9 July 2015

My favourite place

This is a series of readers' photos showing their favourite place at home. I think it's interesting looking inside the homes of people living simply because they're usually not carbon copies of magazine photos; they're much more interesting. 

The first two photos are from Meg at My Vintage Life. Meg says: My favourite place is our back porch, every day the landscape is different. I love to watch the apple orchard and the cows over the fence with a cup of coffee

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The next two photos are from Victoria in Indiana. She says: This is my sitting room. We’ve lived here for 30 years now and this little space used to be the breakfast nook but lately we have hardly used it as such. For the past several years I kept thinking how nice it would be to have a little sitting room with a chair, table, lamp and if possible a small fireplace right there next to the kitchen. It would have such a homey feel to it. Well, I knew that a fireplace was out of the question but after thinking it all out I decided that the breakfast nook could pretty easily be transformed into a nice little cosy nest just for me. The year before I had painted the kitchen a dark red and the terra cotta chair and red patterned rug fit in just right with the kitchen color and the big cabinet that has always stood on that back wall and they all give it a really nice warm feel.

It’s far enough away from the television for me not to be bothered by the noise and close enough to the kitchen to keep an eye on whatever might be cooking on the stove. I can sit there and read or knit or work at the desk in the corner. The best part is it faces south and looks out onto the side yard and patio and has light from the windows and door and a beautiful view.

We live in a small town in Indiana which is in the midwest part of the U.S. and so have four seasons to enjoy. It’s so nice in the summer to look out and see the yard outside with birds, squirrels, chipmunks, and this year a rabbit family all hopping around outside. In the winter I love to sit there and see the snow sifting down covering everything while I sit inside all cosy and warm and think about what to plant in the garden come spring.

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  1. What interesting photos. Thanks for posting. Hope you & Hanno are keeping well Rhonda.

    Best wishes,
    Angela ( South England ) UK

  2. We're both fine, thank you Angela.

  3. What a great way to start the segment. Both so interesting and good reading too. I really enjoyed the "My Kitchen Sink" segment too - I feel so voyeuristic but I'm sure it's just healthy curiosity ;)

  4. I'm so glad you're reinstating this! I really enjoyed the kitchen sink series years ago - do you remember the lady who lives in a house on a lake - a floating house and garden! It was a wonderful peek into other lives.

    1. I do remember that photo! Wasn't that lady in Canada?

  5. I love looking at everyone's favourite place. what a great idea :)

  6. Thank you Rhonda for hosting an interesting concept

  7. I love this!! So nice to share each other's joys and places :)

  8. Two lovely photos to start off the series with. I love those trees changing colour in the Adelaide Hills and the cozy nook in Indiana. Both of them looking out at nature - isnt that what calms and stills our busy minds the most? I am interested to see what everyone else comes up with.

  9. The Indiana sitting room looks very inviting. How pretty; and it is nice to make a nest for oneself.

  10. Meg's views are beautiful and I am sure she feels blessed to have them and Victoria's little snug, well, it's just that, lovely.

  11. Great series Rhonda. What a great view from that Adelaide Hills cottage.

  12. How do I find the "kitchen sink" segment please?

    1. There is a link in the topics in the side bar.


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