29 October 2015

My favourite place #17 - final

This is the final week of my favourite place. My sincere thanks to all the readers who so generously sent in their photos so we could see the small places where everyone feels comfortable and secure in the lands we inhabit all over our wide world  Our final place belongs to Noreen, an Irish woman living in Turkey.

Noreen writes:
I've only just recently found your blog and I love it. It's so positive! I have attached 2 photos of my favourite place in my home. I hope you like them. This is a reclining chair that I bought about 8 years ago. It is fairly tatty by now but I love it. I sit in it with my book under the shade of my lovely loquot tree which protects me with it's broad leaves from the warm Turkish sunshine. I read and I write in this chair, I have many stories to tell. I started a blog myself and write a post once a month. I'd love to know what you and your readers think of it!

Here is a link to my blog:


  1. Yikes - Ireland to Turkey must have been huge culture shock! That is a lovely spot for reading and relaxing!

  2. I just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed My Favourite Place,I hope it is something you will do again.

  3. yes, agreed, that it would've been quite a culture shock! it is a lovely cool spot there, they are a wonderful shade tree (have one myself)
    thanx so much for sharing your place with us
    rhonda, i do hope you will do this again, have thoroughly enjoyed the series!

    selina from kilkivan qld

  4. I have really enjoyed this series! Thankyou so much for every one who sent in snippets of their world and Thankyou Rhonda for creating such a lovely space in which people could share them. :)


  5. Oh - yes, I could spend my days here indefinitely...what a great possie

  6. I have been following your blog for years and can finally comment. So I'd like to thank you for your inspiration and for sharing your family, your convictions and all the wonderful tips on living a joyful, home-made life. My own life has many similarities to yours although I live in a northern region of Ontario, Canada. I am wishing you and your family continued happiness and look forward to following your journey for many more years.

  7. Thanks for sharing your favourite spot Noreen, it looks idyllic....you wouldn't want to move. Thanks for taking the time to post this series Rhonda, like others, I've thoroughly enjoyed these little peeks into your reader's lives.

  8. I have really enjoyed the Thursday My Favourite Place blog, thankyou to everyone for sharing your photos! Like all good things, it has come to an end, but I hope there will be more series to come.

  9. Nice! I love the loquat tree! Do you make jam from it? When I was a child, we did. It is marvelous! Looks like a wonderful place to read and write!


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