26 June 2015

Weekend reading

And here we are again with another end of week post. I'm pretty sure time moves much faster these days. I hope you've had a good week and can take time out to slow down for the weekend. Thanks for your visits and comments. xx

Ten tops books about working life
Tarragon chicken - I love recipes such as these. I haven't made this yet but it looks too good to keep to myself


  1. Thankyou as always Rhonda, for searching out these interesting snippets for us. Your weekend reading post kind of punctuates my week, and reminds me what day it is. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. I watched an interview with Dame Maggie Smith and remember her saying (about her age) that it seemed she was eating breakfast every 30 minutes. I'm not to that point yet, but I can see it coming.

  3. Rhonda thank you so much for that link to the 18 Items that don't need to be organic! Love the bookshop link too. :)


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