16 October 2015

Weekend reading

I got through a lot of writing work this week and now my desk is clear for a while. I'm looking forward to being in the garden this weekend and spending time with Hanno and Jamie. I hope you've got something to look forward to as well.

♥︎ = ♥︎ = ♥︎
The Shaker way to Cook and Eat
Good cooking tips I apologise for linking to yet another article telling us how we should eat but there are a couple of good points, especially about chicken.
Aussie Bird Count  Got a spare 20 mins? Take part in our Aussie Backyard Bird Count from the 19 - 25 October.
Australian bird finder to help you identify birds in your backyard
Warning: Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth's Surface Electrons is a scientific report and heavy reading. It is interesting though and may be worth your time.
Nest of baby dinosaurs found in ‘dragon’s tomb’



  1. I enjoyed the Shaker way to cook and eat. I am also enjoying reading about all Aussie simple living folk out in there gardens at this time of the year.....there will be a wave of preserving going on before we know it. Lets hope the season is a good one and our farmers get their October rain.

  2. Thanks for another great week, Rhonda. Enjoy your weekend :)


  3. Hi Rhonda. I've enjoyed following your blog for just over a year now and would just like to say a big thank you for being such a devoted and reliable blogger. There are a number of blogs that I check in on every day and I it is so comforting to know that with the odd exception I can always rely on reading some words of encouragement and wisdom from your site. It is truly appreciated.

  4. Hi Rhonda,
    What a really wonderful surprise to wake up and see my Flowerpress blog included on your weekend reading list! Your blog is such a great and wonderful resource and one that I return to time and time again. So its lovely to know that you've been over to visit my writings and enjoyed your stay :-)
    I hope you have a happy weekend ahead, I'm also planning lots of garden time fitting out our new garden shed which went up last weekend, picking and eating some homegrown vegies and watching some of my new spring perennials flower for the first time. Bliss!

    1. You have a really wonderful blog, and such good tutorials, I enjoyed it very much. I've put you in my Feedly so I will be back. xx

  5. I always look forward to the weekend reading posts. This time the subject of remaking clothes made my day. That is something I have done for many years. I often buy things at the thrift store just for the fabric. I always use a seam ripper and take it apart, then iron it. I often have buttons and a zipper with that item that I can reuse when I make a new item. To me that is FRUGAL.
    A few years ago I got a whole lot of men's flannel shirts for just 25 cents each. The store was trying to clear out winter clothes to make way for spring and summer. I took those shirts and made some incredible blankets/quilts with them. In TX we don't get cold weather too often, but once in a while it does get cold here. So I do not make real heavy quilts. With the flannel I just used the squares from the shirts I cut up and a couple of flannel sheets I had brought before on clearance. Made nice gifts.

  6. golly there was a good variety there today - I am still reading two hours later! I especially loved Joels projects for kids. I am busy signing up to the Aussie bird count and have the ingredients on my shopping list for the Norwegian mountain bread - it sounds much like a bread my mom used to make. She used to have it rising in the "warming oven" for a long while though - not just the 30 minutes reccomended here. Thank you so much for taking the time to assemble these every week, I really enjoy what you feature.

  7. Earthing http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3265077/
    ....I knew gardening was good for you and now here's the evidence ... It's why all us gardeners are so fit and happy!

  8. I always enjoy this feature on your blog. This morning the orangutan release photos have left me smiling broadly over my coffee. :)

  9. Enjoy your weekend. We are off to italy for a few days (live in france)
    Made the norwegian mountain bread on wednesday, tasted divine and kept really well.

  10. Hi Rhonda,
    Just wanted to say that I found your Penguin book at the library last week and even though I own your Down to Earth book I found the Penguin book a real joy to read as well:) We have made a huge life decision to move and thanks to your blog and books we are living closer to our families and are now debt free. We may be starting all over again with the veggie garden and renovating but we have learnt so much from our last place that it will be worth it (eventually)! You have taught me so much over the years and for that I am truly grateful. Please continue to inspire us all.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend:) xx

    1. I'm pleased you enjoyed the book, Vintage Rose. Good luck with your move, how exciting! New beginnings are always full of promise. xx

  11. I'm so glad I found your blog once again! I was looking for information on harvesting/peeling/drying luffas/loofahs and found you! Good advice, thank you. I'll be back to visit more regularly.

  12. I love your garden photos. What are you using for mulch? Its a beautiful garden! Thanks for sharing. Mary Ann

    1. Thank you, Mary Ann. I use organic sugar cane mulch and sometimes straw.

  13. Thank you so much for the Earthing article. I have already shared it with many here in the USA and it came from here! Such a small world we live in today. Now I understand why I always feel so great after swinging on the porch swing in my bare feet!

  14. The article on Earthing was a real eye opener. I am going to share it with people that I know who will appreciate and learn from it. I always feel good after walking around our property in bare feet on the grass, and I will be doing it more often now!


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