17 October 2014

Local Green Hero Award

I'm pleased to tell you that I won the Green Lifestyle Magazine's Local Green Hero Award yesterday. Other winners in the People category were David Holmgren, who was inducted into the Hall of Fame, and Ben Dessen, who won the Junior Local Hero Award. I applaud David and Ben for the fine work they are doing. They're both leaders in this field. There was also a large group of organisations and businesses recognised for their work as well. You can read all about it and see a list of the winners here.  Thanks to Green Lifestyle Magazine for recognising all of us.

My acceptance speech on You Tube.



  1. Congratulations Rhonda, that's awesome company you are in. :)

  2. Wow congratulations, Rhonda! That is a well deserved award. Congratulations to the other winners as well.

  3. That's fantastic Rhonda...congratulations!

  4. Congratulations Rhonda, a worthy recipient.

  5. Congratulations Rhonda! Nobody deserves this award more than you do!

  6. Congratulations on your wonderful award, Rhonda. You surely deserve it.
    You are "doing what you're doing" like many of us but also taking the time to share your insights and tips and this is so rewarding and helpful to so many of your devoted followers....As our dear Priest used to say..."carry on!"

  7. Congratulations from Maine! You certainly do deserve the green award. I've been reading your blog for years, and I'm always inspired by how you live.

  8. A very well-deserved award, Rhonda...congratulations!

  9. Congrats. What a wonderful award to win.

  10. Oh wow! Congratulations on a much-deserved award, I hope you have a little celebration :)


  11. Congratulations, what a great award.

  12. Congratulations Rhonda. Well deserved award.

  13. congratulations rhonda, well deserved!
    hope you have a great weekend xxx

    selina from kilkivan qld

  14. Congratulations Rhonda. Absolutely well deserved.

  15. I'm very pleased for you that the time and effort you put into this blog is recognised. But even more so, I'm pleased that your message will reach more people and make a difference in their lives and in the world, a bit at a time. :-)

  16. Wonderful news, congratulations Rhonda. It's great to be recognised for your contribution.

  17. Well deserved win,I thoroughly enjoy reading Down to Earth.

  18. Congratulations. Rhonda! It's good to see your world-wide efforts recognised.

  19. Fantastic! Congratulations Rhonda!

  20. Congratulations, it is wonderful to see common sense 'green' rewarded, this will let a lot more people know how they can do it too and that is a good thing. Keep it up! (How will you top this now?!) ;)

  21. Rhonda, I just watched your youtube acceptance video. It was nice to hear your voice! Congratulations to you.

  22. Congratulations, Rhonda! You really deserve this award. You show everybody that it is possible to be "green" just by living a normal, full, happy life.

  23. Congratulations on your award and the work you are doing through your blog. I listened to your speech and am encouraged that you are still going strong in your golden years. Keep on keeping on!

  24. Congratulations! I've been reading your blogs for a few years now...you are an inspiration.

  25. congrats Rhonda, a well deserved award

  26. Congratulations! What an honor. I may have wept a bit listening to your speech. It was so heartfelt and tender! Thanks for sharing!

  27. Well Done...Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  28. This is so great and well deserved! You and Hanno have encouraged and inspired so many people from around the world. Blessings, Carolyn in Florida

  29. Congratulations. Your quiet example to start with yourself, is simple yet profound.

  30. Oh wonderful!!!! Congratulations Rhonda, so well deserved. xx

  31. There is a local song here that translates to, “Don’t wait for a man to die to say that he was good.” I am so very pleased that the efforts (with their international effects) that you (and Hanno) have been doing have been nationally recognized. Congrats!!! (The dark green print material looks very nice on you.)


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