12 August 2015

Thanks Jo, thanks Andrea

This is a photo of me with my Penguin editor Jo Rosenberg, taken on our front verandah.  Today is a milestone in Jo's life because it's her last day at Penguin. She's leaving to take up another editing position in Melbourne after ten years with Penguin.

Jo was the person who "discovered" me. It was her email to me a few years ago, asking if I would like to write a book for Penguin, that started me off as an author and gave me everything that spun off from that. I'm very happy that Jo came into my life, we have a very strong friendship, even though she's half my age. I imagine we'll remain close friends until I die.

So thank you Jo for all you've given me, for all the times you pushed me to do my best and for the times when you knew it wasn't my best and kept pushing. I'm very grateful to have had your guidance, encouragement and love over the time I've been with Penguin, and I wish you the very best in your new job. They're lucky to have you there.

Another wonderful woman who is leaving Penguin this week is my publisher, Andrea McNamara. Andrea also has seen me through all three books, has been the most generous guide and advisor, and I wish her the very best as she too moves beyond the walls of Penguin.

I had less to do with Andrea, but over the years and as I observed how she worked, I grew to admire her very much. She is one of those women who encourages those around her to be their best, simply by the being who she is.

It has been an absolute pleasure to work with these two creative and innovative women. I'm thankful that we started off together and with my latest book, we're all finishing together too. They've taught me a lot about self expression and, of course, that always comes back to being a life lesson as well.  I'll miss you both, Jo and Andrea, and I wish you every success and happiness.  xx



  1. Lovely sentiments Rhonda. Because you do it so well I hope you are embraced by other enthusiastic editors and publishers to pass on the knowledge that needs sharing.

  2. Jo and Andrea, my best wishes to you both. I knew Rhonda back before the books when she thought she had something to offer but the professional publishing world hadn't yet recognised it. It took women of vision to recognise another woman of vision. My best wishes to you both.

  3. Good luck and best wishes to both Jo and Andrea in your future endeavours. Thank you for being a part of the Down to Earth franchise.

  4. Hi Rhonda. I live in the U.S. and ordered your book Down to Earth from Amazon some time ago. I thought it was to be released in the U.S. in July. Do you have an updated release date front Penguin? I love your blog and can't wait to read it. Thanks so much.

    1. Hi. I was told the books were shipped to the US a few months ago. There is an agent looking after their release through Amazon. Apart from that, I know nothing but I will ask and let you know what they say.


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