4 September 2014

Meeting our neighbours

We had the first of the Morton Bay author talks yesterday with a fully booked out session at the Arana Hill Library. It was such a treat to meet so many people who have been reading the blog and  books. I packed a few books of my own to sell and a box full of goodies to show - laundry liquid, soap, dishcloths and knitting cotton. I discovered long ago it is easier to encourage people to have a go at making these things if they see for themselves that homemade cleaning products, made with so few ingredients, do an excellent job.

There is something special about meeting people whose values you share. You know they get it and they know you do too. A special thanks to the library staff who looked after us so well. They served afternoon tea for everyone, had coffee and water for us and generally couldn't do enough for us. Our libraries certainly do hold an important place in our communities.

 Jana and Roman Spur and their daughter with me and Hanno.

I was surprised to see Roman and Jana Spur there from Spurtopia blog. You may have seen them a couple of times on Gardening Australia. They are such beautiful, generous people. Visit their blog and see for yourself what an amazing young couple they are. If you're in Brisbane, they often have workshops where they open up their home and garden to share their ideas and to show how to live sustainably in a rental property. Kathy from Our Simple and Meaningful Life blog was there too and her friend Karin as well as a few other bloggers whose names I now forget, sorry.  I have to start writing these important details down.

This is Kathy (front left) and Karin (centre).

Today we're off to Bribie Island, tomorrow we'll be at Caboolture and next week at Redcliffe. I hope to see you if you're in the neighbourhood. And if you read this, please come over and introduce yourself. 



  1. I will be at the talk today at Bribie, looking forward to it!

  2. It looks very civilized. Would love to have been there.

  3. Looks like a "full house" at your library talk. So good to see such an interest in the simple life. Great to see Roman, Jana and Lada at your talk. I have been to a number of their workshops in Brisbane and they are very inspirational - and generous with their knowledge.

  4. I agree that our libraries do a great job, Rhonda. It looks like a great day was had by all. I had a chuckle at seeing Roman in shorts and Tshirt. We were freezing here on the Darling Downs yesterday.

  5. Love that box of goodies! Wish I was closer so I could attend one of your talks.

  6. How lovely to see you and Hanno looking so happy and well. My love to you both.

  7. how wonderful...and by coincidence I met one of my neighbours properly yesterday and she is a real Down to Earther so I had the pleasure of lending her your book!
    Enjoy the rest of your week

  8. Sounds like a wonderful day and I now have two more "new" blogs to look at :).

  9. Wish I lived closer? Would so love to come! Lovely photo of you and Hanno!

  10. Hi there Rhonda, sounds amazing day! Would you consider coming to the Snowy Mountains or Canberra at least. We would love to have you and Hanno here. There are no simple living workshops in this region at all.

    1. Zena, it costs a lot of money to travel and stay away from home. The Councils here sponsor our talks so if you could have your Council do that, we'd consider it for next year.

  11. You and Hanno look wonderful and very engaging in the colors and styles of your clothes in the picture – and I haven’t even heard your exciting presentation, yet!! So glad to hear the sessions are going well and many are learning, gaining confidence and being confirmed in their walk toward a simpler more satisfying lifestyle.

  12. Hi Rhonda,

    This is my second type typing my comment, I thought I wrote one yesterday but the internet spiders must have eaten it. It was lovely to meet yourself and Hanno in person on Wednesday, and great to see such a turn out. I hope the following talks create a similar buzz. Thanks again for sharing your space with us and I will email you some details of the farm venture in the near future. Hopefully next week once family commitments are a little lighter post weekend.

    Best to you both, Stacey

    1. Just got back from Caboolture, Stacey. It was the biggest turn out yet. I have your farm brochures here and look forward to getting the rest of the info. I picked up a lot of good information out at the libraries and I can share it here when I get it all together.

    2. Fantastic to hear regarding the turn out! Talk shortly :)

  13. Rhonda - thanks so much for coming to Arana Hills Library. It was so lovely to meet you and I am really enjoying your books.


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