2 October 2015

Weekend reading

Hanno reads everyone of my posts and everyone of your comments.  We both want to thank you for the lovely warm wishes sent on our anniversary. It's just another way you've all taken up a big space in our hearts.

I didn't have much time for reading this week because I had to re-read my book from cover to cover. That was done by Wednesday and then I resumed my chosen life: working in my home and garden.  Of course, I did take time out to watch the bears at Katmai National Park. It's such a mind expanding thing to do and each time I log in there, I'm amazed that I can see that stunning show of raw natural life being played out in Alaska - all while I'm sitting in my home in Queensland. Apparently the rangers are removing the fish bridge in the next few days so I'll continue to spend some time there watching each day. My timetable returns to normal next week so I hope you have time to come and visit me.

And finally, I have two spots left in the blogging workshop to be held 24 October from 9am - 3pm. The workshop will be here at my place. If you bring a laptop, I'll help you set up a new blog or improve an old one. We'll also be talking about creating titles, taking photos, your blog side bar, comments and enjoying your time as a blogger. Email me on rhondahetzel@gmail.com for more information.

Guide to pruning trees
The Makers of East London
Ten dishes you should be able to cook by the time you're 30
Australia's only cassowary rehabilitation centre to close
The recipe for a successful potato harvest – and meal


  1. As excited as I am for your new book, I am relieved that your life can go back to normal. There is something satisfying about knowing that you and Hanno are doing the very things you write about and not too tied up with the book any more. So many simple living bloggers clearly are just clever writers and do not live the life they claim to live - but no such hypocrisy at your place! :-) What a mammoth effort is the book thing - I can't even imagine.

  2. I can't thank you enough for sharing the Alaska bear link! I've tuned in so often. There is something captivating about it, happening in "real time" in Alaska!

    1. I am completely hooked. :- )

    2. The kids and I have been watching the bears ever since you first mentioned it! Yesterday we saw a mom with her three cubs, I think. It is amazing.

  3. Ooooo... I had not seen your post on the Alaskan bear cam before, but I have now! Currently there is a mum and her cub having a fish snack mid stream. I am going to share this with EVERYONE! :D

  4. Thanks for the links, Rhonda. I did sign up to do the bird survey and then realised I will be away visiting my grandchildren so won't be able to do it this year and we have large numbers of birds in our backyard. Next year I will plan better.

    1. It's good fun, Chel. I did one last year too.

  5. I always look forward to your weekend reading posts. Always something new and interesting to read. Thank you for taking the time to do this for us.
    I have your 2 books that are out now. Look forward to getting the new one. I enjoy reading them very much.


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