7 April 2015

Me and my sister - 1

I have only one sibling, my sister Tricia. She is flying up from the Blue Mountains today to spend a couple of weeks here with us. I'm really looking forward to it. We'll be talking, drinking tea, sewing, talking, knitting, eating good food and talking. In that little photo above, I'm the one with the blonde hair. My fuzzy wuzzy top was pink and Tricia's was blue although I think we disagreed on those colours the last time we saw this photo.

When we were younger, we were as different as two sisters can be but over the years we've grown as close as two peas in a pod. Now we  talk on the phone almost every day and spend as much time as we can with each other. After a lifetime of excellent health, Tricia has spent the last year with an illness that has just been diagnosed in the last couple of weeks. So this visit she'll be resting (and talking) and we'll be able to look after her for a little while. She and I will also be sewing a few things for the book. We're both looking forward to that.

I'll post a few sneak peaks of what we're up to, but expect us to be surrounded by fabric or holding needles. And talking.



  1. How fun to have Tricia with you for a little while! I hope her health improves soon. Will she be with you on your birthday...your birthday is easy to remember since you and I share the same date, except that I'm a year old than you.

    Have fun sewing and talking and just being together.

    Diane in North Carolina

  2. Such a cute photo and spending time together like that is so special. Enjoy the chats and cups of tea. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  3. The fuzzy wuzzy tops are just darling. I remember when I was a young child, for winter mum would make me a long sleeve corduroy dress with a "fur" trim around the wrists and neckline. I had one each winter for two or three years running.

    I know you and Trish will have a lovely time and I hope she is feeling better soon.

  4. Love the photo Ronda. Have a special time with your sister, I never had a sister but have a friend that is like a sister to me. I am sure that in spending time with you, in your lively calming environment, Tricia will soon be on the road to recovery.

  5. Have a lovely time with Tricia, Rhonda. I hope she rests up. Getting older presents its challenges health wise that is for sure. I am sure I had one of those tops too when I was little.

  6. what a wonderful relationship you have forged...enjoy your time together and do get better, Tricia

  7. so wonderful for you to be having some quality time with your sister! i do hope she gets well soon too xxx
    my sister & i were always at odds when i was growing up even right into my young adulthood but over the last few years, especially since dad died we have grown quite close & cherish anytime we have to chat or be together, which isn't very often as she lives in tassie. we do text each other everyday & skype at least once a week.
    hope you have a wonderful time together & look forward to seeing what you two get up to with your sewing & knitting.
    thanx for sharing
    selina from kilkivan qld

  8. I'm so sorry to hear your sister is ill, but so happy for you both that you will get to spend some tea-drinking, talking, crafty time together. I am closest to my oldest sister (18 years older than me!) and as different as we are, I treasure the times we get to hang out together. Tea and talk feature prominently in our get-togethers too!

  9. What fun to have a sister with whom you share a special bond - I sort of wanted a sister when I was younger but God gave me a brother - he's ok but it is just not the same! :) Enjoy your time together and surrounded by your healthy lifestyle she can't help but feel rested.

  10. Have a lovely time together!

    Love from Holland

  11. How wonderful for you both to get in a good visit. I hope it does your sister a world of good considering her illness. Good luck to the both of you and enjoy your time together.

  12. Have a wonderful time with your sister, Rhonda. I'm sorry to hear of her illness, but I hope you will have a nice time visiting. It's great to know that you and your sister have a close bond. I've always enjoyed your posts about spending time with her.

  13. So good that you get to spend some time together. I am sure this is a special bond. I always wanted a sister, but never had one, so I was glad that my two daughters had one another as sisters. They are very close....But my son was my only son and has no brother, alas......

  14. Thats great that you can spend some quality time together...I must admit to being a little envious as I'm an only child but I have wonderful substitute 'sisters' from some close girlfriends, I also know that having siblings doesn't guarantee this closeness. Enjoy your time together x

  15. What a lovely picture of the two of you. I used to be very close to my sister, now we don't have any contact anymore. I honestly don't know why, so very sad. So glad you and your sister have such a lovely friendship and that you can help eachother in sickness too. Hope you both have a really lovely time and share many lovely moments over the next weeks. Spring has arrived for sure here, and there is a warmth in the air that is new. Recon we have seen the last of the snow, happily :)! Pam

  16. Enjoy the time together. :) My sister was here a few days over the great weekend. It's great to have quality time with family.

  17. You are so so Lucky to have your Sister.
    I lost my Sister Patricia 3 years ago and I lost a huge part of myself.
    We where very close and talked everyday.
    She passed away in her sleep at 62 suddenly. It reminds me how precious life is.
    Enjoy Eachothers Laughter.

  18. Hopefully Tricia's diagnosis is the first step back to good health. I know your sister time will be healing in itself. My sister & I have our first "sister trip" planned in just a few weeks. I can't wait!

  19. I've just read this post, Rhonda, sorry to hear that Tricia is unwell, but I'm sure she will feel a lot better after some time with you and good home cooked fresh food. Of course she might have that at her home anyway, but it will be even nicer at your place!
    Ahh, fuzzy wuzzy tops.... when I was the same age I had one too. Can't remember now what colour it was, but I loved wearing it, they were so cosy.

  20. May it be a very blessed, joyful time together! The photo is fab--those are quite the tops, whatever color they were! I sure hope now that your sister has a diagnosis she can start feeling better. Time with you, I am sure, will help!

  21. Enjoy your time with your sister. Make wonderful memories.

    Blessings from Ohio, USA, Kim<><

  22. Enjoy this special time with your sister. It will be fun to tag along via your blog posts.


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