19 September 2014

Weekend reading

Happy birthday, Hanno!

It's been a busy but steady week here - nothing we couldn't handle. Now we're looking forward to our family get together later today. Shane, Sarndra and Alex will be here this afternoon, then we'll all head over to Sunny's.

Over the weekend I'll be reading and writing. I bought three new books, two print books and Home Grown as an ebook and I'm looking forward to diving into them. I hope your week was productive and enjoyable. If not, it's nearly the weekend so I hope you get to relax and enjoy yourself then.  It's not too long to go.

Thanks for your visits and comments during the week. It makes me want to keep blogging when I know you're out there.

A look at the Amish and how they celebrate Christmas
Tougher than they look
Nine things everyone should know about cooking
Ideas for leftover beetroot
Elderberry foraging
DIY pantry staples that are better than store bought
How to make the best paper planes
Knitting at the V&A Museum
Easy DIY dispenser
Work for 52 minutes, break for 17

See you next week. ♥︎


  1. Rhonda, I always look forward to your Weekend Reading list. A bit of everything and always interesting!

  2. Hi Rhnda, where did you buy Home Grown on ebook? Happy birthday Hanno!

    1. Amazon. I wanted to support the local book shops but I couldn't find one who had the ebook.

  3. Happy Birthday Hanno, and best wishes to you. Rhonda, I like your new profile pic. Looking forward to a lovely weekend....

  4. Happy Birthday Hanno! Enjoy your day, Melindi

  5. Happy Birthday to Hanno! It looks like it will be a busy but enjoyable weekend. Rhonda, how wonderful that you will have your little grandsons visiting. Have a lovely time with them. Our Carnival of Flowers starts today so it will be a great time for visiting gardeners as the weather is sunny and warm.

  6. Happy Birthday Hanno. I nearly forgot , which wouldn't be so bad normally but it's my birthday too. I hope you have a great day.

    1. Hanno always reads the blog and comments in the afternoon, Dee. He'll see it then. Happy birthday to you too,love. XX

  7. Happy Birthday Hanno, you know that you have lots of admirers too dont you? your veggie garden always looks so bountiful. I love the weekend reading, you always seem to find such interesting links. Thank you

  8. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Hanno. And yes, you do make a lovely veggie garden!

  9. Happy birthday Hanno! Enjoy your special day!

    Rhonda - I hope you and Hanno both have a lovely time at your family gathering, and a very enjoyable weekend!

  10. Happy Birthday Hanno! Hoping you all have a great weekend!

    hope you both have a great weekend with the family

    selina from kilkivan qld

  12. Happy birthday Hanno! I hope your day is filled with sunshine.

    Rhonda, I have to let you know your blog has inspired me to get back into simple living. I was "addicted" to social media and online gaming. I've de-activated all those accounts and am now getting back to doing what I used to do. Thank you so very much <3

  13. I read the article on how Amish celebrate Christmas. We used to live in a community where several Mennonite families moved in. I remember one year during the Christmas season, they knocked on our door, (all 9 of them) and asked if they could come in to sing for us. I was a little embarrassed, but said yes. They sang several songs and left us with homemade cinnamon hard candy as a gift. Reflecting back, it was probably one of my best Christmas gifts EVER! I miss them.

  14. Happy Birthday Hanno. xx

    Hope you have a wonderful family time to celebrate it.

  15. I started my early morning looking at your blog entry and settled in on the post about how the Amish celebrate Christmas. As I read through the post I was intrigued by the no -knead bread recipe. So, I took my computer to the kitchen and set about stirring up the dough. It is rising as we speak and I hope to get it baked for dinner. I have wanting to try one of these artisan bread recipes for a while and this one looked pretty good so I will see how it turns out. I will be blogging about it when the time comes so feel free to visit me at http://boyett-brinkley.blogspot.com. I do so enjoy your blog -- there is always something there of interest. Keep up the good work.

  16. Today I had to follow every single link! Sometime there are some that look more interesting to me than others, but this one is me all over. Happy birthday to Hanno. It's Matt's birthday today! Even as a grown man Matt loves paper air planes so I will share with him this link for a little extra birthday fun. And I don't know why I never thought to make my own tahini! Brilliant.

    1. Hi BLD. I love paper planes too. I want to make some for my grandsons. Happy birthday, Matt!

  17. Happy Birthday, Hanno!

    Most Saturday mornings we eat at an Amish restaurant and the owners are so friendly. They are perhaps the only place in town that makes all of their food from scratch and it is wonderful. They also have homemade aprons and quilts and all sorts of pickles and such for sale.

  18. Belated birthday greetings, Hanno! Hope you all had a great weekend! and best wishes for the years to come!


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