4 July 2014

Weekend reading

A pair of spotted doves resting in the sunshine just outside my window yesterday morning.

It's been a week of cold nights and mornings here and one of the coldest winters I can remember for a long time. No doubt many of you in other countries will be either enjoying the hot summer temperatures or struggling through them. No matter what the temperature where you are, I hope you find relief with a hot tea or a cold drink while you relax.

Thanks for your visits and comments during the week. I look forward to seeing you again next week.

A Swedish garden blog - Madelief
Australian Organic Gardening Resource Guide - this is Green Harvest's just released catalogue for seeds and organic gardening products
Colourful basket weaving



  1. This post always gives me hope for the coming weekend! :) Wish I were where you are. It has been terribly hot here. Although we are getting a break today. Enjoy your weekend! Hot tea and a good book or crochet project sound awesome. Can't wait for fall to get here.

  2. Our Winter was the longest and coldest one we'd had for 20+ years! We thought it would never end! Our summer is hot right now, but overall our spring and summer have been cool.

    Thanks for the links every week Rhonda!


  3. Have a relaxing weekend, Rhonda. The beginning of the week was certainly bone chilling but a few lovely sunny days followed thankfully. It is cloudy here on the Darling Downs today with the forecast of a shower or two tonight but I won't hold my breath. Then it is back to the low temps next week. Thankfully Tuesday's minimum has been revised from 0C to 2C. That is comforting. :-)

  4. Good morning Rhonda! Happy Friday :) The weather has certainly taken a cool change down here in Sydney. My hands froze as I walked to work this morning. Were it not so cold I would make that honeysuckle lemonade in a heartbeat- it looks divine! The basket weaving looks interesting. I completed a random weaving course last year and I really enjoyed working with the reeds and vines to create vessels- though they were much more "artistic" and freeform than that very practical market basket. I look forward to reading some of the other posts over the weekend. Hope you have a good one too!

  5. The news about Coles and Woolies is appalling. How are small producers supposed to compete with behemoths who threaten and extort?

  6. Thank you for the links, Rhonda. It's been cold (and blustery) here in Melbourne too. Have a great weekend!

  7. Lovely post Rhonda thank you for this lovely list of reads for the weekend have a blessed weekend

  8. It's pretty arctic conditions in Ballarat. Animals are all getting toasty by the wood heater.


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