in Florida. Let me know how she goes. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Safe travels. xx

  18. Fabric softener will often affect absorbancy, go with the vinegar, it may take a few washes to notice a difference.

  19. Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter! Your rabbits are so sweet. The weather here in the UK is crazy. The temperature has hardly fallen below 10 degrees yet and there are lots of floods, though not in our county, thankfully. Global warming is in full swing ☹️

  20. Love your bunnies. COngratulations on the new baby.

  21. Weather in New Jersey has been so unusual. Should be 60 on Christmas Day! Tonight we had a nice white bean and kale soup since it was chilly here today. Have a very Merry Christmas.

  22. It sounds to me like the weather is all over the place at the moment, which as you say is a real worry. Here in my part of the North of England we seem to swing from very cold to unseasonably warm. We have not needed a fire every night which is unheard of in December! But we have had so much rain and terrible flooding in our area, thankfully we were spared but about 6,000 homes in this sparsely populated (for the UK) rural county were. It is raining hard and very windy again here so we are watching water levels again :(.

    You tea towel collection is huge, I have only a fraction of them! Do you put them in the wash every day? I confess I don't maybe that is why I don't need so many.

    Christmas is about family and I am looking forward to two weeks with my husband at home, and I know my children are too. Have a wonderful time with your family.


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