1 July 2015

Our garden cart

We bought a new garden cart last week and I think it's the best thing we've bought for a long time. I have trouble lifting and balancing a wheel barrow sometimes so I've been looking for something I can use in the garden that will allow me to load up a pair of loppers, a bucket, watering can and secateurs, and still have enough room for prunings and rubbish that has to be moved.

Of course it will give a ride to grandchildren. Above you can see Jamie seeing the sites with Opa at the helm. What is it with grandchildren and carts?  Put them together and there is always fun to be had. We have a lot of pot plants on the front verandah and when they need to go to the green house for repotting or for a rest, I need a safe way of getting them there. Loading them into the wheelbarrow is just dangerous and they fall over when I lift the wheelbarrow. This garden cart has a flat bottom with flip down sides so it's easy to load pots, even the large heavy ones. Incredibly, the cart holds 450kg or 1000lbs. 

It will hold a fair bit, which you can see in the photo above. On the day after we bought it, I loaded up the cart to transport all the grocery shopping inside. Usually it takes a few trips in and out to the car to unload it but this simplified it all.

I wonder what form of backyard transport you use in your home. Maybe I'm late to notice these carts and they're all over the place. :- )


  1. We bought a large red metal wagon with the same sort of tires as your cart. We love it for taking our grandchildren for a ride and for hauling things around the yard. It has wooden sides that attach to extend the height of the wagon.

  2. We have a garden cart such as yours, but I also have a small 28max Mahinda tractor that I use when raking leaves, pruning a great deal, hauling feed to the barn, or when I muck out the chickens or goats. However, this being said, I live on a 28-acre farm and such equipment is necessary at times... If I were on a smaller plot, I would have the cart and nothing more! It is wonderful and I can paint it a different color every year! This year? Purple, of course! :)

  3. I have a very similar cart. I use it in the garden too. But it most frequent use is as a wagon for my day care children. Down the street from my house is a neighbor hood park with lots of things for children to play on. I can put all four of my babies in the cart and pull them down the sidewalk to the park. With water bottles in tow the trip home is easy.

  4. H, I live n the UK and we bought something just like this over a year ago. It sits in the garage and on it we have our two recycling boxes which hold newspapers and bottles/tins. The boxes get extremely heavy, far too much for my husband to carry all the way down to the end of our drive for the Recycling Collection. The idea came from a very elderly neighbour who bought a cart for this purpose, so we we copied him!

  5. I could never handle a wheelbarrow either - I think because I am so short! But I have a green cart similar to a barrow, only two wheels on the front so it balances much better - and yes I use it a lot.

  6. I saw a neighbour with one of these last week and thought what a good idea! I use one of those 2 wheel pull along barrows which works well in my small garden. I love that you use it to take your shopping in, wouldn't work for me, my house is high set. Looks like Hanno thinks it's as much fun as Jamie does. I haven't posted your dripping tin yet Rhonda, a friend's hubby passed away Monday night so I spent yesterday with her until family arrived. I think you won't mind waiting a couple more days :)

    1. Take your time, Nanette, there is no hurry.

  7. I have a cart that looks like a huge plastic bucket with a high handle. It is hard to describe but we used the first one so much we wore it out and have just replaced it. I do have the classic red wagon that belonged to my late Mother in law and we also use that in the yard but mostly I use it to haul groceries into the garage from my van. It saves a lot of carrying. I have had my eye on one like yours but cannot really justify the cost since it would not be as handy here because we have several steps up to the house at every door. It looks like you will get a great deal of use out of yours and entertain the grands as well. A win, win situation!

  8. Rhonda, I told hubby about your cart the other day but he said we would still have to lift the heavy pots into the cart. I didn't realise the sides flipped down. i will pass on that bit of information. I just love the photo of Jamie having a ride.

    1. Chel, yes, al four sides flip down so he will only have to lift a short distance. I'm still okay lifting heavy things, but lifting then walking with it is a problem. I feel as if I'm going to trip over. It's all in my head, I know that, but the feeling is very real nonetheless.

