9 October 2014

Weekend reading

When Sarndra was here recently she gave me a very thoughtful gift. It's a beautifully framed hand painted swallow and calligraphy artwork created by her best friend Lissy from Yellow Poppies.  It's the first thing you see now when you walk in our front door.  Isn't it beautiful! It sums up my thoughts about family very nicely: Family, where life begins and love never ends. Thanks Sarndra and Lissy.

Enjoy the weekend, friends. See you on the other side.  ♥︎

Enterprising missionaries, introverted farmers
Meet Maine's teen farmers  I love this story. I believe there is nothing better for teen boys than hard physical work. They're also keeping a tradition alive, learning about working for a living and receiving their first pay cheque.
Admiring apples at the RHS harvest festival
Don't judge the veg by its cover
Green Kitchen Stories - great vegetarian recipes
Life in a 'degrowth' economy
Make your own jelly flu shots
Button crafts
Crochet cowl - very pretty free pattern
Beautiful basket weave baby blanket - free knitting pattern
How to make tea, according to the scientists
How to clean burnt gunk off stainless steel



  1. Rhonda, what a lovely gift from Sarndra. I hope you have a relaxing weekend. Our Simple Living Toowoomba group is having a breadmaking workshop tomorrow so I am looking forward to that. Thanks for the links to some interesting weekend reading.

  2. Lunch Time Friday's are the best of the week as i get to visit some of your suggested sites. I loved the missionary story.

  3. What a beautiful gift. As an amateur calligrapher, I can greatly appreciate the work that went into that piece of unique art. I'm off to visit Yellow Poppies blog - thanks for the link :-) I did a calligraphic piece for one of the DTE swaps, and the recipient said she was very happy with it. You do wonder what happens to your craft works on the other side of the world!

  4. Oh! It's not a blog, it is a Facebook site! I didn't realise you could do that - look at Facebook sites without being a member :-0

    1. Ha! Gina, the trick is to not stay too long, otherwise you'll turn into a pillar of salt.

  5. As a Mainer, I sure loved the link to hard-working, potatoe-picking Maine teenagers in Aroostook County, or the County as we call it in Maine. My maternal grandmother was from the County, and I think of it as my spiritual home. Big sky, rolling hills, lots of potatoes.

    1. It sounds like a beautiful place, Laurie. xx

  6. I enjoyed the article about life in a "degrowth" economy. Just last night (while shelling peas) we were discussing what some call "transition" economies and what life in them can be like. While we may move into those kinds of economies by necessity, if done thoughtfully then we should actually experience an improvement in our lifestyles, not a diminishment of them.

  7. Hi there Miss Rhonda! I discovered your blog a while back while looking for stockpiling info. Then life took over & I didn't read my favorite blogs like I once did. But the other day, while thinking about building up our stockpile again, I thought of you & your blog. I have been enjoying catching up the past couple of days! So happy you are still blogging and congratulations on your book!~TJ

  8. Thank you for the link to the "Life in a degrowth economy" article. Very inspiring.


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