15 August 2014

Weekend reading

I can feel the seasons starting to change. I wonder if you feel it too. 

Hoping Maremma bodyguards will help save bandicoots
Lucy Sparrow's felt corner shop in Spitalfields
Take control of slugs the natural way
Using Ollas to water the garden
How to grill pizza
Freezer tomato sauce
Veggie Desserts - craving some cauliflower ice lollies? Great vegetarian sweets blog
The Mason jar blender trick
Basics of a household budget that works
100 tips for frugal living
Homemade modern
The A - Z on water tanks
One for the kids - how to draw dragons


  1. Thanks for giving us more interesting reading for the weekend. Here on the coast in the north west of England the seasons are certainly changing. This last week has been unseasonably chilly and quite autumnal. I have even worn a scarf and a winter coat to see to my hens at night and I have an uncontrollable urge to knit when it gets colder!! x Rebecca

  2. Yes - it has felt very Fall like for us here in South Carolina - USA the last couple days. Quite comfortable and enjoyable.

  3. Those Ollas are so simple and attractive! And I've been wanting to try that Mason jar blender trick for a while- must get DH to get my empty jars out of the cellar this weekend...!

  4. Good morning Rhonda. Thanks for posting the link about my Ollas. Hopefully it will help other gardeners as we cope with the dry conditions although we are waiting with anticipation for the rain event this weekend. Unfortunately the NW will miss out yet again and when I was up there in March my daughter was already having to buy bottled water as the dam is only 25% full and has algae. No water tanks up there due to the mines.

    Have a relaxing weekend and enjoy the sound of the rain!

  5. Love your colorful photo - especially you table runner. I live in upstate New York and just noticed dried leaves swirling down the road and thought that as much as I love autumn, I am in no rush to see summer end. Thanks for the reading list. Enjoy your week-end!

  6. OMGosh...the mason jar blender idea is so cool! I haven't made it through the rest of your reading list, but I just HAD to comment on this one idea :) I love how it saves you from having to clean the blender top <3
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Smiles, DianeM

  7. Yes, You can feel the change of the seasons around here lately in my corner of the world. Here in Ohio, USA we have been much cooler than normal, for Summer. I have loved it! But Summer is not done and making a comeback in a couple of days...just in time for school to start.

    A great weekend to all!

  8. Hello, Rhonda. I have just now finished the task I set before myself a few weeks ago--to read through your blog in its entirety. I've been interested, encouraged, and inspired as I've followed your journey and learned from your posts. Six months ago my hubby and I retired and moved back to our home country, Canada since then I've found contentment at home doing many of the things you write about--from gardening, to preserving the bounty to finding my place now that I have come home. Thank you for your inspiration. I look forward to continuing to follow your blog now that I. Am caught up! Happy weekend to you.

  9. I agree with DianeM -- the blender trick is the best! . . . and I am also reading through the rest of your list now. Love this site . . . thanks.

  10. Veggie desserts?! I must know more. And I've never heard of this blender-mason jar trick! I must try that. I love smoothies for breakfast and why not just make it right in my "glass" and save on dishes!


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