  9. You'll laugh. One of my backyard modes of transport is my laundry trolley! I love my trolly to take my clothes to and from the line but I also employ it for some harvesting help too. Not for big or heavy loads but it does come in handy when I need to hold several things at once. For instance, if I want to pick just a modest load of apples to bottle or if I want to take several things out to the garage to be put away.

    1. Not laughing here - I use my laundry trolley for the same reasons!

  10. What a great idea, you'll get loads of uses out of that and better for your health not having to lift heavy items around the place. Kathy

  11. I love this idea Rhonda. It would be especially good for transporting groceries inside. I have a fair way to walk from the car to my door so this would be perfect.

    I know you really bought it for the grandchildren though, so much fun is going to be had with this cart ~smiles~


  12. I have something very similar to yours, but it doesn'the have sides. I really like it for use in the garden. The tires make it easy to pull. I have also used it for short term drying my onions as the air can circulate. You will find many uses for it.

  13. I have five acres. My goats live at one end and their hay is at the other end. Chicken coop is in between. So, I grab my riding lawn mower, hook up my dump cart and away I go! I put the chickens food in the buckets, (that is kept in a metal shed not far from the coop) Take them their food, clean out all the water bowls and fill those, then go get the hay for the goats and take that to them at the other end of the property. I feed them and clean out their water troughs and refill those. Also, when I am cleaning up after all the animals, I put the "cleanings" in the dump cart and take it to the spot where we keep such things to compost and dump it. I love my cart! It was my best investment yet!

    1. That's fabulous, Claudia. Hanno tells me this cart will hook up to our ride on mower.

  14. Great idea but no good for us as we have gravel and narrow sides to our house. Its kneeling I am finding more difficult but luckily only have to do that to weed. I use a round plastic trug for carry weeds and rubbish. I am hoping to get a proper gardening apron for my birthday at the end of the month.

  15. I wonder if I'll be able to fit into ours when we get it?

    1. You and mum will fit in. Just don't lie down or you might end up in a pine box.

  16. We have one like that, our neighbor was clearing out his barn and gave it to us. So handy, as you say. We also hook,it up to the lawn mower to move heavy things a long distance on our property.

  17. We have a green one like this. We love it - it's so useful! And yes, our kids and granddaughter love it!


  18. Ever since a friend of ours got one of those carts, I have been thinking about getting one for us. Not that we do any gardening, but carrying bags of seed and pellets from the garage to the aviaries is getting so difficult for hubby (impossible for me) that we ask any young male in the vicinity to do it for us! As for my shopping, I have a shopping jeep in the garage that I keep there to load my shopping into from the car, so I can wheel it up the path to the back door all in one go. I have occasionally used my laundry trolley for this, like another commenter here mentioned.

  19. I love this. I'm in Brisbane. Any ideas as to where to buy one? :) Tracy

    1. We bought ours at Masters Morayfield so they're probably in most Masters.

    2. Thank you so much. I'm going to search today. I'll keep you posted. Tracy :)

  20. That is truly what I need, the wheel barrow is so awkward at times.

  21. I need to get one, it would be very useful for taking my elderly, arthritic dog for a walk.

    1. Hi Susan, that's a great idea. We used to have two old arthritic Airedales and they couldn't jump into the car near the end of their lives. If you made a little non-slip ramp, your boy could walk up the ramp, sit down, and then you could flip the sides up to keep him safe. I think the cart is long enough for you to take the ramp with you so if you wanted him to get off the cart at the park, you'd have his ramp there. Let us know how you go with it.

    2. The problem with my old girl is she wouldn't get out when she got to the park!(she's a bit of a princess)

  22. We have a similar cart for bringing wood from the woodshed, and park it near the back door for easy access. Around the garden I use a 'lawn cart' which has a squarish wheelbarrow tray set low on two wheels with a long handle. The major hardware chains sell them with plastic trays but I've forgotten what brand mine is with a galvanised tray. Used for hauling rocks, carting weeds and prunings, carrying pots, mixing potting mix. Pretty much everything and no tipping risk.

  23. I love it. It would be great for bringing wood into the house as well as lifting is getting harder for me I would probably have to line it with something though


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