25 September 2015

Weekend reading

I still have some places in one blogging workshop on 24 October and one writing workshop on 25 October. The blogging workshop is for beginners or for bloggers who aren't happy with their blog. If you bring along your laptop, I'll help you set up or improve your blog.  The writing workshop can be writing for blogs, articles or books. I'll help you organise your writing and move you closer to publication. Each workshop will be held here at home, will run from 9am till 3pm and costs $125. Please email me for more information rhondahetzel@gmail.com 

I hope you're got plans to relax and take it easy over the weekend.  It's always a good investment in your health and well being to look after yourself and get enough rest. Whatever you do over the coming days, enjoy it. Thanks for your visits this week. See you soon!

21 vegan freezer-friendly meals
Michael Pollan talking about his book, Cooked. YouTube
The mobile that gives you your life back
Your Microbe AuraCake Bakers and Trouble Makers Lucy Worsley's 100 Years of the WI on You Tube
Baking tips from the CWA experts
Living the simple life in a tiny home
Rice and Vegie Cakes Recipe


  1. I hope you and Hanno have a relaxing weekend too, Rhonda. Thanks for the links to some good reading.

  2. Hi Rhonda,

    I loved the Victorian couple, how wonderful that they are doing what makes them happy. Thanks for including the rice and veggie cakes recipe, I think it will be a big hit with the kids and super easy to make at the end of a long day.

    Have a lovely weekend,


  3. I always look forward to your weekend reading, you manage to have a little bit for everyone - thanks for doing that! I was very excited to discover that Michael Pollan has written a new book - loved that interview, especially since i am trying my first batch of sauerkraut at the moment!

  4. Just sat and watched the Michael Pollan video. Fascinating subject, and interesting man.

  5. Hello from Austria to you Rhonda!
    I couldn't wait to read about the Victorian Couple! It was so amazing and interesting! Thanks for your recommendation!

    Many greetings,

  6. If you go to the Living A Victorian Life link and then click on the actual website link for this couple down the bottom of the story, their site is amazing - jammed packed full of detail. I was totally engrossed.

  7. Geez that meal looks so good Rhonda!


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