22 October 2015

My favourite place #16

This week we have photos from a country close to my heart, County Mayo in Ireland. Susan writes from there to share her favourite place where she is teaching herself to draw and paint.  And further over, in Pennsylvannia, USA, Fern writes about her gorgeous kitchen. For many of us, the kitchen is the heart of our homes, and this one is no different.  Thanks for sharing your photos with us, ladies.

I would like to share my favourite place, though it is just a tiny area set-a-side in a corner beside the window in our bedroom. I live in a little hundred and fifty year old, three bedroom cottage in the west of Ireland in a county called Mayo not far from the wonderful wild Atlantic Ocean.

In my little corner space I sit in my rocking chair where I nursed my babies many years ago and where today I like to just read, knit and just lately I am teaching myself to draw and paint, a dream I have had for so long and now at last I have the time. Life is good here. I have a blog showing just a taste of my life at Haremoon Cottage. www.haremooncottage.wordpress.com

: : : ♥︎ : : :

I am writing to share my favorite place with you. My name is Fawn and I live in Pennsylvania, in the Eastern part of the United States. Fall has started here which is just about the perfect time of year, with warmish days and crisp chilly evenings. 

Life is very busy around here with my little family and house full of pets. Currently, I work full time in a corporate setting, but your blog, combined with some inner soul searching, has inspired me to begin transitioning towards a slower, simpler lifestyle.

My favorite room in our house is the kitchen. This is where I spend most of the time when I'm at home. It is where I pack lunches early in the morning while the rest of the house sleeps. It is my first stop when I return from work to start cooking dinner. It is where I spend evenings cleaning up and getting ready (physically and mentally) for the next day. 

I love that my kitchen is where I cook nourishing meals for my family, to send them out into the world with full tummies and happy hearts. I love that my kitchen is where time slows down and I can putter around stirring a pot, checking on rising bread, or chatting with little boys or a grown man who wander in looking for a snack. You can see a glimpse of the little stool by the door where there is usually a child (or cat!) sitting to keep me company. 

Our kitchen is small and simple, but it is my happy place. I blog at www.stitchtherapyblog.wordpress.com about cross stitching, family life, and my cat.



  1. So lovely each are... Isn't it interesting that we women find our place in a home (often) full of others? Susan, your wee corner reminds me of the tiny space I worked in at home to complete my B.A. and M.A. degrees at university. Fern, you reminded me of the joy I had in packing meals for my son to carry on trips and to school... an extension of the love I poured on him in person... through food... Both are lovely places! Thank you for sharing!

  2. I would enjoy being in both spots! Susan, your little corner is very inviting and special. Fern, I like the little touches of light (the tiny lamp and candle) that make your kitchen welcoming. I am a Fern, from PA, too, but I now live in KY. :)

  3. Such lovely spaces. I smiled when I saw Susan's sweet window. We are in the process of building a creative space for me, and are putting in a stained glass transom window that is similar to hers. Fawn's kitchen is delightfully cozy & pretty, & I imagine she enjoys looking out the window at her sink, as I do. I love how this series makes us feel like kindred spirits, regardless of how far apart we live.

  4. both very beautiful & intriguing will have to investigate further :))
    thanx for sharing your wonderful spaces with us
    selina from kilkivan qld

  5. I love these photos!
    We have moved a lot over the last few years and never really got a chance to put down roots. I very much look forward to growing in a home and it getting more homely and developing over time. I would love to have a creative space like susans! Thank you both for sharing!

  6. love both places this week they look so homely, warm and inviting

  7. Love the kitchen. I am always drawn to a woman's kitchen. I think that is where their personal tastes really come you. Thanks for letting me look inside your kitchen.

  8. How lovely.... I am away from blogging for a long time as wonderful life gets in the way .... at last I have some time to sit and read again and I find the post on Rhonda's blog on 'my favourite place' . It was a little like coming home , as I read about these two lovely homes in Ireland and Pennsylvania and was reminded how special we can make the spaces in our houses ....those little retreats that centre us and guide us. It made me think of my favourite place ... the study... and my aim to sit there awhile tomorrow . Thanks for reminding me to stop and reflect today.!


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