17 April 2015

Weekend reading

This is my desk, and yes, it's usually untidy.

It's been a wonderful week here full of life and family. A birthday always makes me look back and look forward to think about where I am and what needs changing. Often I write those musings in my blog but this year there was no time. Here are my musings from 2013, I hope you enjoy the read.  Did you have a good week too? Let's relax over the weekend and get stuck in again next week.  xx

Ethical clothing
Small town clothing building projects
Australia is still the world most expensive country to live in
Americans spending billions to subsidise the working poor
How to build a brick oven
Why should cancer make me want to knit?
A beginners guide to knitting


  1. Wishing you a belated Happy Birthday, Rhonda! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Have a relaxing weekend after such a busy week, Rhonda.

  3. I live in TX. A huge oil producing state. Yet, the cost of gas in our state is just about very high. Today for example, for no reason at all gas jumped 13 cents a gallon all over town. Do not understand it.

    I agree that something has got to be done to help the working poor. Where I live, near Austin, the capital of TX, a small efficient apartment, (no bedroom) Just 1 room with a kitchen and bath, just 400 sq. feet costs more than $1000.00 to rent. That is NO bills paid either. Right now Austin has the lowest paid workers and the highest cost of living area in TX. It has been in our paper for weeks now as the state legislature is meeting to try and lower property taxes. Our state sales tax is 8.25. It is so expensive to live in our area if you have not been here a long time. Our area has a lot of 'high tech' jobs but to get those jobs in TX our government gave the companies huge tax breaks and passed the cost on to the home owner. It is crazy, we own our home, have lived here more than 30 years, but I spend more than $400.00 a month on property tax. It goes to fund our schools but our schools are so broke they can not 'pay attention' because of their cuts. It's nuts. A new teacher, just out of college with a 4 year degree makes less than $26,000 a year. How can a person live on that with kids and a house payment?

  4. I love your desk - creative chaos :-)

  5. I should read the things in your list, too! Thanks for the links! Your desk looks like it belongs to an interesting person.😀

  6. Wishing you a belated birthday Rhonda! It sounded like a magical day. Today here in newcastle we are being hit very hard with storms. Most people are home from work and many without power. Lots of damage even in our street which is not nearly the worst of it. Xx

    1. Hi Alyce, thank you. That weather sounds terrible. I've just put my sister on the plane here to fly back to Sydney. I hope the trip isn't too gruelling.


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