15 June 2015

I've missed the housework

I'm slowly creeping back towards my real work. I have greeted the light at the end of the writing tunnel and while I still have some odds and ends to deal with this week, the bulk of the work is done. Yesterday I spent some time in the kitchen making spicy pineapple and chilli chutney, apple turnovers and a litre of fresh ginger syrup.  It feels good to get back to cooking whatever I like and not just what we'll eat that day. Housework and creative cooking keep my enrichment levels high.

Today I'll be reading and organising chapters in my file manager so I know where everything is. At the moment I have quite a few different versions of the same file and I want to sort them out immediately so I can delete what I don't need and safeguard what I hope are the treasures.

There won't be much time for housework today, tomorrow we plan on going out for lunch to celebrate, but on Wednesday, I'll look at getting back into some sort of routine. There is a lot to be done here and although Hanno was a great help while I've been writing, we've been operating on the bare essentials. I have some rooms to tidy up and I want to use the French press on a few household linens.  There is a lot of sewing to do, I'm taking on the grocery shopping again and I have a lifetime of gardening to start.

Years ago, when I first realised that housework would be the one thing that would shape my days and give meaning to the hours I spend here, homemaking became a significant part of my life. Not working how I usually do for the past six months has shown me, all over again, what this work has done for me. Of course there are some people who hate housework and there are some parts of it I don't like, but the work I do here in our little home makes me see sense in a sometimes nonsensical world. I've missed it.



  1. I'm definitely at my happiest when I'm home. The contrast between my paid job (2 days a week) and my passion...homemaking... is enormous, I know where I'd rather be, and what I'd rather be doing. Glad you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

  2. That's a great idea to stand your jars in a baking dish while filling them, simple but effective. I know exactly what you mean about getting back into the chores and homemaking. My back has mended and I spent a lot of the weekend catching up on all the jobs that hadn't got done. There's sewing and gardening on my list this week too. It's such a satisfying feeling.

  3. It must be very satisfying. I'm starting an additional two days at work this week, meaning I will be working four days per week. I did my meal plan yesterday and am writing my cleaning/washing plan today. It will be hard but once we're all in the new routine I know we can make it work.

  4. Pleased to hear that your writing is almost complete and that your life is getting back to normal. I've thought during the past six months that you must miss your simple life while writing. I am making laundry detergent, tomato sauce and bread today. As well as sewing and gardening. We love our simple life and our boys love coming here with their children. We are on a hectare with two dams, a windmill, our own sewerage treatment plant, tank water, chooks, ducks, dog, cat, vegetable garden and fruit trees. Heaven on Earth I call it. I think Kevin particularly likes the fact that there are very few people around. Haha, you would understand. We have visitors call from the old Glenden days and it is nice to see them. If you are around the Maryborough area again any time we would love to catch up. Cheers Maureen and Kevin

  5. Oh Rhonda, I can so relate to that!!! Doing FIFO the things I miss most are cleaning, cooking, baking and gardening. My workmates cannot relate to that at all but never mind. The first week when I'm home, I'm so happy to do all the tasks most people dislike.

  6. What a relief to have the writing almost finished, Rhonda! Enjoy your celebratory lunch tomorrow with Hanno. You sound more than happy to get back into your old routine once again.

  7. congratulations on getting to the end of the writing - I can imagine the relief you must feel and the excitement of getting back into your rhythm - thanks for the reminder that the work we do at home is important and can fill you up - I love keeping the home fires burning for my family

  8. Rhonda you will back up, back up, back up won't you?

    So glad the light is at the end of the tunnel.

  9. You must be feeling very satisfied with yourself Rhonda ! A great achievement for you indeed ! Enjoy your celebration lunch with Hanno . The housework will wait one more day !

  10. The pineapple and chilly chutney looks great. Do you have a recipe for it?

    1. Hi Therese. I made the pineapple chutney to test my recipe for the book so I can't share it with you right now. I'm sorry. It will be in the book though.

    2. Great. I'll look forward to it.

    3. I love housework, too. Keeping a clean and organized environment was one way I showed my family love.

  11. How wonderful for you! I have to say I find that the longer I am at home and the more involved with homemaking, the more selfish I am with my time and the less I want to go anywhere else! It can be a problem on the other side!!

  12. Congratulations and pat yourself on the back! Such an achievement (again)! Enjoy getting back to your normal life.

  13. Hi Rhonda You did say recipe is in the book Thats what I am waiting for lots of your recipes Cheers Affussa

  14. ugh - shopping.....I guess you will find a way to make it interesting. I am not a fan of 'the shops'.

  15. Spicy pineapple and chilli chutney does sound good. and also the ginger beer. I've got mix feeling about house work. Coffee is on


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