6 August 2015

My favourite place #5

This is a weekly feature for readers to show us their favourite place at home.  Thanks to Sue and Angie for this week's photos. Both ladies are in the United States.

Attached are two photos of my favorite place, which is my front garden. For many years this was a typical front yard with a lawn, yew trees and hostas. My passion for growing my own food grew beyond my back yard traditional vegetable garden and I started thinking about how I could turn my front yard into an edible landscape. Two years later and this garden has become my favorite place to be. I removed all the plants and lawn from the two spaces either side of the path leading up to the house, installed two brick diamond shaped walkways and planted two gardens which are the mirror image of each other. The garden consists of over sixty different varieties of plant of which eighty five percent of them are edible. In the summer, the gardens are exploding with herbs, vegetables, berry bushes and edible flowers.

My favorite time in the garden is early morning. I walk through the plants with my mug of coffee and watch an army of bees working furiously away. I am a new beekeeper and watching both the honey bees and native solitary bees being so industrious is quite inspirational. I feed my family from this garden every day and I love how the feel of it changes through the months as different plants come into their own. This garden is both beautiful and productive and provides a unique welcome to my home.

I live in Rhode Island, USA and I blog at www.lessnoise-moregreen.com.

Thanks for the opportunity to share my garden. Sue St Jean

= = = ♥︎ = = =
And Angie says:
I currently live in a condo unit that was chosen because of the woods in the back and the number of windows so I could watch nature. I use the living room to watch the wonders of nature because it opens up to the woods. 

This is the area of my home I do quite a bit of reflecting. I watch nature out the window with a cup of coffee in hand. Sometimes I read, as well, but seldom watch television. When my son in laws come over the TV can be turned on or we will all just enjoy each other's company.

I live in the South of the United States on the coast line enjoying the bright sunlight and ocean breezes that this area is noted for. The pictures are taken in the summer.

I have a blog that your readers may be interested in as it also highlights the benefits of living a simple life. If you are interested I would love it if you stopped by to say hello. www.angiesfrugalhouse.blogspot.com

I hope each of your readers has a special spot that serves them in peace and simplicity. 



  1. Wonderful! Angie's room looks so simple and comfortable. Oh to have such an uncluttered space!! And Sue, I LOVE what you've done with your garden! It makes me want to get out and work in mine. The flowers in among the veggies make it such a pretty sight.

    1. Oh Linda, I thought exactly the same thing......what a beautiful uncluttered space.

    2. Thank you, Linda, for the compliment. And Sue's pictures gave me inspiration to keep moving forward with my small garden that is not as prolific as I would like. Your garden is lovely, Sue.

    3. Thanks, Linda and Angie! My garden makes me happy every day.

  2. A shame that Angie did not open her curtains. Now we just have to take her word for it that there is a wood outside all those windows.

    1. LOL (I really did LOL) You have a point there! I never thought of it. I'll have to take some photos to put on my blog.

  3. Beautiful places! It is so inspiring to see how other people live :-)

  4. I've been loving this series - Sue that front garden is fabulous!!! What a great use of your space.
    Warm regards, Jan x

    1. Thanks, Jan. The space is small but I squeeze as much out of it as I can.

  5. Thanks Sue and Angie, I love both your spaces. Angie, your living room looks so serene and as both Linda and I remarked, beautifully uncluttered. I can just imagine how peaceful it feels, and I bet it's cosy in winter. Love your front garden food forest Sue, I love to see front yards put to good use, rather than be just grass. Your diamond shaped paths have given me a great idea for when I move house and have a large expanse of lawn to convert to garden. I'll be visiting both your blogs too.

    1. Nanette, I'm really happy with how the diamond walkways have worked both visually and practically. I have access and they help to define the space. It's an old herb garden design trick. Good luck with your new garden!

    2. Thank you Nanette for the kind words. It sure is cozy in the winter. The pup and I cuddle on the couch with the fireplace turned on.

  6. Thank you, Rhonda, for highlighting my room. I consider it quite an honor.

  7. I want that garden outside that living room. Perfection.

  8. It has been fun to be a part of this series, Rhonda. It is always interesting to see how people create their personal spaces. Thanks again for including me and thank you to everyone who took the time to visit my blog -the support means a lot.

  9. What lovely spaces! That garden! I will definitely be keeping this in mind for our new place! And what a lovely room from which to enjoy the waterfront... Oh, my! Aren't we all blessed to have such lovely homes and spaces?? I am so enjoying this feature, Rhonda! Thanks!

  10. very nice, just popped over to have a look at both blogs
    thanx for sharing
    selina from kilkivan qld

  11. Two beautiful and special areas indeed I love what Sue has done to her front garden what a great use of space, rewarding and pretty to. Popping over to the blogs now thank you for sharing, dee :-)

  12. I love Sue's front garden. What an amazing space, and well done on nurturing the bees, where would we be without them!!

    The uncluttered lines of Angie's room are so calming too and it's a wonderful space.

  13. I love the highlights those orange lamps make

  14. I love this feature! Both of these homes are lovely. The front garden is wonderful! Now to go check out their blogs.

  15. Wow! Both beautiful and informative blogs -- so glad you highlighted them. I followed Sue's blog to a podcast interview she had with Gavin Webber, an Australian gardener, and it was awesome. The interview is over an hour but it was very helpful and definitely worth the time to listen. Thanks again, Rhonda, now I've got to get back to my daily tasks.

    1. Hi Leslie, kudos to you for getting through the podcast! It was fun to do and Gavin has a great blog. In fact, I first found The Greening of Gavin years ago through Down to Earth. He was part of the Simple, Green, Frugal Co-op blog. Thanks for your kind words.

  16. I love Sue's front garden, a mix of food and flowers, what could be nicer! Angie's room is indeed serene and comfortable, the perfect place to relax.


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