24 April 2015

Weekend reading

The weather is cool here now and it's ideal for working inside and out.  This weekend I'll be finishing up the crafts that will be photographed for the new book. I'm looking forward to it because it's a refreshing and interesting change from writing, which I'm doing today.  I hope your weekend is all you want it to be. What are you doing?


Anzac Day should be quarantined from politicians
Indigenous Australia, a fabulous beast
Secret photos of Sydney
Australia faces battle to maintain living standardsA messy room
Old fashioned
How to make flower fairy lights
Arts And Crafts Activities May Ward Off Dementia, Study Finds  This was posted by Coffeee/Sue on the forum but I thought a few here might like to read it too.  Thanks Sue!


  1. Dawn service tomorrow and then an enjoyable family filled weekend. Enjoy your's.

  2. Anzac day should be quarantined from the media. Their part in turning this into a maudlin circus cannot be underestimated.

    1. Cassie, Hanno and I were discussing the same thing at morning tea. It's shameful to turn it into entertainment.

  3. Well I am just about to head off to meet up with four other DTE forum members for lunch so that will be nice. It will be a quiet weekend for us.

  4. Have a great weekend Rhonda.

    Here we're preparing for our farm's annual Open House/Field Day, which is in danger of being rained out. Hopefully Mother Nature will cooperate and we'll have a nice turnout. Then I think we'll get some well-earned rest on Sunday!

  5. That article about Anzac Day was spot on and couldn't agree more

  6. Dinner with dear friends tonight (at which our kids stayed up far too late, but a good time was had by all), meeting a candidate for a new pastor at our church tomorrow, and church Sunday--lots of home time in between, cooking ahead in preparation for busy days with lots of doctor's appointments early next week.

  7. I finally had a chance tonight to sit and watch the Big Allotment Challenge. What a fantastic show and the contestants are so polite! Can't wait to dig my hands into the soil of my own garden tomorrow...and of course watch the next episode! Thanks Rhonda for posting the link.


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