15 May 2015

Weekend reading

Miss Tammy Wyandotte and Bluebelle snuggling up on a cold night.

It's cold. As I write this it's only 5C/41F but I won't complain. I just think back to that high humidity we had this summer and feel thankful that I'm not there now. This week I cooked more warming food and cut back on the salads, continued fussing over my work room, wrote thousands of words for the new book and watched Hanno tend the new vegetable garden. It's a lovely time of year.  I hope you had a good week too.

Hand Washing Your Dishes Could Be Better For Kids' Health
Sometimes I love blogs because of the words and sometimes for the photos. This one, Small Things, which is one of my constant joys, is loved for both. Enjoy your special life. I just love the photos of the children totally immersed in the natural environment surrounding them.
A picture of loneliness
42 percent of US honeybee colonies died off last year.
Simple solutions to clutter
20 Satisfying, Wholesome Lunches You Can Make the Night Before
Etsy might not change the world, but ...


  1. Love Ginny's Small Things blog. I have joined in there with knitting for ages. Her photography is always gorgeous.
    Cauliflower cake - I will be making that this week for sure.
    I agree that Etsy is the best we have for buying gifts. True, it may not reduce your carbon footprint, especially for us in Australia who buy from overseas, but it is better than buying mass-produced, ecologically and morally unsound products from the big companies.
    Good luck with the writing!

  2. I love Ginny's blog as well. As a homeschooling mom of two small children, I often find inspiration or solace in her writing, and she always seems to post something right when I most need to read it.

  3. Hope you are all snuggled up like your chooks :) I love the sound of that cauliflower cake thanks Rhonda x

  4. Hmm, I did comment on this post on my iPad yesterday Rhonda. However, I think I must have 'touched' one of the ads and so it was 'goodbye comment box'. :-) Have a wonderful weekend and I hope it is very enjoyable for you and Hanno with lovely weather as well. I will have to check out the weekend reading when I get a chance. Thanks for the links.

  5. Hi Rhonda I am sitting in my toast lounge room catching up on your posts from this week, it is raining outside and I have some home made cheese and spinach triangles soon to come out of the oven...heaven! Loved your post on Costco my partners parents are a big fan of this store and buy many things I find confusing and unnecessary. Not everyone desires the simple life. Thank you for always being one of the best parts of my week! Xxxx

  6. In hindsight that should have been toasty not toast lol

  7. Tammy Wyandotte is great name for a hen. :)
    And yay for seasonal eating--changing how we eat as the seasons change.

  8. Hi Rhonda.. Thanks for the weekend reading ... It must be amazing to have gardens all year round... Enjoy your new season, my dear.. Love your chickens... xo


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